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Trump Announces the JFK Files Have Been RELEASED!

One of the main documents nobody is talking about is the TS memo from J.Edgar Hoover sent to CIA Director and Director of ONI asking about Oswald after he returned from defecting to the Soviet Union. This was well before the assassination.

For many years, they redacted that document hiding the author and recipients, as well as pages of their responses to Hoover. In 2017, the titles of the author and recipients were declassified, but Pompeo/CIA fought to hide the responses to Hoover’s inquiry.

Hoover basically asked, how the f*** did this guy defect to the USSR, then return to the US without being detained. DCI and Director of ONI answers are all blacked out. I want to see that document totally unreacted now. Some of us have very long memories that are extremely detailed.

Here’s another damning one that was declassified by Trump in 2017:

What’s happening now in the legacy media channels (that have tried to switch over to new media online) is that they are all parroting this thoroughly-debunked claim about Oswald in Mexico City, as if it is a baseline fact of the whole case.

When you have the embassy surveillance photos of the fat guy twice Oswald’s age, why would you still lie to people about Oswald being in Mexico City?

You can write off channels based on that lie alone.
All this to me sounds like the CIA was using the Russians as a scape goat to try to make the cold war go hot?
from what i am reading in "JFK and the unspeakable" that is 1 of the exact reason the CIA killed him. reproachment with Castro,Khrushchev,Sukarno and leaving VN are some others. the reproachment efforts are news to me but they make some sense. also had a "secret" comm channel with Khrushchev which,BTW,the CIA and state dept learned of. read the book and decide if you believe the claims are valid.
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from what i am reading in "JFK and the unspeakable" that is 1 of the exact reason the CIA killed him. reproachment with Castro,Khrushchev,Sukarno and leaving VN are some others. the reproachment efforts are news to me but they make some sense. also had a "secret" comm channel with Khrushchev which,BTW,the CIA and state dept learned of. read the book and decide if you believe the claims are valid.
The Mafia wanted him dead as much as anybody, as did elements within the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Same with some business tycoons who wanted their assets in Cuba secured by the US military.

Mafia really wanted to whack RFK after he was appointed Attorney General, and double-crossed Papa Joe’s conspiracy with the Mafia to rig the 1960 election in favor of JFK vs Nixon.

Many in the Mafia saw it as the Irish clan double-crossing the Italian/Sicilian/Russian Jews.

The words that were said when discussing RFK’s assassination in the early 1960s were, “Why cut the branch when we can cut down the tree?"

The theories about everyone being on-board really do hold up well. LBJ and Connally knew about the plots, but I don’t think Connally knew about Dealey Plaza. There were teams at the Trade Mart as well who would do a close-in kill, so they were going to get him no matter what in Dallas.

But I don’t think there was any one group solely responsible. More of a cooperation between factions who all had enough momentum for it to boil over into destiny.

Then it becomes a mystery of how they framed the layers. Oswald is just window-dressing for the public to consume, to have a single entity the sheep-brain can immediately recall when the topic comes up.
I’m not ruling anything out, but the KGB connection to Oswald via Mexico City was manufactured by senior elements within the CIA who had been trying to create pretext for a massive Cuban invasion for many years.

They should have never assisted Castro-something they like to hide. Russian Jews like Meyer Lansky helped Castro, hoping to hedge their bets on paying him off to keep their Casinos running just in case his little group of revolutionaries were successful.

But one of the most interesting and revealing things to me so far is the revelation or information about Jacob Rubenstein (Jack Ruby) traveling to Cuba multiple times on a freaking Czech passport.

That is sketchy, especially since he was a known Mafia/Dallas PD associate/and suspected CIA smuggler for years.
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The Mafia wanted him dead as much as anybody, as did elements within the CIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Same with some business tycoons who wanted their assets in Cuba secured by the US military.

Mafia really wanted to whack RFK after he was appointed Attorney General, and double-crossed Papa Joe’s conspiracy with the Mafia to rig the 1960 election in favor of JFK vs Nixon.

