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Trump Announces the JFK Files Have Been RELEASED!

Book suppository? That’s GOTTA be some S tier Freudian slip…
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Talk about a timely video. This does a (surprisingly) good job pointing out some of the oddities with the topic (no little green men type of conspiracies just a brief overview of some facts). If you have the interest and 15 minutes of time I'd recommend checking it out.
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why did Oswald not have his pistol on him when we was at the Book Suppository? why did he need to go home to retrieve the gun and then shoots Tippet and then goes to the theater?

my opinion is they had Oswald "motivated" to shoot the president, maybe he was there to do so, they gave him a garbage rifle with barely attached scope in an OBVIOUS "nest". when the shots started going off, Oswald knew he was setup at that point, because he didnt actually pull any triggers. The kill shot came from the rail yard side from a mercury tipped 221 fireball.

after that, Oswald knew he was the patsy and had no idea what to do. so he had to go home to get his revolver and then from there its just a chaotic scene of a guy who never really thought it through. Maybe he thought his CIA/Mafia handlers would get him and usher him away from the building? who knows. thats the whole reason Ruby shot him.
There’s nobody in the window of the 6th Floor in the Hughes film, which shows the motorcade turning the corner onto Elm right when an assassin was supposed to be in the window, in position, ready to shoot.

The Dallas FBI SAC had the Hughes Film frames of the TSBD blown-up by the FBI photographic analysis lab in DC, with 6 copies made. The US Navy photo lab also did blow ups and analyzed the images independently.

Both labs concluded there was only boxes in the window, and the records were destroyed in 1973. We know that now from declassified documents.
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Then how did his skull cap end up on the trunk, behind him last time I saw the film?

Next yote I shoot with my 6.5, I’ll try to head shoot it inside a 100 yards and I’ll use som AAC fmj and I’ll see if the skull cap flys off and I’ll report back
The 160gr 6.5mm Round Nosed FMJs in that Western Cartridge Company ammunition were not normal FMJs.

For starters, it was contract ammunition for the CIA made in 1954. Western never made that ammo for commercial sales. Their only production runs of 6.5x52mm Carcano were for DoD/CIA/FMS contracts, and they were very limited runs.

When US Army Edgewood Arsenal did the ballistics testing, they discovered that the antimony in the lead cores was very low, meaning the lead was extremely soft. Every time they shot cadaver bones and goat chests, impacting ribs, the projectiles fragmented the noses and mushroomed. They even mushroomed like a hunting bullet in soft tissue without bone impact.

Any time you see CE399, which is only missing 1.4gr of weight (160-158.6 = 1.4), you know it is a prop that was planted and entered into evidence.

We have known for a while even before the document dumps that neither men who found and picked up a bullet in the Parkland elevator lobby recognized CE399. There is a declassified FBI memo stating: “WE HAVE A BULLET PROBLEM. WITNESSES CAN”T ID BULLET”. The witnesses were Darryl Tomlinson and O.P. Wright. O.P. Wright actually picked a bullet up off the floor, which he described as a Spitzer, NOT a RNFMJ.

Tomlinson was deposed by Arlen Specter for the WC, and Specter did everything in his power to try to get Tomlinson to say he saw the bullet on a stretcher, but he wouldn’t comply with the leading questions.

Keep in mind Specter was the author of the Single Bullet Theory, so he should not have been allowed to question witnesses about the bullet due to confirmation bias.

That was kept from the Warren Commission.

Talk about a timely video. This does a (surprisingly) good job pointing out some of the oddities with the topic (no little green men type of conspiracies just a brief overview of some facts). If you have the interest and 15 minutes of time I'd recommend checking it out.

This is one of the examples I’m talking about. Oswald was never in Mexico City. There are multiple agencies who do surveillance on embassies and consulates around the world, not single points of failure “the cameras weren’t working”. That’s a BS story for sheep.

We know because we have photos of the guy they claim was Oswald.

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This is one of the examples I’m talking about. Oswald was never in Mexico City. There are multiple agencies who do surveillance on embassies and consulates around the world, not single points of failure “the cameras weren’t working”. That’s a BS story for sheep.

We know because we have photos of the guy they claim was Oswald.

I hear ya (based off of this thread and another one we participated in together I reckon you & I are of similar opinions/knowledge with this topic). I didn't produce the video but for YouTube I thought it was fairly well done covering a lot of the topics at a high level. Thing is many if not most folks opine on the topic but haven't scratched the surface of all the... I'll say "inconsistent" things that are accepted as fact taken on face value.

