Similar.IF I answer a call from a number I don't know and if it's a scammer and I have some spare time I do this for the fuck yous.
By the time I'm done with them they actually get pissed enough to yell "fuck to you" or "fuck you mother you fucker" or something like it before they hang up.
Give them a fake name, fake address, making up fake credit card numbers is fun they will try those things five or six times before asking for another one. You KNOW they have got to be jizzing in their pants when somebody gives them a credit card.
Once on the hour plus drive to work I got passed from the machine to a live one and then to a "closer" who was signing me up to attend a "seminar". They invested like 30+ minutes in me. When he starts giving me the address for the seminar I tell him I don't need it. "You donneed eet?!". You have my [fake] address right? "Yes.". OK, just let me know when the car will be here to pick me up because I don't drive. "FUCK YOU. click".
A few years ago I was driving from Idaho to North Dakota so i have LOTS of time to chat. I spend about an hour with this dipshit, all friendly and all and then I say, "Oh, shit! I'm going to have to go...can you give me your cell phone number and I'll call you back in about 10 minutes." Dipshit gave me his cell number...hahaha!!!
I called him back in 12 thinking it would not be a real number. It was. I apologized for the hasty departure earlier, told him I still had an emergency happening and that I would call back. I did, at 0300, 0400, 0500 every day until he blocked my number. Then I gave his number to a frac crew.