I know I probably titled this thread poorly because it's less about a question and more about another way of looking at this controversial topic in the Christian community.
So it seems anytime capital punishment is brought up among Christians, there's always a group that with either bring up the "thou shall not kill" Commandment or say that only God gets to take a life and that the death penalty is playing God's role. However, the Commandment says "thou shall not murder" not kill. Us Christians are allowed to kill in defense of ourselves and/or others. So the way I see it is executing someone is not murder, but rather killing in defense because you are killing that person in order to defend society from a terrible person who has continued to harm to society and will continue to do so unless stopped permanently.
I get that this isn't exactly an elaborate thread and all, but I wanted to keep it simple and to the point.
So it seems anytime capital punishment is brought up among Christians, there's always a group that with either bring up the "thou shall not kill" Commandment or say that only God gets to take a life and that the death penalty is playing God's role. However, the Commandment says "thou shall not murder" not kill. Us Christians are allowed to kill in defense of ourselves and/or others. So the way I see it is executing someone is not murder, but rather killing in defense because you are killing that person in order to defend society from a terrible person who has continued to harm to society and will continue to do so unless stopped permanently.
I get that this isn't exactly an elaborate thread and all, but I wanted to keep it simple and to the point.