For what it's worth- I greatly appreciate all that you've shared on the subject as this topic is of great interest to me and I appreciate all of the original photos you include with your thoughts.

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so you have Oswald, a stone cold killer, trained by the marines and he had no getaway plan at all, and didnt have his revolver on him?

or maybe there was a plan that his handlers were going to usher him away, put him on a boat to Russia or Cuba, and they said no need for a pistol, that will be suspicious. So then after all the shooting starts and is done, Oswald realizes he is the patsy, no one is coming to help him get away like they promised, and the first thing he does is go back to his home/room he was renting?

come on now.
Maybe he was just a bat shit insane commie.

You know why Oswald received 2 court marshalls? In japan he injured himself with an illegal pistol and a bar fight.

After his military experience had soured, maybe had a bone to pick.

Why are you so dedicated to defending the commie?
LBJ recorded phone call to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover: “Have you established any more about the (Oswald) visit to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico in September?”

Hoover: “No, that’s one angle that’s very confusing for this reason. We have up here the tape and the photograph of the man who was at the Soviet Embassy using Oswald’s name. The picture and the tape do not correspond to the man’s voice, nor to his appearance. In other words, it appears that there is a second person who was at the Soviet Embassy.”

Another damning thing about the Oswald in Mexico City story is that the person they claim is Oswald called the Cuban embassy first, and in perfect Spanish, asked about consular open hours, the Visa application process, necessary documents, etc.

Guess what? Oswald never spoke Spanish.

The whole Oswald in Mexico City was a false flag set up to promote the idea that Oswald was working with the Soviets and Cubans somehow, as part of the assassination plot. Somebody orchestrated a fake Oswald to physically go down there and establish this paper trail as part of the narrative before the assassination.

Who would do that and why would they do that? Here is the diagram of the photo surveillance locations they used for monitoring the Soviet Diplomatic Compound in Mexico City at the time:


CIA also had at least 200 assets in Mexico City embedded in the Soviet and Cuban compounds, wire taps, informants, with daily briefs to the Station Chief. This is business-as-usual, so the Station Chief would have known a vast amount of information about anyone going in and out of that area, complete with photographs, voice recordings of their phone calls, travel logs for any transportation method they used to get in and out of the area, etc.

The Soviets, Cubans, and Mexicans did all of the same stuff.

To-date, there are no photographs or recordings of Oswald in Mexico City.
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Maybe he was just a bat shit insane commie.

You know why Oswald received 2 court marshalls? In japan he injured himself with an illegal pistol and a bar fight.

After his military experience had soured, maybe had a bone to pick.

Why are you so dedicated to defending the commie?
I’d argue that those two things without any other context just made him an idiot. Guys to this day are still injuring themselves with weapons on and off base, and most definitely still getting in fights at bars.
Imagine a Marxist assassin with the biggest megaphone in front of all the world, after being caught.

What might he say as part of their message for the underclasses to rise up and fight against the bourgeoisie?

A. "Now’s the time for all working-class to rise up against the capitalists!"

B. "Down with tyrants!”

C. "The only thing I have done is carry a pistol in a movie … I didn’t kill anybody … I haven’t shot anybody."

D. "I didn’t shoot Pres. John F. Kennedy or Officer J.D. Tippit."

E. "I didn’t shoot anyone … I never killed anybody."

F. "I’m just a patsy."

G. "I don’t know anything about what you are accusing me."

H. "Nobody has told me anything except that I am accused of murdering a policeman. I know nothing more than that, and I do request someone to come forward to give me legal assistance."

I. "No. I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question. … I did not do it. I did not do it. … I did not shoot anyone."

J. "I didn’t shoot John Kennedy. … I didn’t even know Gov. John Connally had been shot. … I don’t own a rifle. … I didn’t tell Buell Wesley Frazier anything about bringing back some curtain rods. … I did carry a package to the Texas School Book Depository. I carried my lunch, a sandwich and fruit … I had nothing personal against John Kennedy."
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Oswalds rifle was sub MOA all day. When the feds test fired it shot 3/4 “ groups. 6.5 master race.

He was a Marine, i assume he knew how to use it. You guys are trained… right??

