In the never ending quest for federal dollars, you are once again going to be subjected to increased surveillance regarding the utilization of your seatbelt for the week surrounding Memorial Day.
Social distancing will take a backseat to social engineering. The “just doing my job” folks will be out in number and in a bad mood due to not getting to spend the long weekend at the lake.
This will be done under the guise of “your safety.” Should you protest or simply make a wrong move you could be shot and killed with no consequences to the shooter unless you happen to be black. If you are black your family will win the ghetto lotto.
Please bear in mind that regardless of wither you pay with your wallet or your life, it was all for your safety and well being.
Social distancing will take a backseat to social engineering. The “just doing my job” folks will be out in number and in a bad mood due to not getting to spend the long weekend at the lake.
This will be done under the guise of “your safety.” Should you protest or simply make a wrong move you could be shot and killed with no consequences to the shooter unless you happen to be black. If you are black your family will win the ghetto lotto.
Please bear in mind that regardless of wither you pay with your wallet or your life, it was all for your safety and well being.
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