Many in the Mafia saw it as the Irish clan double-crossing the Italian/Sicilian/Russian Jews.

The words that were said when discussing RFK’s assassination in the early 1960s were, “Why cut the branch when we can cut down the tree?"

The theories about everyone being on-board really do hold up well. LBJ and Connally knew about the plots, but I don’t think Connally knew about Dealey Plaza. There were teams at the Trade Mart as well who would do a close-in kill, so they were going to get him no matter what in Dallas.

But I don’t think there was any one group solely responsible. More of a cooperation between factions who all had enough momentum for it to boil over into destiny.

Then it becomes a mystery of how they framed the layers. Oswald is just window-dressing for the public to consume, to have a single entity the sheep-brain can immediately recall when the topic comes up.
got 60 pg to go. some things being mentioned and explored-
evidence of direct FBI involvement,in the cover up at least,being laid out. very easy to believe.
that JFK was put in by fraud is pretty well known,but denied by the lt. mayor Daley a big player in that.
yea,the Mafia wanted R way more than J. he had them targeted for real. anti Castro Cuban involvement shown clearly.
have even read elsewhere that DiMaggio had some involvement because J was screwing Monroe (as was 1 Mafia don i read). a reach but...
as you are known to have a hard on for Russia,this might be interesting to you. Douglass says,with some documentation,that Khrushchev and J had a "secret" comm going on that K was leaning towards a peaceful solution to the cold war with J which was demonstrated by the test ban treaty.
avoiding the KGB and CIA by the 2 of them would have entailed much risk if it could or would get done. J was on board with leaving VN and starting to build a better relationship with Cuba and Russia. Castro is quoted as being all for it. some things if true having huge implications for the recent past and today.
could have been a disinformation effort by K to get the US to drop it's guard. i have wondered at times whether K was thinking to lighten up because of his experience in ww2. he was political commissar of Chuikov's 62nd army at Stalingrad,enormous loses there by both sides. he would have been intimately involved in everything there. have thought MAYBE he got a lesson in what these huge losses meant. he did dis Stalin big time in his secret speech at central committee meet in '56. seems this contact put yet another target on JFK. so,maybe his peace feelers were for real by both? J did advocate for 3rd world independence movements it seems. many were communist led so another bad thing to the neocons of that time.

so you don't repeat yourself,i am very well aware of the successful KGB & GRU infiltration of academia,the CIA,FBI,state dept,anti war movement,civil rights movement,media etc,etc,etc from the 20s to the 90s at least. seems China has taken over that job in the 21st cent.
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The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Dulles did not like the fact that JFK and Khrushchev had their own line of communication for sure.

I’m not concluding that was good or bad, just recognizing the alarm bells that would set off for the war hawks.

The war hawks were not without justification for most of what drove them either, as it’s their job to be prepared for war. They rightly perceived that Cuba in Soviet influence was strategically-unacceptable for the US, especially with the Cuban Missile Crisis in Oct 1962.

It all takes a strong leader to keep all these cats on a leash and try to wrangle them forward with a vision, and it’s clear the CIA had become its own authority without much concern for who was in the WH.

Many of us have known for decades they were marching to their own orders and undermining multiple White Houses, and the recent document dump just affirms that in excruciating detail, even to the extent that this exact topic was a key concern among the WH, State Dept, DoD, etc.

Soviets also had war hawks who feared the direction Khrushchev was going, so maybe there was some involvement of them doing everything they could to sabotage US-Soviet relations.

The Southern conservatives were very suspicious of JFK and truly believed he was a left coast communist from Harvard. State’s rights Southern Democrats hated him for what he did with sending the Army to enforce civil rights issues on them.

Kennedy bros were going to fire J. Edgar Hoover (allow him to retire) and replace him with young blood, which would have been a huge blow to the Bureau’s subversive activities. Hoover showed up to his firing with receipts of phone call wire taps between JFK and his East German mistress.