Kennedy was shot around 12:30 Tibbit was shot about 1:00, oswald was follwed to the theater and entered just after 1:00 after, presumably killing Tibbit.

How did tibbits get on his trail, 30 min after Kennedy was killed???
MOA? you're kidding right? a ww2 surplus gun with likely sub optimal maintenance and storage. ever done much shooting with a surplus bolt gun? i have,a lot. smoothness of actions,alignment of sights (most surplus bolt guns shoot about a foot high or more @100),triggers are so bad usually that you jerk every shot,esp in the time here,feeding smoothness a factor often. not to mention a loose scope mount on a cheap,for the time even optic. ammo used is still an area of argument. his rig was MAYBE 4 MOA but i wouldn't bet on it. if Oswald did any shooting he was shooting at a target and in a situation that does not lend itself to calm controlled shooting. a marine "sharpshooter"? way less than impressive just competent on qual day. like to know what he qualed with. betting an M1. far different than a ragged bolt gun. yea,he was seen practicing. several writers think that was a "double" which is also a long running debate. i have said that it is theoretically possible for Oswald to have done such shooting. this ignores all the disputed autopsy stuff about entry/exit etc. it is possible but considering his gear,the odds are he prob could have killed JFK by throwing a knife. same probability. Oswald was NOT an experienced tac shooter. people on here have said "i could make that shot" easy. bull shit.
i doubt York,Hatchcock or Kyle could make those 3 shots with that gear in that time once out of 100 at best.
Oswald barely qualified on his USMC last rifle qual, using the M1 Garand semi auto.

Sharpshooter and Marksman mean you suck at shooting, even after being given weeks in training.

He was part of a shooting club in Belorussia when he lived in Minsk, and his roommate said he couldn’t even hit a target with the pistol. Oswald started mumbling and complaining about how the sights were off/not zeroed with the pistol, then the club chairman drilled a hole with it and said, “Sights seem to be ok."

“Expert” Qual badge means you barely demonstrated basic requirements on a flat range with a rifle, nothing special at all. It’s bare-bones initial entry marksmanship training with some silly Cub Scout-level feel-good badges to build confidence in recruits with the basics.

Oswald only ever shot Sharpshooter and Marksman. Dumb civilians with no reference to how BRM is run read, “He wuz a USMC Marxmun!!!!” thinking he’s some kind of crack urban Sniper. It’s embarrassing to read these kinds of statements all these decades.

He was also a lefty, so the rifle would have been hanging out in the breeze clearly in the Hughes film, but there’s literally nobody in the window.
MOA? you're kidding right? a ww2 surplus gun with likely sub optimal maintenance and storage. ever done much shooting with a surplus bolt gun? i have,a lot. smoothness of actions,alignment of sights (most surplus bolt guns shoot about a foot high or more @100),triggers are so bad usually that you jerk every shot,esp in the time here,feeding smoothness a factor often. not to mention a loose scope mount on a cheap,for the time even optic. ammo used is still an area of argument. his rig was MAYBE 4 MOA but i wouldn't bet on it. if Oswald did any shooting he was shooting at a target and in a situation that does not lend itself to calm controlled shooting. a marine "sharpshooter"? way less than impressive just competent on qual day. like to know what he qualed with. betting an M1. far different than a ragged bolt gun. yea,he was seen practicing. several writers think that was a "double" which is also a long running debate. i have said that it is theoretically possible for Oswald to have done such shooting. this ignores all the disputed autopsy stuff about entry/exit etc. it is possible but considering his gear,the odds are he prob could have killed JFK by throwing a knife. same probability. Oswald was NOT an experienced tac shooter. people on here have said "i could make that shot" easy. bull shit.
i doubt York,Hatchcock or Kyle could make those 3 shots with that gear in that time once out of 100 at best.
It's worth noting that "the" rifle apprehended was neither zeroed or even the scope securely mounted. If my memory serves me right they had to shim the scope for them to even perform their evaluation.

Let's say that I'm even "half right" on that, this community knows better than most what a scope on a rifle translates to with regards to accuracy when it isn't zeroed. Let's argue further that the rifle was in fact zeroed but the mounts were so loose they needed to be shimmed later... what kind of accuracy can one expect from an old milsurp rifle then?

If you understand that much then you better understand Alice and what she felt as she started down the rabbit hole...

The Carcano was planted, as were the spent cases. They had to go back and add another spent case to the evidence log once they realized James Tague had been hit in the cheek. It still didn’t add up though.

