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Actual Kung Flu “survivors”

Same as others have said above. Felt like a horse was sitting on my chest, severe congestion, and hard to sleep for a few days. With my usual allergies and cold things everything went away. I pounded the orange juice and chicken noodles soup. After a few days everything was ok.

Have been around many people in my shop that have gotten sick about the same way. We were all OK after a few days. Though sadly I missed out on all the "rona" days off.

Seems the only ones getting sick now in my shop are those that have gotten the shot. We has one that was in the hospital after getting the shot due to Guillain-Barré syndrome, and that really has them messed up.
Mild fever for many days. Ongoing fatigue.

I never get sick. Haven't had a cold or flu in a decade (and I don't get "the shot".) I put it down to all the airline travel I did, but how can you know?

Others I know who've had it, symptoms vary from mild to severe, with ongoing side effects or none at all. Some died.
Mild fever for many days. Ongoing fatigue.

I never get sick. Haven't had a cold or flu in a decade (and I don't get "the shot".) I put it down to all the airline travel I did, but how can you know?

Others I know who've had it, symptoms vary from mild to severe, with ongoing side effects or none at all. Some died.
Seems similar to my experience.
I got Covid in January. It blew through our office after Christmas like wildfire.

Headache. Sinus pressure. For me it felt slightly worse than your run of the mill sinus infection, but it certainly wasn’t what I would call debilitating. Easily managed with ibuprofen or extra strength Tylenol. I had no fever and no body aches. Cough was minimal and not even worth mentioning.

In fact, I never knew I had Covid until I lost taste one day and smell the next.

Went to a local drive thru test place, came back positive (which was no surprise when I lost taste/smell). Called Teledoc and they prescribed me two different nasal sprays. After a day and half of using them, I had no more sinus pressure or headache. Only remaining symptom was the taste/smell thing.

Taste started coming back after about 4 days of losing it. Smell took a little longer. After about 2 weeks it was probably 90% back. After about 2 months it was 98%+, but certain things still smelled weird (not like I remember them smelling, if that makes sense). As crazy as it sounds, for the longest time I could smell “good” smells, but not “bad” smells. It was the weirdest thing to no be able to smell your farts or crap, but you could smell soap or perfume or food cooking.

I joked that the worst symptom of Covid was extreme boredom. I was literally stuck in a room for 10 freaking days with a laptop and my ipad. I used to say that prison probably wasn’t that bad, but let me tell you, if I had to stay in a room for years and couldn’t come out, I’d go freaking nuts…..and it wouldn’t take long either.

I reckon I had a super mild case, but that was my experience. At the same time I had it, about 30% of the people in my office that got it had flu-like symptoms. The remaining 70% were similar to me, except they might have ran a little fever.

My observations is that it seemed to hit older people, and especially overweight people harder.
Started off cold chills, sinus issues. Stayed at work in NM feeling terrible for 10 days with pneumonia. Came home to Texas and spent 11 days in the hospital. Have been out a week tomorrow.
Feeling better but definitely kicked my ass.
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i am not positive, but pretty sure i had it in the late spring last year. i ached all over like i had played mud football without pads and was the primary ball carrier the entire game. i had a fever and sweats...but it only last 2-3 days. i assume it must be wuhan flu because the CDC said almost nobody got the seasonal flu last year, and i normally don't get regular flu anyway, even though i have never been vaxed for it.
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mid March 2020 in San Francisco.

Saturday night started with a scratchy throat
Sunday was just a bit worse.
Monday I knew something bad was coming with a headache and body ache.
Tuesday was in bed with a fever and aches.
Wednesday was loss of taste and smell, shits, shivers, sweating and beginning of pneumonia.
Terrible coughing fits and I absolutely couldn’t lay down flat.

That lasted about ten days.
When smell/ taste came bad it was a sickening sweet chemical death scent.
No real nasal issues at all.
Pneumonia cleared up finally after about 5 weeks total.
I got it about a month ago, first couple days it was just sinus pressure and drainage. I chalked it up to mowing, weed eating, bush hogging so I doped up on Tylenol severe allergy. About day 3 I got one of the worst headaches I’ve ever had and day 4 I lost sense of smell. Felt extremely fatigued from day 4 to day 6, that was pretty much the end of it for me except it felt like I had about a 50 lbs kid standing on my chest for a couple weeks.
Take something to dry up the snot, drink plenty black coffee, and put a big ole dip in and you just might pull through!
mid March 2020 in San Francisco.

Saturday night started with a scratchy throat
Sunday was just a bit worse.
Monday I knew something bad was coming with a headache and body ache.
Tuesday was in bed with a fever and aches.
Wednesday was loss of taste and smell, shits, shivers, sweating and beginning of pneumonia.
Terrible coughing fits and I absolutely couldn’t lay down flat.