There were some real Constitutional crises going on in his 3 years of office. Once JFK was assassinated, LBJ managed all the cats by giving the war hawks Vietnam, which ultimately limited his own tenure to only 5 years in the WH. CIA and JCS really wanted Cuba, but LBJ was trying to avoid WWIII. I’m not a fan of LBJ, but to overlook his prowess in pulling the levers of government would be a major mistake for the historical analyst. He had been in Congress since 1931, first as a legislative secretary, then got elected into the House in 1937. He knew the ins and outs of DC and Texas very intimately.
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well said. interesting point about LBJ "giving" the hawks VN as a control device. LBJ was a master manipulator but helped by MacNamera,he totally screwed the pooch there. his command group was pretty incompetent in the strategic sense. and it turns out the hippies were right about VN for likely the wrong reasons. yes the mil is charged with defending the country. justified concerns during cold war. civilian authority over the mil is essential to preserve our way of life. MacArthur didn't get that message. unfortunately we don't seem to have many lately that speak truth to power.
white conserv so. rascism was common. odd that there is less of that now in rural America,esp the so,than there was in the 60s. still plenty of reasons for it in the cities. i clearly remember the separate bathrooms,water fountains and back of the bus. never noticed by us kids in the 50s.
soviets did have many hard liners too. i think they were instrumental in dumping K in '64 plus a lot of corruption possible by his successor.
i tend to think that the JFK hit came largely thru Dulles being pissed at being fired. the corruption was deep across many departments. no dif than now as seen 20 & 24.
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The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Dulles did not like the fact that JFK and Khrushchev had their own line of communication for sure.

I’m not concluding that was good or bad, just recognizing the alarm bells that would set off for the war hawks.

The war hawks were not without justification for most of what drove them either, as it’s their job to be prepared for war. They rightly perceived that Cuba in Soviet influence was strategically-unacceptable for the US, especially with the Cuban Missile Crisis in Oct 1962.

It all takes a strong leader to keep all these cats on a leash and try to wrangle them forward with a vision, and it’s clear the CIA had become its own authority without much concern for who was in the WH.

Many of us have known for decades they were marching to their own orders and undermining multiple White Houses, and the recent document dump just affirms that in excruciating detail, even to the extent that this exact topic was a key concern among the WH, State Dept, DoD, etc.

Soviets also had war hawks who feared the direction Khrushchev was going, so maybe there was some involvement of them doing everything they could to sabotage US-Soviet relations.

The Southern conservatives were very suspicious of JFK and truly believed he was a left coast communist from Harvard. State’s rights Southern Democrats hated him for what he did with sending the Army to enforce civil rights issues on them.

Kennedy bros were going to fire J. Edgar Hoover (allow him to retire) and replace him with young blood, which would have been a huge blow to the Bureau’s subversive activities. Hoover showed up to his firing with receipts of phone call wire taps between JFK and his East German mistress.

There were some real Constitutional crises going on in his 3 years of office. Once JFK was assassinated, LBJ managed all the cats by giving the war hawks Vietnam, which ultimately limited his own tenure to only 5 years in the WH. CIA and JCS really wanted Cuba, but LBJ was trying to avoid WWIII. I’m not a fan of LBJ, but to overlook his prowess in pulling the levers of government would be a major mistake for the historical analyst. He had been in Congress since 1931, first as a legislative secretary, then got elected into the House in 1937. He knew the ins and outs of DC and Texas very intimately.
Just think what they up to today.
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Remember that LHO was 24 years old. Watch the 1st video while keeping that in mind and make note of his demeanor and look at how awkwardly everyone else acts in front of the camera. When he does get a sound bite he calmly (although nervously and trying to maintain his bearing) expresses himself as being a patsy.

It's well established/accepted that a lot of people/groups wanted JFK removed from office. The Soviets/KGB for instance- of course they didn't like the standing president of the US during the height of the Cold War. The US mafia didn't care for him because he appointed his brother who was going after them to make a name for himself. The Warhawks didn't like him because he was reserved with getting involved in SE Asia. The Cubans didn't like him because of Castro & the Bay of Pigs. And on and on we can go with entities that hated JFK.