If you listen to LBJ’s phone calls about the Warren Commission formation, then a year later, its conclusion, all he cared about was optics. He knew it was all BS and said so to Senator Russell. They both agreed the Single Bullet Theory was unbelievable, and Johnson said he didn’t believe it either. But he didn’t care about all that, just that they got him a good report laying all the blame on Oswald, a loner.

LBJ got in front of the Senate and House, who both were talking about launching their own independent investigations. That’s the whole reason we have the Warren Commission, so LBJ could control the narrative and not let Congress come to their own conclusions. It was planned to cover-up what actually happened.

CE399 isn’t even the bullet recovered from Parkland. The 2 Parkland witnesses/employees who saw it and retrieved it described a Spitzer bullet, not a Round Nosed FMJ like CE399. FBI came back and showed them CE399, and they both said that’s not the bullet I remember.

The question then becomes, who would plant CIA contract 6.5x52mm Carcano ammunition spent cases and a Carcano rifle on the 6th floor? That was unique ammunition with the Lot codes stamped on the case heads, from Western Cartridge in 1954 made for CIA anti-Communist activities in an undisclosed foreign country.

Was someone trying to steer investigators into looking at the CIA, or did elements within the CIA just figure they were going to get away with it anyway and it didn’t matter? Very strange, either way. Official story is they don’t know where Oswald got the ammo.
I’d argue that those two things without any other context just made him an idiot. Guys to this day are still injuring themselves with weapons on and off base, and most definitely still getting in fights at bars.
Yeah but if you look at it in the context of after he got out he fled to the Soviet Union, married a Soviet wife in the home of a Soviet spook, came back spent time in New Orleans on a pro Cuba campaign, then moved to Texas and finally killed a president and a cop.

Then it looks like maybe he had a bone to pick, and his service in the marines left a bad taste in his mouth.
MOA? you're kidding right? a ww2 surplus gun with likely sub optimal maintenance and storage. ever done much shooting with a surplus bolt gun? i have,a lot. smoothness of actions,alignment of sights (most surplus bolt guns shoot about a foot high or more @100),triggers are so bad usually that you jerk every shot,esp in the time here,feeding smoothness a factor often. not to mention a loose scope mount on a cheap,for the time even optic. ammo used is still an area of argument. his rig was MAYBE 4 MOA but i wouldn't bet on it. if Oswald did any shooting he was shooting at a target and in a situation that does not lend itself to calm controlled shooting. a marine "sharpshooter"? way less than impressive just competent on qual day. like to know what he qualed with. betting an M1. far different than a ragged bolt gun. yea,he was seen practicing. several writers think that was a "double" which is also a long running debate. i have said that it is theoretically possible for Oswald to have done such shooting. this ignores all the disputed autopsy stuff about entry/exit etc. it is possible but considering his gear,the odds are he prob could have killed JFK by throwing a knife. same probability. Oswald was NOT an experienced tac shooter. people on here have said "i could make that shot" easy. bull shit.
i doubt York,Hatchcock or Kyle could make those 3 shots with that gear in that time once out of 100 at best.
His rifle was test fired, it produced around a 3/4" group.

Edit- when fired rapidly, 3 Shot in 5 seconds they were able to produce a 3" group @ 100 yards. With the shitty optic it had on it.

Try not being so completly full of shit. Unless your MO is spreading lies and dis information, or just trolling for fun. Then you are doing a great job.
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Yeah but if you look at it in the context of after he got out he fled to the Soviet Union, married a Soviet wife in the home of a Soviet spook, came back spent time in New Orleans on a pro Cuba campaign, then moved to Texas and finally killed a president and a cop.

Then it looks like maybe he had a bone to pick, and his service in the marines left a bad taste in his mouth.

so you ignored the information that was just presented to you, actual physical evidence about the scope being loose on the rifle, etc. and all you're focused on is that he had a bad taste in his mouth?
His rifle was test fired, it produced around a 3/4" group.

Edit- when fired rapidly, 3 Shot in 5 seconds they were able to produce a 3" group @ 100 yards. With the shitty optic it had on it.

