A few times, a hindi would call and ask if my house was still being listed.
I bought the house in 2000 for $65k (it was built in 1969.) I tell them the price is 2 million.
They would ask if that is what I listed it for. I would say no, I have not listed it but if you want to buy it, the price is 2 million. After the second time they called and I did it again, they quit calling.
At work, we get cold calls all the time. Normally it will say spam risk but we will still answer some of them just to yank some chains.
One of my bosses answered the phone and replied "I am more interested in butt sex with your sister. Is she still into that?"
Another time, I answered and the guy wanted to talk to one of the two owners who are my bosses. Important note; the people they are willing to talk to have their cell phone numbers and they don't ask those people to call the office phone.
I told him the guy was not in (he was actually was) but I could take a message. He really wanted to talk to someone and I would not let him. He said, "What are you? Just a secretary?"
I said, "Yes. I must admit that I look really good in this short skirt."
That got a laugh from me, my boss, and the asshole on the phone.
Another time, I answered in English. Then switched to Spanish. And the speaker launched into Spanish. So, I then replied in German and then hung up.
Other times, I will put them on terminal hold.
Other times, just pick up the handset and set it back down to hang up on the call.
With my personal cell phone, I never answer unknown numbers. If they leave a message and it is someone I was trying to talk to, then I will call back.
Back in the days of old before telemarketing, you would have people going door to door. Before my mother became a born-again christian, she was a bit of a smartass. A Jehovah's Witness would knock on the door and she would answer.
"Did you know that Jesus saves?"
"Really?" she would reply. "Which bank?"