But then we're left with... Oswald? Some goofy 24 year old with some time in the USMC (with questionable records which is a clue in itself) with a wife from the Soviet Union, and some other odd ball connections. We spend so much time arguing over whether he "could" have done it and continue to run into these weird/odd details such as the rifle presented not being zeroed but ignore that and focus on whether the shooting "could" have been done.

What was Oswald's motive? We can clearly/accurately provide a detailed reasoning on any number of other suspects but with Oswald... we ignore that question and instead focus on whether he "could" have pulled it off and even that is bonkers. The only rational reason for him to assassinate the standing president of the US is for either a personal grievance with the person (which I don't think has ever been established) or a political difference and wanting to make a name for themselves. But we didn't get that with Oswald did we?

What motivates a "lone wolf" to assassinate any political member? If you understand that motivation and then give them a soapbox to stand on and declare victory over the world, don't you think they'd do that? Instead the only motivation we've been told for over 60 years is he was handing out communist propaganda pamphlets previously. I don't know about you but in my experience there's two motivations for folks handing out political pamphlets- either they're (a) hardcore into whatever political belief they're selling and completely brainwashed into believing it's the only way or (b) they're chasing after the pussy that believes that stuff.

But let's say that Oswald's motivation was in the (a) category since he was a married man after all, he pulled it off, he won. What better opportunity to spout his political beliefs and let the world know he 'won' then when he was interviewed? Instead he's like "bitch be crazy, I don't know what's going on". Do we really think Oswald (a 24 year old nobody in all reality) thought "justice would prevail" and would find out this was all a big misunderstanding and he'd receive an apology?


Remember that LHO was 24 years old. Watch the 1st video while keeping that in mind and make note of his demeanor and look at how awkwardly everyone else acts in front of the camera. When he does get a sound bite he calmly (although nervously and trying to maintain his bearing) expresses himself as being a patsy.

It's well established/accepted that a lot of people/groups wanted JFK removed from office. The Soviets/KGB for instance- of course they didn't like the standing president of the US during the height of the Cold War. The US mafia didn't care for him because he appointed his brother who was going after them to make a name for himself. The Warhawks didn't like him because he was reserved with getting involved in SE Asia. The Cubans didn't like him because of Castro & the Bay of Pigs. And on and on we can go with entities that hated JFK.

But then we're left with... Oswald? Some goofy 24 year old with some time in the USMC (with questionable records which is a clue in itself) with a wife from the Soviet Union, and some other odd ball connections. We spend so much time arguing over whether he "could" have done it and continue to run into these weird/odd details such as the rifle presented not being zeroed but ignore that and focus on whether the shooting "could" have been done.

What was Oswald's motive? We can clearly/accurately provide a detailed reasoning on any number of other suspects but with Oswald... we ignore that question and instead focus on whether he "could" have pulled it off and even that is bonkers. The only rational reason for him to assassinate the standing president of the US is for either a personal grievance with the person (which I don't think has ever been established) or a political difference and wanting to make a name for themselves. But we didn't get that with Oswald did we?

What motivates a "lone wolf" to assassinate any political member? If you understand that motivation and then give them a soapbox to stand on and declare victory over the world, don't you think they'd do that? Instead the only motivation we've been told for over 60 years is he was handing out communist propaganda pamphlets previously. I don't know about you but in my experience there's two motivations for folks handing out political pamphlets- either they're (a) hardcore into whatever political belief they're selling and completely brainwashed into believing it's the only way or (b) they're chasing after the pussy that believes that stuff.

But let's say that Oswald's motivation was in the (a) category since he was a married man after all, he pulled it off, he won. What better opportunity to spout his political beliefs and let the world know he 'won' then when he was interviewed? Instead he's like "bitch be crazy, I don't know what's going on". Do we really think Oswald (a 24 year old nobody in all reality) thought "justice would prevail" and would find out this was all a big misunderstanding and he'd receive an apology?


If Oswald was innocent, why did he shoot that Texas cop(JD Tippit) in between his movement from the book depository to the theater, where he again fought with them again when the tried to apprehend him.

