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What's with all the shotguns in the independent media lately???


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
May 13, 2020
Anyone notice that all the major guntubers are doing shotgun videos in the last couple of weeks?

Haven't heard much from them about shotguns in years, and now they're all over it in the last couple of months.

IV8888 (Benelli M4)
TFB (best shotgun for the money, how to set up, poverty tier)
Garand Thumb (how deadly is a shotgun)
MrGunsngear (M4 vs 1301... a few months ago)

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it... :ROFLMAO:

Because all those examples are a business and businesses need to make money.

With the constant .gov shit of "we are going to ban xyz" then the panic buyers rush to get something for "protection" that is NOT an AR; so when they start searching "tubers" all the new shotgun videos come up on how awesome they are. Better ROI on the video itself.

Just follow the clicks.............

Scatterguns are the only ones they can find ammo for

Because all those examples are a business and businesses need to make money.

With the constant .gov shit of "we are going to ban xyz" then the panic buyers rush to get something for "protection" that is NOT an AR; so when they start searching "tubers" all the new shotgun videos come up on how awesome they are. Better ROI on the video itself.

Just follow the clicks.............

I was thinking something along those lines may be the reason. (y)
because what else are they going to make videos on?......another "AR build"?.....another "the best 9mm"?....another "blow shit up with a .50"?

the gun industry is reaching stagnation...and shotguns were largely ignored for the past decade with the popularity of "tactical" and "AR" shit...

the panic buying hasnt helped....all the ARs were snatched up, and the only thing you could really find was shitty turkish/ chinese shotguns....

so now shotguns are experiencing a resurgence.
I used to think everyone owned a pile of shotguns.

Observing at our range. Shotgun guys seem to stick to themselves, and rifle guys seem to want shotguns that act like rifles. It's kinda weird.
you have 3-gun to thank for that.

"yeah, ide much rather carry around a 4' long box magazine that carries 12 shells rather than learn how to load a tube mag"
I actually picked up my first shotgun (Beretta 1301 LE) after watching those videos.

I used to think shotguns were crude weapons for old people & those who couldn't shoot straight and since I was proficient with pistols/carbines/precision rifles I didn't need to bother with shotguns, but changed my mind and decided to give them a try. And I'm glad I did except I shot around 200 shells this past Saturday (+/- 50 7.5/8 shot, 100+ 00, and 30 slugs) and the next day my body was a little sore.

I actually picked up my first shotgun (Beretta 1301 LE) after watching those videos.

I used to think shotguns were crude weapons for old people & those who couldn't shoot straight and since I was proficient with pistols/carbines/precision rifles I didn't need to bother with shotguns, but changed my mind and decided to give them a try. And I'm glad I did except I shot around 200 shells this past Saturday (+/- 50 7.5/8 shot, 100+ 00, and 30 slugs) and the next day my body was a little sore.

Ah, the 1301... that (apart from the pistol grip) is essentially the exact set up I would have if I could financially justify a shotgun right now. Great set up, sir!
I have maybe 8-9 shotguns....OU and semi-autos for clays and hunting. Personally, I'm not into tactical shotguns as I don't feel I need one for any purpose...I don't shoot three gun or anything like that and my goose gun serves just as well for home defense.

When non-gun people have asked me over the years what to get for a home defense gun, I always steer them away from an AR and to something like a Mossberg 500 as the price is right and it doesn't take much skill to send a 12 ga load down a hallway, right?

The ones who scare me are the never owned a gun before people in the LGS buying a hand gun with the chance that they will shoot themselves as much as anything else as they are NOT going to be committed to learning fundamentals and nor will they really practice to become skilled.
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Gotta have the rMR on them shotguns. Because like someone said, it's gotta be like a rifle.

That's going to really rile some 3 gunners and the "my home defense shotgun needs a red dot and 2 foot of magazine in front of the muzzle"
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Only a doctor could afford those dummies...

The torsos are only $1850/each:

Apparently, it's good to be sponsored.

FYI: Per Garand Thumb, "I'm not a doctor, but I dropped out of med school once, and that's good enough in Jersey" :LOL:
It's a cycle. They've been shelved for some time and now its 'new' again.

Now just wait for all the tards to show up asking about what shotgun to get for home defense as well as which load will open up in a 900 foot spread at 10 yards.

What people generally haven't figured out about shotguns in a defensive situation is that they generally suck. Would I use one if thats all I had? Sure. Would I pick one over a carbine? Fuck no.

