Giraud Power Case Trimmer Ya, Nay


Full Member
Aug 11, 2004
So I'm thinking on ", pulling the trigger" on this case trimmer, seems the reviews are good, & I'm a "but once, cry once" kinda consumer. I'm loading 300 WIN MAG, 6.5 PRC. I'm hoping for "no" buyers remorse & a good investment. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
So I'm thinking on ", pulling the trigger" on this case trimmer, seems the reviews are good, & I'm a "but once, cry once" kinda consumer. I'm loading 300 WIN MAG, 6.5 PRC. I'm hoping for "no" buyers remorse & a good investment. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
Ya on Giraud from me also. GREAT machine.

Now, some folks complaint is that holding the shell by hand in the cutter gets old on the fingers. Some use a glove to reduce vibration but I highly recommend this tool from K&M . Works like the Lee collet used by the Henderson. Very nicely made and very quick and easy to insert/remove shell. Highly recommend it for use with the Giraud.


Thanks, would I need all 4 pieces?
Well, you don't need the shell holder if you already have one. Its just a plain jane Lee shell holder.

You don't need the power grip (the blue ring that you turn to lock/unlock the case) but you really kinda do.

When I bought mine it came to $80 incl shipping but shipping was a bit expensive (UPS ground). I'm sure like everything else its probably a bit more expensive now. Check it out.
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Thanks, would I need all 4 pieces?

You don’t need any of it. I use my hand and it’s fast and easy. It’s not hard on hands at all. Stick it in, half twist and pull it out. Simple. Try it before you buy a bunch of stuff.

Been using the Giraud for years and highly recommend them. So fast and easy.
Same here. Long sessions (300+ cases) make me use gloves, but if it needs more than that, something else needs fixed.

If you do want to use a case holder, K&M has another one that holds the case by the body taper, rather than the rim. I'd look at that one instead. But as @padom said, try it first before you go crazy buying accessories you don't need.
I use a giraud as well.
For mag cases, there is plenty of case to hold onto.
For small cases like 300bo or 6br, they are so short you can really only hold them by the rims with the tips of your fingers when inserted into the trimmer. My soft computer hands dont have any clauses anymore and so my finger tips do hurt a bit after pressing down on a hundred little rim corners. A nitrile dipped cotton glove from home depot relieves the sharp pressure in the finger tips just fine and were like 5 bucks for 3 pair. Might not be enough for arthritis or actual joint relief in which case the k&m would be a handy crutch.
You don’t need any of it. I use my hand and it’s fast and easy. It’s not hard on hands at all. Stick it in, half twist and pull it out. Simple. Try it before you buy a bunch of stuff.

Been using the Giraud for years and highly recommend them. So fast and easy.
Well maybe the nerves in your finger are dulled but I definitely, absolutely, positively like the experience far better using the K&M.

And I have used gloves in the past....and still think that for ME the K&M is a massive upgrade for not too much money.

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Well maybe the nerves in your finger are dulled but I def, absolutely, positively like the experience far better using the K&M.

Nerves are just fine but if doing 500+ I will throw on some of the gloves mentioned. He can always order that stuff later if he needs it. He would be wasting money buying it right off the bat.
So I'm thinking on ", pulling the trigger" on this case trimmer, seems the reviews are good, & I'm a "but once, cry once" kinda consumer. I'm loading 300 WIN MAG, 6.5 PRC. I'm hoping for "no" buyers remorse & a good investment. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
I promise if you buy this, the first time you use it, you will say. Why did I wait so long to do this?
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Did you look at the Henderson? I've used both and feel the Henderson is much better ... assuming you can afford an uplift.

I have the Henderson, a friend has the Giraud and I've used it.

My takes on both:

- Giraud indexes off the shoulder, Henderson indexes off the case head
- Giraud will yield different overall lengths based on sizing consistency
- Henderson will yield different neck lengths based on sizing consistency
- Which one is better? I don't think it matters unless you're trimming precisely to chamber length. The Henderson will be better in this regard, but will give up some variation in neck length. That variation is not material, however. Assuming you're +/- .001" on sizing, that's on the order of 1% difference in effective neck tension. That will get lost in all the other variances.

- Essentially the same.

- Edge goes to the Giraud, but not by much. They are very close in seconds per case.

Ease of Setup for Different Cases:
- Henderson has the advantage here. Much easier to access what you need, and no special tools required.
- The length is set by using a very simple hardware-store-available bolt and locking nut.
- Aside from the cutters, which are universal by caliber (e.g. same for a 308 as for a 300 PRC), it's all off-the-shelf stuff.

- Edge goes to the Henderson.

- Advantage Henderson.

- Advantage Giraud

EDIT: I forgot looks.

- Big advantage to Henderson :)
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So I'm thinking on ", pulling the trigger" on this case trimmer, seems the reviews are good, & I'm a "but once, cry once" kinda consumer. I'm loading 300 WIN MAG, 6.5 PRC. I'm hoping for "no" buyers remorse & a good investment. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
I took the plunge several years ago. When I wore out the bearing for the blade mount, I called and asked how much it would be to replace/repair. He said send it in. I got it back a couple of days later like new AND new wrenches for changing the cutter head. I'm goin on like 10 years on the same blade for each of the calibers I trim (223/243/264/284/308) I consider it a good purchase.
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I've had a Giraud for years and it's been good. Some good info in this thread also about the Henderson. I think you can't go wrong with either.