If you wanna talk motives. Answer that.
If Oswald was innocent, why did he shoot that Texas cop(JD Tippit) in between his movement from the book depository to the theater, where he again fought with them again when the tried to apprehend him.

If you wanna talk motives. Answer that.

How do we know he shot the cop? How do we know he put up a struggle while being captured? Everyone needs to wake up already and accept the fact that everything told to us about what happened on that day in 1963 is a lie.
You didn’t answer the question you just threw out a derail.

People saw him shoot the cop in the head in the middle of the street and they kicked his ass. He was bruised up.

Oh yeah, well, how do we know JFK was even there that day? Did you see him? I bet nobody in the Pit saw him! It was a body-double in the car, and the whole thing was filmed on an old movie set location in Cornudas, TX. I know because I read it on the Gateway Pundit, and Joe Rogan once mentioned it in passing.

JFK has been living out his days on Epstein Island…. That’s why the feds aren’t turning all that shit over to the MSM.
How do we know he shot the cop? How do we know he put up a struggle while being captured? Everyone needs to wake up already and accept the fact that everything told to us about what happened on that day in 1963 is a lie.
Not all of it has to be a lie. It could easily be 99% truth with details for who put him up to it omitted. It seems to me that would have been the easiest way you do it.
The whole timeline for Oswald to be sitting in the Texas Theater while also shooting J.D. Tippit never lined up. The Warren Commission really had to do some fudging of the dates, based on the fine police work of the Dallas PD (notorious for frame-up jobs).

The most interesting declassified document on that was in 2017, where an FBI 302 was published indicating that J.D. Tippit was the Dallas Chapter Chairman of John Birch Society, and someone claims to have seen him with a rifle on the overpass.


That seems dubious, as if someone in the intelligence community was trying to distract and divert attention as part of the Right Wing assassination plot that was never shared with the public.

Then you get into the General Walker assassination attempt and his affiliation with JBS. The WC of course laid it all on Oswald, who couldn’t defend himself from the grave, and just pounded the peg into the square hole “proving” that Oswald shot at Walker.

When the FBI showed General Walker the projectile they had in evidence that was recorded as having been removed from his wall from the assassination attempt in April of 1963, Walker became irate, saying very loudly that it wasn’t the projectile he and his attorney saw that night.

Remember that Walker was calling for the US Military to invade Cuba and purge the communists from the island nation. His speech to that effect was published in the Dallas Herald on March 6, 1963.

The Soviets were trying to instigate political fratricide and division in the US between the Nationalists and anti-communists like Walker, and the peaceniks as part of their active measures strategy.

Several different groups were vying for position, with their own interests and capabilities to affect the post-Cuban Missile Crisis environment. Every one of these groups felt like they were at-war and facing existential crises, including the CIA, Soviets, Mafia, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and US Patriots.

I think Johnson massaged everything afterwards to tone down the boiling point, and channeled that energy into Vietnam. The Soviets and Chinese were happy to counter us there with subversion, military assistance, espionage, technical exploitation, and attrition of our combat systems, starting with F-4s and F-105s. I also think Kissinger helped the Soviets in that effort by restricting US Air Component forces ROE when flying up North. Both USAF and USN were denied from attacking the SA-2 SAM sites, for example, which would be used throughout the war to shoot down B-52s, F-105s, F-4s, A-6s, A-4s, RF-101s, RA-5Cs, F-8s, F-104s, A-1s, RB-66s, and 2 AC-130s.

The Soviets would not have been able to realize this type of attrition of US air forces in Cuba due to constraints in shipping and the Naval blockade.
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Not all of it has to be a lie. It could easily be 99% truth with details for who put him up to it omitted. It seems to me that would have been the easiest way you do it.
Or what if they could never figure it out, why Oswald acted. And held on to certain information because they didn't wanna potentially give up confidential sources of information they had.
The 2017 document dump by Trump also showed that J.D. Tippit and Oswald had been seen together in one of Jack Ruby’s night clubs. It also stated that Oswald was pretending to be part of Fair Play for Cuba on one side, then working with anti-Castro forces on the other, so he was aware of sentiment and plans of both groups.