Between the low round capacity and heavier recoil, you're not hitting/killing someone that you would have missed with a carbine simply because you have a shotgun. Additionally, your follow up shots due to recoil are going to be slower as well if not a complete disaster depending on how much experience with a shotgun you actually even have.
Didn't pj, want everyone to have a SG and just blast a couple of rounds into the air, from the front porch, then the bad guy(s), would run for the woods?? Mac🤔
And fire those shots into the darkness no less.

So rainier arms had some cheap shotgun marked down from 350 to 200 for fourth of July. I went back and forth and ultimately decided not to buy it. Now that its full price I wish I would have grabbed one. Still don't have a reason to own it but that's never stopped me before. Maybe a recent influx of dirt cheap shotguns has viewers asking these youtubers to do reviews?
etween the low round capacity and heavier recoil, you're not hitting/killing someone that you would have missed with a carbine simply because you have a shotgun. Additionally, your follow up shots due to recoil are going to be slower as well if not a complete disaster depending on how much experience with a shotgun you actually even have

plus body armor prevalence.

Shotguns are gayyyyy
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Did Not any one here see John wick 3? The end scene with the shotguns made them look like Ithey are the weapon of choice. I mean they kinda are for close stuff like the film portrayed. They were devastating in the trenches in ww1
Because all those examples are a business and businesses need to make money.

With the constant .gov shit of "we are going to ban xyz" then the panic buyers rush to get something for "protection" that is NOT an AR; so when they start searching "tubers" all the new shotgun videos come up on how awesome they are. Better ROI on the video itself.

Just follow the clicks.............


Tens of Thousands of mostly Turkish (and some Chinese) made shotguns, imported to meet pandemic demand bubble, ain’t gonna sell themselves in hyper market that’s deflating. Problem with imports for short term demand bubbles, the demand cools before most of the imports land.
I actually picked up my first shotgun (Beretta 1301 LE) after watching those videos.

I used to think shotguns were crude weapons for old people & those who couldn't shoot straight and since I was proficient with pistols/carbines/precision rifles I didn't need to bother with shotguns, but changed my mind and decided to give them a try. And I'm glad I did except I shot around 200 shells this past Saturday (+/- 50 7.5/8 shot, 100+ 00, and 30 slugs) and the next day my body was a little sore.

if thats your floor it looks like they forgot to finish sanding it. Has bumps all over.
It's a cycle. They've been shelved for some time and now its 'new' again.

Now just wait for all the tards to show up asking about what shotgun to get for home defense as well as which load will open up in a 900 foot spread at 10yards
#8s down a 18” rifled barrel with cylinder choke. Will cut off a persons head arms and legs leaving the torso unharmed. To the pain!
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Start at about 2 minutes in....

"You even nick her in the earlobe, she ain't never gonna' let you live that down" :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

His demo on the popper at 18 meters doesn't mesh well with my killing a full grown whitetail at 25 yards with #5 steel, but he's on Youtube, so I reckon I did something wrong.
"Need"? Going fast doesn't really have anything to do with "need". Then again, 3 gun has nothing to do with home defense either, so who knows what we're talking about anyways.
I think it is more a commentary on the monkey see monkey do crowd that looks over the fence to 3gun and says, "well, they use a shotgun, must be the best." But in a home defense scenario a giant banana mag hanging down and getting in the way of everything in your dark home isn't as practical as it is on a well lit course built for speed shooting.
Tens of Thousands of mostly Turkish (and some Chinese) made shotguns, imported to meet pandemic demand bubble, ain’t gonna sell themselves in hyper market that’s deflating. Problem with imports for short term demand bubbles, the demand cools before most of the imports land.

Hey now - with the ongoing supply chain clusterfuck, those might be the last Turkish shotguns we see for years. Who's gonna have the last laugh? Probably that 3rd-tier dealer the next town over that runs a hardware store, bait shop, and FFL out of the same building. You know the place - the license is in the wife's name because hubby is on the ATF naughty list due to related record-keeping violations. That shop will make a killing on these inexpensive shotties when every big-box store is backordered.

Interestingly enough, I've got a Mossberg SA-20 (made by Armsan in Turkey, I believe) sitting at my dealer right now. I played around with one at my son's Boy Scout camp this summer and it seemed to not completely suck, so I put in a bit of a low-ball bid on GB and scored the win.
Yep, it's due to a thing called, "Leviathan Tribe".

Pretty much NONE of the gun channels are "independent.
As I understand it, Leviathan tribe is responsible for all of the in-video ads. They connect companies with gun-tubers who will advertise their products as part of the video (Simply-Safe, Big Daddy Unlimited, Sportsman's Guide, etc). The product reviews, as I understand it, are not related to the sponsorships (some do disclose relationships if they exist).