Try not being so completly full of shit. Unless your MO is spreading lies and dis information, or just trolling for fun. Then you are doing a great job.
if you believe that,then you are not only an idiot you are a gullible idiot. one that believes CO2 in the atmosphere is melting the ice caps and that Ruby Shot Oswald because of his deep Jewish convictions or maybe Saddam had an active nuclear weapons program.
if you believe that,then you are not only an idiot you are a gullible idiot. one that believes CO2 in the atmosphere is melting the ice caps and that Ruby Shot Oswald because of his deep Jewish convictions or maybe Saddam had an active nuclear weapons program.
o one more thing.

You said 4 MOA right. Those shots were taken at 60-80 yards. Thats around 2.5 to 3.2 inch groups. More than accurate enough, so by your own infomation... the rifle was capable.

lololol... You shoul
His rifle was test fired, it produced around a 3/4" group.

Edit- when fired rapidly, 3 Shot in 5 seconds they were able to produce a 3" group @ 100 yards. With the shitty optic it had on it.

Try not being so completly full of shit. Unless your MO is spreading lies and dis information, or just trolling for fun. Then you are doing a great job.
Nobody is going to change anybody’s opinion one way or another but I’d challenge where you got that data point as it doesn’t seem to align with even the Warren Commision.

That said- perhaps a similar rifle could yield those groups (although that’d be an impressive marksmanship feat in 5 seconds) but the rifle recovered wasn’t zeroed. They had to shim the scope for testing and still had problems. I also seem to recall the rifle being in terrible condition elsewhere but my memory is a bit too hazy on those details to make any statement to that effect without a refresher.
This is one of the examples I’m talking about. Oswald was never in Mexico City. There are multiple agencies who do surveillance on embassies and consulates around the world, not single points of failure “the cameras weren’t working”. That’s a BS story for sheep.

We know because we have photos of the guy they claim was Oswald.

Wait a second. Is he holding a cell phone? Time travel? This could turn the whole Kennedy single shooter theory on its head.
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Nobody is going to change anybody’s opinion one way or another but I’d challenge where you got that data point as it doesn’t seem to align with even the Warren Commision.

That said- perhaps a similar rifle could yield those groups (although that’d be an impressive marksmanship feat in 5 seconds) but the rifle recovered wasn’t zeroed. They had to shim the scope for testing and still had problems. I also seem to recall the rifle being in terrible condition elsewhere but my memory is a bit too hazy on those details to make any statement to that effect without a refresher.
I am aware of the mentioned optic issue. Even as it was, they were able to do 3 shots in 5 seconds, with the best group, right around 3 inches.
I am aware of the mentioned optic issue. Even as it was, they were able to do 3 shots in 5 seconds, with the best group, right around 3 inches.
Not calling you out by any means but would you mind sharing where you are getting that data point? I’m trying to be objective and just would like to review the details for myself before casting a hard/fast opinion on it one way or the other.

Maybe it’s been done before but I think it’d be interesting to simulate the alleged shots at a PRS style match with a rifle of the same make/configuration. Not necessarily as a point/counterpoint to this discussion but rather to get the experience/opinions from known/knowledgeable sources that many here are at least familiar with rather than a panel of ‘experts’ cherry picked & edited for tv.

Just speaking for myself but I think that’d be fascinating either way. Maybe it is just an easy ‘chip shot’ as many believe it to be and thusly easily duplicated. But- what if regular competitors struggle/fail to duplicate the official story, what would we think then?
Not calling you out by any means but would you mind sharing where you are getting that data point? I’m trying to be objective and just would like to review the details for myself before casting a hard/fast opinion on it one way or the other.

Maybe it’s been done before but I think it’d be interesting to simulate the alleged shots at a PRS style match with a rifle of the same make/configuration. Not necessarily as a point/counterpoint to this discussion but rather to get the experience/opinions from known/knowledgeable sources that many here are at least familiar with rather than a panel of ‘experts’ cherry picked & edited for tv.

Just speaking for myself but I think that’d be fascinating either way. Maybe it is just an easy ‘chip shot’ as many believe it to be and thusly easily duplicated. But- what if regular competitors struggle/fail to duplicate the official story, what would we think then?
From my own research, i can’t remember where I read it. But it was from the testing on said rifle.

When I have a second, I’ll find it right now. I’m dealing with the family member who had a heart attack today.
It's worth noting that "the" rifle apprehended was neither zeroed or even the scope securely mounted. If my memory serves me right they had to shim the scope for them to even perform their evaluation.