The anonymous informant who tipped off the FBI and Secret Service about the Chicago assassination plot went by the name “Lee”.
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I really think these things are just taken out of context to bash the guy whilst no one talking in some of these comments actually know what was being talked on behind the click bait headline.

personally I think some of what he says is true which is there’s people who will not believe government reports and transparency regardless if it’s true or not. And that’s pretty much what he’s saying. Then of course it became a “fuck those Jews seig heil” shit.

The article is basicly saying this
I really think these things are just taken out of context to bash the guy whilst no one talking in some of these comments actually know what was being talked on behind the click bait headline.

personally I think some of what he says is true which is there’s people who will not believe government reports and transparency regardless if it’s true or not. And that’s pretty much what he’s saying. Then of course it became a “fuck those Jews seig heil” shit.

The article is basicly saying this

but jfk didn't want israel to have the bomb.
jfk was killed.
and israel got the bomb.

i don't think putting those things together requires one to be a nazi.
You didn’t answer the question you just threw out a derail.

People saw him shoot the cop in the head in the middle of the street and they kicked his ass. He was bruised up.

why did Oswald not have his pistol on him when we was at the Book Suppository? why did he need to go home to retrieve the gun and then shoots Tippet and then goes to the theater?

my opinion is they had Oswald "motivated" to shoot the president, maybe he was there to do so, they gave him a garbage rifle with barely attached scope in an OBVIOUS "nest". when the shots started going off, Oswald knew he was setup at that point, because he didnt actually pull any triggers. The kill shot came from the rail yard side from a mercury tipped 221 fireball.

after that, Oswald knew he was the patsy and had no idea what to do. so he had to go home to get his revolver and then from there its just a chaotic scene of a guy who never really thought it through. Maybe he thought his CIA/Mafia handlers would get him and usher him away from the building? who knows. thats the whole reason Ruby shot him.
why did Oswald not have his pistol on him when we was at the Book Suppository? why did he need to go home to retrieve the gun and then shoots Tippet and then goes to the theater?

my opinion is they had Oswald "motivated" to shoot the president, maybe he was there to do so, they gave him a garbage rifle with barely attached scope in an OBVIOUS "nest". when the shots started going off, Oswald knew he was setup at that point, because he didnt actually pull any triggers. The kill shot came from the rail yard side from a mercury tipped 221 fireball.

after that, Oswald knew he was the patsy and had no idea what to do. so he had to go home to get his revolver and then from there its just a chaotic scene of a guy who never really thought it through. Maybe he thought his CIA/Mafia handlers would get him and usher him away from the building? who knows. thats the whole reason Ruby shot him.
Oswalds rifle was sub MOA all day. When the feds test fired it shot 3/4 “ groups. 6.5 master race.

He was a Marine, i assume he knew how to use it. You guys are trained… right??

Kennedy was shot around 12:30 Tibbit was shot about 1:00, oswald was follwed to the theater and entered just after 1:00 after, presumably killing Tibbit.

How did tibbits get on his trail, 30 min after Kennedy was killed???
No one has yet mentioned - Edward Epstine . His role in being one of Kennedy’s first real surrogates in the press, his Harvard professorship, his dozen of so books on Kennedy, his connection to Jeffery Epstine and his possible involvement with the Mossad .
I’m not seeing a lot of mention of the mafia - except Jewish mobster Jacob Rubinstein , no mention of “Cuban assassins” and its now very obvious that the USSR was telling anyone who would listen about Oswald’s “plan” . Ambassadors , state department , ICE and boarder patrol officials .
If various government agencies knew as early as June/ August of 1963 and the government plan still went on without a hitch- well then it was more then a conspiracy it was a coup by the military industrial complex.

