YOU = Commie Shithole
If she was the one who prepared Zelensky for that meeting, then he should ask for a refund...
Was there any better way to play this?
Should Z-man have debased himself before Trump, sold out his people, and signed away their resources?
I know how the Commies WISH, WISH, WISH, it went down...
The deep state has no clue how Trump operates, even after all these years.
The opposite of this- Trump has a
VERY simple psychological profile.
He is
NOT volatile or unpredictable as he is sometimes depicted by the media. In fact, if you ask ten MAGA-persons, ten Conservatives, and ten Liberals to write down his personality traits, fears, motivations, and behavioral tendencies, you would all have very similar answers for each in all categories.
This is easily leveraged against him during negotiations.
Trump is driven by a need for recognition and validation of the image he seeks to portray- almost like there is like a little meter on his face at all times where "it's working" means it goes up or "it's not working" means it goes down. If you're just not buying it at all, he will remove himself from the scene and label you an enemy.
He projects unusually high self-confidence. He is visibly moved, and reacts with genuine positive emotion, to gushing praise and flattery. He is far more concerned with image or "the messaging" than reality or the truth. He embraces the polarizing public image that he has created, and he actually hates Normal-Americans who examine and evaluate each of his decisions and policies
more than he hates those who switch the brain unit off and mindlessly rail against him.
He wants people to see him as competitive and adversarial, as a fighter... and in addition to
winning in negotiation, "Winning" to Trump also includes losing, surrendering, or avoiding competition entirely. He actually stole this concept from Charlie Sheen. We see this not only in big-important stuff like we are discussing here, but also in petty, meaningless stuff like his golf handicap. He is deeply insecure, emotional, and... truthfully,
feminine at his core. This is a tremendous vulnerability.
He likes binaries, and sees relationships as either advantageous or not. This is why regular-press sends him into fits- he only understands partisan journalism, and would prefer if the media would just lie with him or lie about him. All of the relationships in his life are perfectly transactional- including all of his marriages. He maintains a mental order of merit list of his children.
He likes confrontational strategies, and he pitches with a transactional focus, like the guy in the video game meme. In this case, it was I offer you
"Not a guarantee to remove-shashlik" in exchange for
"the mineral wealth of your nation." There was no scenario in which he was going to flip and say,
"Oh, I just remembered... we are the UNITED STATES!" and accelerate the Righteous Slay. Z-man tried to quote Ronald Reagan to him, and he did not catch the reference at all.
...I could go on all day, but I know some Commie is just going to write
POOP! or
TL;DR- Mapping the human terrain of Trump ahead of negotiations is something a little kid can do instinctively, because he is very simple to understand. Advanced profiles used in diplomatic engagement look the same for all our Allies and Adversaries. "Our" being the United States of America.