Regardless of who comprises the “government,” U.S. Foreign Policy is very clear.
In a simplistic sense,
1. The U.S.A. must remain the sole hegemon - the dominant power (matter of fact) to preserve the “International Order” and “Our Way of Life (rhetoric).”
2. Any state that is too large, technologically progressing, or getting too prosperous is a threat and must either
a) fall in lockstep with the “Rules Based International Order (rules for thee, not for me)” of the “Western Liberal Democratic System,” otherwise be
b) rendered a nonfunctional state or Balkanized into bite - sized servings through
i) Economic (sanctions, weaponization of the dollar) or
ii) Military Interventions (destabilization through “Color Revolutions” included).
This is where a huge chunk of where our tax dollars go.
Everything else about Nationalism, Manifest Destiny (insert Madeleine Albright’s quotes here if so desired), the Monroe Doctrine, Lindsey Graham’s Vitamins and Rare Earth Minerals, Taiwanese Chips, Chinese Tactical Garlic and Killer Drones or other incidentals yada yada yada are just that - incidentals.
The U.S. must remain supreme and assert “Full Spectrum Dominance” to preserve our (excessive) standard of living, which derives from exploitation of developing countries.
Collateral Damage comes after the fact - someone else pays the price for our prosperity on the other end - as our decision - making revolves around zero - sum axioms.
For us to gain, for us to prosper - someone has to lose.
That is what we choose to believe, and our actions are consistent with such.
So in a way, they were correct in saying that “they (the rest of the world) hate us for our freedom.”