O and no one has mentioned old daddy Bush who claimed for the rest of his life he couldn’t remember where he was the day Kennedy was killed - except now we know as many have long speculated that he was in deed and fact in Dallas . Funny that .
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View attachment 8648615

The idea that he couldn't shoot or the rifle was sub standard is horse shit. He was a qualified sharpshooter.
He probably could shoot and probably did shoot - but we still have the head going back and to the right .
And just one other thing - I e used lots of FMJ to kill lots of hog and cattle - lots - fmj to the skull at near point blank and I’ve never ever seen a skull cap go flying .
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He pronounced could shoot and probably did shoot - but we still have the head going back and to the right .
And just one other thing - I e used lots of FMJ to kill lots of hog and cattle - lots - fmj to the skull at near point blank and I’ve never ever seen a skull cap go flying .
It’s because he was crouched over also if you slow it down frame by frame, you can see his head explode forward before his body jerks backwards

The back left is another bullshit claim made by idiots
Oswalds rifle was sub MOA all day. When the feds test fired it shot 3/4 “ groups. 6.5 master race.

He was a Marine, i assume he knew how to use it. You guys are trained… right??

Kennedy was shot around 12:30 Tibbit was shot about 1:00, oswald was follwed to the theater and entered just after 1:00 after, presumably killing Tibbit.

How did tibbits get on his trail, 30 min after Kennedy was killed???

tibbits allegedly tried to stop Oswald on the street, could have been for something unrelated to the shooting, they had a confrontation on the street.

the theatre is where he went later on.

there's reports the scope mount was loose when they found the rifle, the FBI had to tighten everything up and maybe it was accurate but in its condition at the time of "firing", it was not.

Jimmy Files also says Oswald was with him when he tested the fireball. which means Oswald knew there were " backup" shooters but he also thought he would be extracated by his handlers.
It’s because he was crouched over also if you slow it down frame by frame, you can see his head explode forward before his body jerks backwards

The back left is another bullshit claim made by idiots
Then how did his skull cap end up on the trunk, behind him last time I saw the film?

Next yote I shoot with my 6.5, I’ll try to head shoot it inside a 100 yards and I’ll use som AAC fmj and I’ll see if the skull cap flys off and I’ll report back
No one has yet mentioned - Edward Epstine . His role in being one of Kennedy’s first real surrogates in the press, his Harvard professorship, his dozen of so books on Kennedy, his connection to Jeffery Epstine and his possible involvement with the Mossad .
I’m not seeing a lot of mention of the mafia - except Jewish mobster Jacob Rubinstein , no mention of “Cuban assassins” and its now very obvious that the USSR was telling anyone who would listen about Oswald’s “plan” . Ambassadors , state department , ICE and boarder patrol officials .
If various government agencies knew as early as June/ August of 1963 and the government plan still went on without a hitch- well then it was more then a conspiracy it was a coup by the military industrial complex.

O and no one has mentioned old daddy Bush who claimed for the rest of his life he couldn’t remember where he was the day Kennedy was killed - except now we know as many have long speculated that he was in deed and fact in Dallas . Funny that .

Files mentioned that there were many people there in the plaza that day to watch. and there were. GHWB was there
Then how did his skull cap end up on the trunk, behind him last time I saw the film?

Next yote I shoot with my 6.5, I’ll try to head shoot it inside a 100 yards and I’ll use som AAC fmj and I’ll see if the skull cap flys off and I’ll report back

use 221 Fireball with a mercury filled core. that will be like exactly what hit Kennedy.
Oswalds rifle was sub MOA all day. When the feds test fired it shot 3/4 “ groups. 6.5 master race.

He was a Marine, i assume he knew how to use it. You guys are trained… right??

Kennedy was shot around 12:30 Tibbit was shot about 1:00, oswald was follwed to the theater and entered just after 1:00 after, presumably killing Tibbit.

How did tibbits get on his trail, 30 min after Kennedy was killed???

so you have Oswald, a stone cold killer, trained by the marines and he had no getaway plan at all, and didnt have his revolver on him?

or maybe there was a plan that his handlers were going to usher him away, put him on a boat to Russia or Cuba, and they said no need for a pistol, that will be suspicious. So then after all the shooting starts and is done, Oswald realizes he is the patsy, no one is coming to help him get away like they promised, and the first thing he does is go back to his home/room he was renting?

come on now.