Well, glad my advice was constructive! Here’s an example of someone who didn’t take other’s well-meaning advice very well…
Hello fellow Hiders, as the title suggests, I am new to the world of thermal and am looking for information and advice. Here are my main questions: I can't seem to find any sort of organized breakdown of what makes a magnified optic clip-on compatible, just that some are and some aren't. What...
ANYWAY, there’s some real good threads on what Frank, owner of Bartlien Barrels, suggests for a cleaning regimen.
Cleaning damn barrels is like a religion, so I’m staying out of it except to say Frank is most def against a lot of typical benchrest “scrub the shit outta it” techniques. I gave up researching cleaning methods and just follow his ideas and I can say I’m mentally the better for it.
I mean, not that I was a sweaty hot blubbering crying-into-my-Hoppes mess beforehand lol but as someone that likes to research shit, the utter lack of authority and mishmash of claims/counter-claims in the bore cleaning arena was super irritating.
Youre not going to get a real answer to that question as there isnt really one because who really knows. Its just going to be a yes all of the above answer. Bore snakes dont do anything. Clean the carbon out and the copper if need be. Just clean it every few hundred instead of every many...
Hi guys, im working on cleaning out my first semi-nasty carbon ring on a 22cm setup im running. Does anyone have any before and after pictures through their borescope so i know what im looking for? Do i need to bring it back to fully "silver" shiny at the throat? I soaked the barrel with c4...
Guys..... This has been beaten to death but you have to watch how your using abrasive cleaners! Here is a 223 barrel with 800 rounds on it. Cleaned after every 75 rounds fired. I know the pitting is from a chemical reaction but I didn't get the whole story. It was cleaned approximately 10-12...
Tally Ho lad! God speed, wind at your back etc to you! And may God save the Queen!
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(efff King Charles, he’s an arse)
(I’ve used that gif above once already today but fuck it, I like it)