Let's say that I'm even "half right" on that, this community knows better than most what a scope on a rifle translates to with regards to accuracy when it isn't zeroed. Let's argue further that the rifle was in fact zeroed but the mounts were so loose they needed to be shimmed later... what kind of accuracy can one expect from an old milsurp rifle then?

If you understand that much then you better understand Alice and what she felt as she started down the rabbit hole...

And according to the official story he shot about minute of pumpkin with it.

I have zeroed, shot targets then found out the scope was loose when I got home.

Dudes that cant get their rifles on paper kill deer every year. Life's mysteries.

I have to agree that who shot Kennedy is not particularly important. Who was involved in the consioricey is not super important when weighed against what we have watched unfold over the last 25 years. There are way bigger fish to fry than fake tubes under the pyramids in Egypt and who shot kennedy.

We have probably known who shot Kennedy all along anyway.

Just a data point I collected - I thought I had the photo still - Nov 28th 2024. My niece shot this cull buck on our farm- with a 6.5 Grendel 123 sst. At about 65 yards - entered just below left ear - exit just above right ear - skill cap did not come off and exit hole wasn’t much bigger than entry .

This is not a “smoking gun” (see what I did there ) and a sample size of one . Every since I knew anything about rifles and exterior ballistics I balked at the idea of an intermediate rifle round removing the skull cap and launching it backwards - especially when we are told the “shooter was to the rear.
There probably was multiple shooters - and it probably was a high velocity small caliber round fired from somewhere to the front the target .
The mercury tipped 221 or 220 or whatever people are speculating makes some sense- as .223 fmj at point blank on hogs and cattle do not reproduce those energetic results, sometimes don’t even exit a cow skull , find them sideways on the off side sometimes.

This is not a factual forensics post nor directed at anyone , just ramblings from my experiences.
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View attachment 8649516
Just a data point I collected - I thought I had the photo still - Nov 28th 2024. My niece shot this cull buck on our farm- with a 6.5 Grendel 123 sst. At about 65 yards - entered just below left ear - exit just above right ear - skill cap did not come off and exit hole wasn’t much bigger than entry .

This is not a “smoking gun” (see what I did there ) and a sample size of one . Every since I knew anything about rifles and exterior ballistics I balked at the idea of an intermediate rifle round removing the skull cap and launching it backwards - especially when we are told the “shooter was to the rear.
There probably was multiple shooters - and it probably was a high velocity small caliber round fired from somewhere to the front the target .
The mercury tipped 221 or 220 or whatever people are speculating makes some sense- as .223 fmj at point blank on hogs and cattle do not reproduce those energetic results, sometimes don’t even exit a cow skull , find them sideways on the off side sometimes.

This is not a factual forensics post nor directed at anyone , just ramblings from my experiences.

i think you are correct about blowing things apart. especially because hunting rounds are made to expand on impact and create large wound channels. modern Nosler Ballistic Tip ammo will not make a hog, Coyote or deer head explode like a watermelon.

the point of the mercury tipped/ cored 221 fireball was that the xp100 was a pistol, easily carried in a briefcase (extremely common) and have a scope attached. the mercury did two things, it forced rapid bullet expansion on impact and ensured there was only fragments left of the bullet, if any could be found.

the round nose carcano bullet looks like it hit almost nothing , and it would not have made the skull cap detach and fly back along the bullets flight path
Read one page that said Kennedy was addicted to amphetamines. Never heard that before.

It's true, but the real story is JFK I had intractable back pain that was treated with a lot of steroids like prednisone, to which he developed iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency, which makes an individual chronically fatigued and tired. Pre-Adderall/Modafanil days, he had access to the good stuff.

He was written up as an anonymous case report in new England Journal of Medicine.
It's true, but the real story is JFK I had intractable back pain that was treated with a lot of steroids like prednisone, to which he developed iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency, which makes an individual chronically fatigued and tired. Pre-Adderall/Modafanil days, he had access to the good stuff.

He was written up as an anonymous case report in new England Journal of Medicine.
Yep he was a well know junkie - with his own DR. feel good- what they actually called his “doctor “ .

It is strange how nostalgic folks are for ol JFK- being a junkie and an uncontrollable pussy hound , couldn’t even keep his dick sheathed when it came to fucking a KBG agent . O and a string of his scalps ended up dead . But there seems to be no evidence that he fucked kids so I guess for a democrat he was doing good.

O and he was married to a junkie drunk whore . And sired by a gangster .

