Disease being his greasy anti American ass
Talk about privilege though, he simply resigns from his job after sexually assaulting many women, and even a some animals are more equal woman, a NYSP trooper, had you or I done that I’d wager it would be anything from getting executed with a drop gun and drugs planted, to the very least a full perp walk and no possibility of a deal and a forgone verdict before we ever even stepped foot in the court.
But he just resigns and hangs out in his cronie paid for mansion
Also funny how he get tons of old people killed, shits all over the bill of rights making MANY MANY people criminals and destroying their lives (see SAFE act), and grabbing ass is what makes for his quasi demise
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigns over sexual harassment
NEW YORK (AP) — Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned over a barrage of sexual harassment...
Talk about privilege though, he simply resigns from his job after sexually assaulting many women, and even a some animals are more equal woman, a NYSP trooper, had you or I done that I’d wager it would be anything from getting executed with a drop gun and drugs planted, to the very least a full perp walk and no possibility of a deal and a forgone verdict before we ever even stepped foot in the court.
But he just resigns and hangs out in his cronie paid for mansion
Also funny how he get tons of old people killed, shits all over the bill of rights making MANY MANY people criminals and destroying their lives (see SAFE act), and grabbing ass is what makes for his quasi demise