The whole timeline for Oswald to be sitting in the Texas Theater while also shooting J.D. Tippit never lined up. The Warren Commission really had to do some fudging of the dates, based on the fine police work of the Dallas PD (notorious for frame-up jobs).
The most interesting declassified document on that was in 2017, where an FBI 302 was published indicating that J.D. Tippit was the Dallas Chapter Chairman of John Birch Society, and someone claims to have seen him with a rifle on the overpass.
That seems dubious, as if someone in the intelligence community was trying to distract and divert attention as part of the Right Wing assassination plot that was never shared with the public.
Then you get into the General Walker assassination attempt and his affiliation with JBS. The WC of course laid it all on Oswald, who couldn’t defend himself from the grave, and just pounded the peg into the square hole “proving” that Oswald shot at Walker.
When the FBI showed General Walker the projectile they had in evidence that was recorded as having been removed from his wall from the assassination attempt in April of 1963, Walker became irate, saying very loudly that it wasn’t the projectile he and his attorney saw that night.
Remember that Walker was calling for the US Military to invade Cuba and purge the communists from the island nation. His speech to that effect was published in the Dallas Herald on March 6, 1963.
The Soviets were trying to instigate political fratricide and division in the US between the Nationalists and anti-communists like Walker, and the peaceniks as part of their active measures strategy.
Several different groups were vying for position, with their own interests and capabilities to affect the post-Cuban Missile Crisis environment. Every one of these groups felt like they were at-war and facing existential crises, including the CIA, Soviets, Mafia, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and US Patriots.
I think Johnson massaged everything afterwards to tone down the boiling point, and channeled that energy into Vietnam. The Soviets and Chinese were happy to counter us there with subversion, military assistance, espionage, technical exploitation, and attrition of our combat systems, starting with F-4s and F-105s. I also think Kissinger helped the Soviets in that effort by restricting US Air Component forces ROE when flying up North. Both USAF and USN were denied from attacking the SA-2 SAM sites, for example, which would be used throughout the war to shoot down B-52s, F-105s, F-4s, A-6s, A-4s, RF-101s, RA-5Cs, F-8s, F-104s, A-1s, RB-66s, and 2 AC-130s.
The Soviets would not have been able to realize this type of attrition of US air forces in Cuba due to constraints in shipping and the Naval blockade.