But he did piss off the deep state and apparently wasn’t well liked by the middle East’s only “democracy “
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View attachment 8649516
Just a data point I collected - I thought I had the photo still - Nov 28th 2024. My niece shot this cull buck on our farm- with a 6.5 Grendel 123 sst. At about 65 yards - entered just below left ear - exit just above right ear - skill cap did not come off and exit hole wasn’t much bigger than entry .

This is not a “smoking gun” (see what I did there ) and a sample size of one . Every since I knew anything about rifles and exterior ballistics I balked at the idea of an intermediate rifle round removing the skull cap and launching it backwards - especially when we are told the “shooter was to the rear.
There probably was multiple shooters - and it probably was a high velocity small caliber round fired from somewhere to the front the target .
The mercury tipped 221 or 220 or whatever people are speculating makes some sense- as .223 fmj at point blank on hogs and cattle do not reproduce those energetic results, sometimes don’t even exit a cow skull , find them sideways on the off side sometimes.

This is not a factual forensics post nor directed at anyone , just ramblings from my experiences.
There’s a former CIA guy (now deceased) who claims he was part of the Secret Service credentials and badge forgery operation, as well as tasked with bringing suitcases to Dallas and placing them inside a car trunk in the parking lot next to the TSBD.

He asserts they made the fake credentials at a known front company in California in the LA area, and were tasked with loading pull-down 6.5mm projectiles into .264 Winchester Magnum cartridges, and testing them from another machine shop they had at a small airport north of the LA area. He also said they made in-house suppressors at that machine shop for the Agency.

He and 2 other guys were using fake Treasury Agent credentials and hiding in one of the rail cars. They didn’t know what was going on with the operation, other than someone was expecting a pro-Cuban protest or uprising with the President’s visit to Dallas, and they needed Agency support in countering those actions in case they happened.

A .264 Win Mag to the front of the head would easily produce the effects we see in the Zapruder film.

There’s a former CIA guy (now deceased) who claims he was part of the Secret Service credentials and badge forgery operation, as well as tasked with bringing suitcases to Dallas and placing them inside a car trunk in the parking lot next to the TSBD.

He asserts they made the fake credentials at a known front company in California in the LA area, and were tasked with loading pull-down 6.5mm projectiles into .264 Winchester Magnum cartridges, and testing them from another machine shop they had at a small airport north of the LA area. He also said they made in-house suppressors at that machine shop for the Agency.

He and 2 other guys were using fake Treasury Agent credentials and hiding in one of the rail cars. They didn’t know what was going on with the operation, other than someone was expecting a pro-Cuban protest or uprising with the President’s visit to Dallas, and they needed Agency support in countering those actions in case they happened.

A .264 Win Mag to the front of the head would easily produce the effects we see in the Zapruder film.

Was actually just thinking g .264 Win.
Seen a small doe head shot , right in the eye - fist sized exit hole lots of brain and skull fragments in the clear cut - well behind where she was standing .
It's true, but the real story is JFK I had intractable back pain that was treated with a lot of steroids like prednisone, to which he developed iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency, which makes an individual chronically fatigued and tired. Pre-Adderall/Modafanil days, he had access to the good stuff.

He was written up as an anonymous case report in new England Journal of Medicine.
His medical records read like an encyclopedia of diseases and ailments. His back had been operated on, so in the autopsy, you can see mention of old scars. He wore a back brace as well, and the one he was wearing was entered into evidence by the FBI after the assassination.

He also had Addison’s disease and had died once before, last rites read, when in the hospital as a Senator. He’s the only US President who has died twice that I’m aware of.



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After decades of research into the case, I believe the Carcano and the spent cases were props. Somebody fired a round into a cotton duck canvas trap maybe to generate the bullet, which was then placed into evidence.

CE399 doesn’t match the description of what was found by the Parkland employees and the FBI knew it already in early 1964. The chain of custody of CE399 is one of the most botched evidentiary handlings in the history of crime. It has entries on the evidence chain log that are out of sequence in time, for example. It would be immediately thrown-out in court and should have triggered an internal affairs investigation into the FBI and Secret Service.
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After decades of research into the case, I believe the Carcano and the spent cases were props. Somebody fired a round into a cotton duck canvas trap maybe to generate the bullet, which was then placed into evidence.