Also as a side note I got away from trimming every load awhile ago and moved to rarely trimming when necessary and have no intention to go back. I think I did more harm over trimming than good so now I only use a trimmer when it's needed.
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My Giraud has been running great for around 20 years now and is still using the original drive belt and cutting blades. Even on the 223 cutter head which has seen by far the most use I don't think I've ever rotated the carbide insert to a fresh edge, and it still cuts easy and leaves a nice finish.

First time I started reloading I trimmed and deburred about 1000 once fired LC 223 cases by hand and said "to hell with this" and bought the Giraud. It was expensive at the time but it's saved me so much time over the years it has more than paid for itself. It's stupid fast if you can get yourself into a 2 hand rhythm and constantly have a case in the trimmer.

If you want easy adjustment of trim length on the Giraud, use locking die nuts/rings on the case holders (like Redding with the set screw or the pinch bolt Forster or Hornady rings) and use a set of Skip's die shims between the lock ring and the top of the trimmer housing, and set up your "normal" trim length with say 0.015" of shim under the lock ring. That way it's easy to adjust the trim length longer or shorter for different guns that have different case head to shoulder dimensions, and then just write down the correct shim amount needed for the desired trim length for each gun and keep it on a note with your case holders and cutter heads. Makes for super fast adjustments without having to mess with the lock ring every time and potentially screwing up and over trimming a case.

I haven't messed with a Henderson, but they look nice. I probably won't switch at this point as I've had the Giraud for so long, it works well, and I have a bunch of case holders and cutter heads already.
Ya on Giraud from me also. GREAT machine.

Now, some folks complaint is that holding the shell by hand in the cutter gets old on the fingers. Some use a glove to reduce vibration but I highly recommend this tool from K&M . Works like the Lee collet used by the Henderson. Very nicely made and very quick and easy to insert/remove shell. Highly recommend it for use with the Giraud.

View attachment 8622426

If you have hand issues this set up is the cat's pajamas for other trimmers like the WFT or motorized case prep stations.
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I’ve used both extensively; sure the Henderson is better but for me personally, not by a whole lot. I don’t know the price difference so it is worth considering both… or maybe waiting for the new Hornady trimmer. If you’re saying buy once cry kind of mentality.

But if you did get the Giruad you won’t regret it and I think it’s extremely helpful. Listen to @Rob01 1/2 twist, maybe gloves.
I like my Giraud. But I hate changing the cutter and setup for a new caliber. I also feel the chamfer was a bit aggressive than I needed. I ended up swapping in a flat cutter and just chamfer deburr on my Lyman case prep center. Takes a couple more seconds per case, but Im far happier as I can leave my trim chambers on my Giraud permanently set with a lock ring.

Would I buy one all over again? Yes

Never used the Henderson, but my Giraud trimmer was my best reloading investment to date.

About ready to get a second one, not that there is anything wrong with the one I've had for many years, just will leave one set up for service rifle.

I do like the bevel cuts.
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I like my Giraud. But I hate changing the cutter and setup for a new caliber. I also feel the chamfer was a bit aggressive than I needed. I ended up swapping in a flat cutter and just chamfer deburr on my Lyman case prep center. Takes a couple more seconds per case, but Im far happier as I can leave my trim chambers on my Giraud permanently set with a lock ring.

Would I buy one all over again? Yes

I cannot get behind this thought process. what a waste of a superbly designed machine.
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I cannot get behind this thought process. what a waste of a superbly designed machine.
You do you man. This setup gives me a perfectly flat square cut on the end of every case that is absolutely repeatable with a cutter that costs $5, never needs to be adjusted, and will last forever. I just dont like tinkering with the cutter setup for 10 minutes everytime I change a caliber. The rest of the machine is perfect for my use.
You do you man. This setup gives me a perfectly flat square cut on the end of every case that is absolutely repeatable with a cutter that costs $5, never needs to be adjusted, and will last forever. I just dont like tinkering with the cutter setup for 10 minutes everytime I change a caliber. The rest of the machine is perfect for my use.
Then buy a cutter per caliber and quit changing it?
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Then buy a cutter per caliber and quit changing it?

I've given Doug enough money over the years. With 7 calibers I currently use the Giraud for? That's another $385 I would have to shell out to just in cutter head assemblies. I do think those do come cutters, but if not, then its another $35 a pop. For ease of setup and use, the brass coming out the trimmer exactly the same, time after time, the flat cutter is just better for me.
Yeah get the cutter head set where you want and just pull it out when you change caliber. It’s super easy. I have a head for all my calibers. I wouldn’t waste my time cutting it flat and then having to go back through and chamfer and deburr. Totally defeats the purpose of the trimmer.
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I mean, an end mill in a drill press would do the same thing as a flat cutter, and prolly be cheaper w/ a Harbor Freight drill press ... essentially just like using a Worlds Finest Trimmer (which would be even cheaper)

I use a Giraud after several years of using a Worlds Finest. It gets better with a little investment in Whidden click adjustable lock rings (makes adjusting almost micrometer-like). It works fine on it's own, but I have to agree with @Baron23 - the K&M grip solution not only makes it easier to use, it ends up being faster, too, once you get the hang of operating the tension adjustment on the grip with your thumb. I agree that it's not required - but it makes the Giraud a more workable solution for folks with arthritis, etc, and more pleasant (IMO) for those that don't have it...
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