By "independent" what I meant was, "not Guns-n'-Ammo" or "Recoil Magazine," etc.
Gun videos in general are pretty lame and boring nowadays. I mean how many vids of watermelons being shot do we have to see in order to understand that fruit explodes when hit with a big gun? I mean I get that the real money is made marketing vids for children's entertainment, but come on now! Adults still exist on the internet you know!
Yep, it's due to a thing called, "Leviathan Tribe".

Pretty much NONE of the gun channels are "independent.

That's an impressive lineup of "talent":

Pretty much one-stop shopping to the front page of YouTube.
  • Wow
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As I understand it, Leviathan tribe is responsible for all of the in-video ads. They connect companies with gun-tubers who will advertise their products as part of the video (Simply-Safe, Big Daddy Unlimited, Sportsman's Guide, etc). The product reviews, as I understand it, are not related to the sponsorships (some do disclose relationships if they exist).

By "independent" what I meant was, "not Guns-n'-Ammo" or "Recoil Magazine," etc.
Nope it is about getting companies products reviewed. That's why you tend to see trends in what those gun channels showcase.

For instance, a year or so ago they were all suddenly touting the advantages of Olight flashlights.

It's also why they are correctly called social media "INFLUENCERS".
Nope it is about getting companies products reviewed. That's why you tend to see trends in what those gun channels showcase.

For instance, a year or so ago they were all suddenly touting the advantages of Olight flashlights.

It's also why they are correctly called social media "INFLUENCERS".

Olight flashlights are pieces of shit, pieces of shit.

I made the mistake of buying one and couldn't send it back fast enough.

The RMA emails were in fucking Chinese.

If these guys are pushing that level of shit the should have their balls cut off.
  • Like
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Anyone notice that all the major guntubers are doing shotgun videos in the last couple of weeks?

Haven't heard much from them about shotguns in years, and now they're all over it in the last couple of months.

IV8888 (Benelli M4)
TFB (best shotgun for the money, how to set up, poverty tier)
Garand Thumb (how deadly is a shotgun)
MrGunsngear (M4 vs 1301... a few months ago)

Maybe I'm just reading too much into it... :ROFLMAO:
Well, how many ar or ak videos can they do before losing subscribers?
Looks like there's one fewer member of the "Leviathan Tribe":

Garand Thumb still shows up in the #2 spot on the wall of thumbnails, though.

And Ward Carrol promoting the Ghost of Kiev as if that propaganda was real..........

I'm shocked the internet lies.

Recently I watched Ward Carroll's 25 minute take on General Milley's conduct during his tenure as Chairman JCOS. Mooch claimed his video was an "Ethics Based" discussion.

His choice of words and the overall tone gave me the impression he was sympathetic to General Milley.

After watching the entire presentation I scanned his channel and noticed he posted links to his other social media accounts.

I clicked on his Bluesky social link to see what he thinks when in the echo chamber of Bluesky. I was not surprised to see his numerous posts demeaning Trump and the MAGA supporters.

Here's the Mooch on comparing Trump to Hitler....

Calls Pete Hegseth an Alcoholic

Tulsi Gabbard a tool of Bashir Assad

President Musk

Condones the Lawfare against Trump by the New York "Judicial System" AKA Bragg

Believes Trump dumped classified documents all over Mar A Lago

Upset Morning Joe "kissed the ring" of Trump and wants him gone from MSNBC

He wants his 'fans' to quit X and join BlueSky



Recently I watched Ward Carroll's 25 minute take on General Milley's conduct during his tenure as Chairman JCOS. Mooch claimed his video was an "Ethics Based" discussion.

His choice of words and the overall tone gave me the impression he was sympathetic to General Milley.

After watching the entire presentation I scanned his channel and noticed he posted links to his other social media accounts.

I clicked on his Bluesky social link to see what he thinks when in the echo chamber of Bluesky. I was not surprised to see his numerous posts demeaning Trump and the MAGA supporters.

Here's the Mooch on comparing Trump to Hitler....

Calls Pete Hegseth an Alcoholic

Tulsi Gabbard a tool of Bashir Assad

President Musk

Condones the Lawfare against Trump by the New York "Judicial System" AKA Bragg

Believes Trump dumped classified documents all over Mar A Lago

Upset Morning Joe "kissed the ring" of Trump and wants him gone from MSNBC

He wants his 'fans' to quit X and join BlueSky

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Ward Carrol bought the story of the ghost of Kiev like a depraved sausage eater.

What’s weird is I recently saw a short from him and he was saying Milley contacting the Chinese on J6 was insubordination.
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