Yep, could have been a productive topic, but as usual, it was driven into a moronic, angry, spiteful, disgusting, sewer pissing contest.
Title was "defensive" lever gun...not offense weapon, as in combat. So a lever gun will do fine for that application, and has been chosen often for the task. Caliber used, would depend what application, and location, Alaska? bears ? rural? Or city? I actually used a 30-30 16" Winchester 94 in gold mining & claims security work, for that purpose, in mostly very rural areas, with no backup. Was never undergunned for defensive purposes, and it will shoot right through a car door. Within 3 weeks the sheriff was murdered and a deputy crippled for life from a shotgun blast, & barely survived. Winter was coming, snow machine time, and I needed to get out of Dodge, wiith my trusty Win 30-30, and I declined the deputy job, the murderd sheriff tried to hire me for.
A defensive gun, is the one you're carrying, a 22 rifle, 30-30 levergun, and a 12 gauge shotgun have worked for end bad behavior.