And you do?
Enlighten us.
The Hammer and Sickle has been on the march outside of Russia since the Commies killed the Tsar on 17 July, 1918- one hundred years before Trump devoted a week of his first term to trashing NATO and then delivering a formal surrender on behalf of the free world on the day.
THAT is what should have caused all the freakout over the fact that Trump does not share our values and culture and his agenda is inconsistent with American interests.
What took place yesterday was just part of the rolling surrender that we are seeing in many forms.
Once the Commies had Russia, the revolution was supposed to
spread- after all, you Commies have ownership of the very BEST ideas, right? A "superior ideology?" Why was a worldwide revolution followed by a dictatorship of the proletariat not happening??
It didn't because the Judeo-Bolskeviks claimed to have an epiphany- that only they were intelligent enough to truly understand why Communism is great, and that the proles would need to be fed Commie messaging through the press, entertainment, and cultural movements... or to have it forced on them at gunpoint.
I could go on for pages and pages... but the Commies in this forum are simply proles who have been fed Adversary messaging and slurped it up. Some of you study Kremlin talking points harder than you ever studied anything in school. The Ukrainians are those who have had it forced on them at gunpoint.
Still vomiting that antiquated CHICOM propaganda I see.
This is backwards. The RED CHINESE are loosely united with Russia against the US along with our other adversaries.
Once Trump is successful at folding down our institutions and the rolling surrender reaches its last stop, that is when you will see them start to fight each other.
YOU post Commie bullshit on here every day of your life.
Never served a day, never stepped up and never gave a dollar of your own money.
"Brother War" is Kremlin messaging.
The Soviets are not anyone's "Brother." Not during the revolution, not during WWII, and not today.
They all need to be put in the dirt- even after they retreat back into Russia, even after it fragments into 10 or more Oligarch-controlled fiefdoms.
Found the pedo apologist.
This is backwards. Go to the Epstein thread and read pages of our local Commie Pedo-apologists trying to deflect away from the Trafficker (Epstein) to JFK, MLK, RFK, etc... trying to deflect from the Clients (Trump, Ehud, Dersh, etc...) to the other clients... trying to deflect from the Coverup Crew (Acosta, Barr, Bondi) to USAG, SDNY...
It's depressing as hell at the macro-level, but also fun on the micro-level to slap them around and watch them cry and grind teeth trying to reject the facts and bend their brains.
I would argue Zelenskyy wouldn't last 10 minutes there either because he's always gallivanting across the globe asking everyone for money.
In truth, Z-man has lasted 3 years providing the blood and the battlefield to beat back the Hammer and Sickle.
Trump says he would have surrendered in 1 day, Putin says Z-man should have been defeated in 3 days.
3 long years later, an entire generation of Russian men is lost, or has fled to the Free World to escape conscription. Trump was supposed to stage this kayfabe indignant-outrage-event and pull the rug on DAY ONE (1) of his second term.
The Righteous Slay just goes on- and will until the Commies get back on their side of the line.
Putin will continue to pay a heavy price, and will never derive any benefit. What a Red Oktober Chessmaster Strategic Spy Genius he is....
Be a shame if trumps team found all the money Ukraine officials stole and squirreled away,
LOL... who told you that?