I took off another Tikka barrel from a Tac A1 action. Minimal fuss, the key is prep work, patients, and torque.
1. Prep work: Once action and barrel are removed from the chassis hit the barrel joint inside the action and the outside of the action with penetrating oil like Kroil or WD40. Have the right tools, a Tikka action wrench is not enough to get a barrel off, for that job you need a wheeler action wrench that has flat sides. Make sure you got a good barrel vise and some rosin powder.
2. Patients: I like to sit the barrel vertically in a sink and let the oil soak in for days, turn the barrel the opposite direction and soak again for a day or two, let gravity help that oil seep into that joint, hit it several times with oil to make sure it's penetrated. Once the barrel is removed from the action you will notice the threads saturated in oil, it really gets in there if you give it time.
3. Torque: Once you are ready to take the barrel off make sure that the barrel is really snug in the barrel vise, use some cardboard as shims to avoid marring, and rosin sprinkled around will add to the grip the vice has on the barrel, you do not want slipping. Some extended heavy steel pipe that fits over the wheeler handle will be crucial and add to the torque you need in order to remove the barrel, i'm guessing it takes about 225-250 ft lbs to remove a tikka barrel, just a hunch. So make sure to have that cheater bar/pipe to add to that torque. Remember the flats of the Wheeler should be evenly torqued on to the flats of the action, not too tight though, card stock or business cards can be put in between the wrench flats and the action to avoid marring. Sometimes a wack with a rubber mallet can help add some shock to loosening things up.
Remember if you try to use an internal tikka action wrench to remove the barrel you could destroy the action if you use over 200ft lbs of force. A Tikka internal action wrench is great for putting barrels back on as you only need between 75-90ft lbs and that pressure is no danger to the action.
All these things combined and a tikka barrel will pop off, it's a little work but it avoids any cutting or need for a gun smith, and you get to keep your original barrel in tact.
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