To kill or harm innocents is the greatest crime. Murder is heinous but using sexual assault, rape as a weapon like hamas did is even worse. That is torture and it is something the victim has to live with daily. Which is why I can't stand the shitbags that support hamas, palestine and the weaponizing of sexual assault.
Is killing a murderer bad? Religiously, ethically, morally?
Brutalizing and raping those you have power over seems to be a popular thing in the middle east.
Even the "virtuous" Israelis kind of got in on the action, as proven by when the Israeli politicians rioted against the court decision to charge guards for raping detainees in their custody.
But in the end, I'm pretty sure the majority of the victims on either side just wanted to live in the end and make it back to their families, no matter what.
As far as killing a "murderer" goes, well I think that depends a lot on the circumstances and a lot of other things, hence why we have juries and courts and such, flawed as they are, because well there are reasons...