CE399 doesn’t match the description of what was found by the Parkland employees and the FBI knew it already in early 1964. The chain of custody of CE399 is one of the most botched evidentiary handlings in the history of crime. It has entries on the evidence chain log that are out of sequence in time, for example. It would be immediately thrown-out in court and should have triggered an internal affairs investigation into the FBI and Secret Service.
not in 63/64 it wouldn't generate any investigation. the list of involved leaders was a long one. today,yes,that BS would get thrown out. it's bad enough a competent DA might even refuse to bring using it to trial. would have to go to defense in discovery,so...
His medical records read like an encyclopedia of diseases and ailments. His back had been operated on, so in the autopsy, you can see mention of old scars. He wore a back brace as well, and the one he was wearing was entered into evidence by the FBI after the assassination.

He also had Addison’s disease and had died once before, last rites read, when in the hospital as a Senator. He’s the only US President who has died twice that I’m aware of.
Addison's disease is adrenal insufficiency from steroids.
There’s a former CIA guy (now deceased) who claims he was part of the Secret Service credentials and badge forgery operation, as well as tasked with bringing suitcases to Dallas and placing them inside a car trunk in the parking lot next to the TSBD.

He asserts they made the fake credentials at a known front company in California in the LA area, and were tasked with loading pull-down 6.5mm projectiles into .264 Winchester Magnum cartridges, and testing them from another machine shop they had at a small airport north of the LA area. He also said they made in-house suppressors at that machine shop for the Agency.

He and 2 other guys were using fake Treasury Agent credentials and hiding in one of the rail cars. They didn’t know what was going on with the operation, other than someone was expecting a pro-Cuban protest or uprising with the President’s visit to Dallas, and they needed Agency support in countering those actions in case they happened.

A .264 Win Mag to the front of the head would easily produce the effects we see in the Zapruder film.

.264 Win Mag...........the Boomers 6.5 Creed...........I had one a little over 4 decades ago..........factory load 140 gr @ 3200 fps
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this isn't to say that all jewish people are bad, or even most...
simple acknowledgement that another country will act in what they believe is in their own best interest (like we do) isn't shocking.
if that country happens to be israel, pointing this out isn't ant-semetic, right-wing or nazi-like in the least.
.264 Win Mag...........the Boomers 6.5 Creed...........I had one a little over 4 decades ago..........factory load 140 gr @ 3200 fps
6.5x55 Mauser was the medium case 6.5mm for the Lost, GI, Silent, and Baby Boomer Generations with similar performance to the 6.5-08 class of cartridges.

.264 Win Mag is 500-600fps faster with a 140gr, truly magnum performance. If you took one to the head, it will look like what we see in Zapruder.

6.5x52 Carcano is a pretty mild cartridge in comparison, more in the .30-30 Winchester performance realm for velocity with a 160gr, but wit better sectional density. But notice how the Warren Commission manipulated the manufactured weight up to 161gr to try to account for fragments found in Gov Connally to try to make the Single Bullet Theory work?

CE399 weighs 158.6gr (after they filed some frontal material off for Finite Element Analysis). Fragments found in Connally and the limo included large pieces of jacket material.

We also have conflicting testimony from Secret Service Agent Paul Landis, who said he picked up an intact bullet from JFK’s seat, put it in his pocket, then placed it on one of the stretchers.
Not calling you out by any means but would you mind sharing where you are getting that data point? I’m trying to be objective and just would like to review the details for myself before casting a hard/fast opinion on it one way or the other.

Maybe it’s been done before but I think it’d be interesting to simulate the alleged shots at a PRS style match with a rifle of the same make/configuration. Not necessarily as a point/counterpoint to this discussion but rather to get the experience/opinions from known/knowledgeable sources that many here are at least familiar with rather than a panel of ‘experts’ cherry picked & edited for tv.

Just speaking for myself but I think that’d be fascinating either way. Maybe it is just an easy ‘chip shot’ as many believe it to be and thusly easily duplicated. But- what if regular competitors struggle/fail to duplicate the official story, what would we think then?
Found some images of the Rapid fire group testing @100 yards.

Screen Shot 2025-03-27 at 2.40.46 PM.png

can't find any of the information that confirms when slow fired it was sub moa but I remember reading it. Will keep looking and share if I can find it.

BTW thank for the well wishes concerning the family emergency, Got her stabilized and trying to figure how to proceed. Clog in her Right Coronary Artery.

And one in the LCA.


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