That lasted about ten days.
When smell/ taste came bad it was a sickening sweet chemical death scent.
No real nasal issues at all.
Pneumonia cleared up finally after about 5 weeks total.
I had the same chemical perfume smell as I lost and regained my smell.
well when you get to explosive diarrhea and projectile vomiting your on your own Id be happy to throw some dirt on you with a shovel but I am not a good clean up man maybe with a fire hose you could post how your doing as I am positive nothing spreads via the internet .best of luck and best wishes :coffee::poop:😳
Light cold symptoms but lost my taste and smell for 4-5 weeks. Nice thing is my wife's cooking became edible for that time period. It was really weird, I could taste the first bite of whatever I ate each morning but then I wouldn't be able to taste anything the rest of the day.

Young son had it and he was bouncing off the walls for 14 days (no symptoms).

Little girl had it and she had a high fever, congestion and labored breathing.

Wife had it and she couldn't move much without being out of breath. She had the most lung issues out of the group but no one was hospitalized.
Do symptoms/issues in Jan/Feb 2020 count??
Not sure if serious but I caught that fucker towards the end of Feb last year and has no sense of taste or smell for 3-1/2 weeks. Upset stomach, chills/sweats, mild intermittent cough, three days of mild fever. No shortness of breath or anything too bad respiratory-wise. Was like any other flu to me.
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January 2020
I'll try to be brief.
I knew it wasn't Covid cause it wasn't here yet...right?
"The Flu" was on an absolute tear. Nurses i knew were talking about "all the hospitalized flu cases with severe lung...something or other" they used some medical term.

Started as a bad cold. Stayed out of work. Everyone at work was getting sick too.
Week two it got worse, middle of week two it was getting hard to breathe. Prescribed antibiotics, didn't think I had pneumonia, I thought I did. 3 days of antibiotics and I was much worse. I wanted to go to hospital. Urgent care says, you have the flu. Go home and take Tamiflu. Took one pill, and I thought I would puke up my asshole. Got anti nausea pills from urgent care, still puking till my abdomen felt bruised. Stopped the pills. Stayed bad off another 3 or 4 days, but lungs had started to clear quickly. Totally not like pneumonia. No wads of phlegm to hack up, just gone. Started to feel a bit better.
During all of it, no appetite, but ate lots of homemade chicken soup. Lots of pedialyte. Never really ran a high fever, but would have hot flashes. I'd just break out in sweat for no reason, wake up drenching.

I've had the flu twice, it was nothing like that. Ive taken Tamiflu before, never had that reaction.

I know 4 covid survivors over 70 yrs old. I thought it was gonna kill me. My sister tested positive and never showed a symptom.
I have friends who had it get everyone in the house from toddler to 50 year old. All four in household had different symptoms, duration, etc.
Everyone in my house got it.
My daughter had the same reaction to Tamiflu that I had. She too, had taken Tamiflu before with no ill effects.

If you have it.
You need to respect it as a virus that "could" kill you. If you don't, it might.

Its no more pandemic than any flu season.
Since I'm in Cheyenne I'll go ahead and take your reloading supplies for safe keeping just in case you recover.

All kidding aside I sat next to my wife in quarantine because she tested positive on the instant test and the one that got sent to a lab. I never tested positive or had symptoms the whole time.

I've had respiratory infections and sinus infections most of my life until I had 2 sinus surgeries so I may have gotten it and not known it before it was an economy killing panic scamdemic. Not having any taste or sense of smell was just another day for me.
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Two of my friends had it back just before it was officially called it a plandemic. They are roommates and one of them flies to California regularly to escort juveniles for detention centers, he was sick first. Extreme fever, to the point of hallucination and other respiratory symptoms. The other one described it as the absolute worst flu he'd ever experienced in his life.

As for myself I had an extreme sinus issue right around Christmas time, but it easily could have been work related since my work completely fucks my sinuses 247. I had Rhona symptoms and no ability to smell long before Rhona was cool
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Mine started with cold symptoms. No cough until the last 2 days. Loss of taste. Nothing crazy. Honestly, it was just a cold. At least for me. Total time was about 8 days until symptoms stopped completely. Felt tired the first 2-3 days. I get like that whenever I’m sick.

That said, I work out 5 days a week, for many decades and have the immunity of an ostrich. I was a little underwhelmed by it lol. The only reason I know it was COVID vs the cold is because my employer sent me to get tested.
Had it in December...bad! Started as a sinus infection, then my throat was so sore I couldn't swallow. It kept getting worse for a week until I finally called the doctor and tested positive. He immediately put me on several meds/inhalers. Mild fever for days, severe aches, pulse-ox got down to 82% on day 9 and fever spiked to 103. Went to the hospital and got the monoclonal antibodies and fever broke within 16 hours. I was wiped out and out of breath for another 3 weeks.
Moral of the story: don't be macho, get early treatment and get out in front of it. Good news is I've got natural immunity now and have been directly exposed to "delta" at least half a dozen times in the last 6 weeks. My wife(unvaxxed) and several fully vaccinated friends have gotten it, I've been clear every time.

Screw masks, don't get the shot, live life free and get early treatment if necessary.
I was pretty sure I had it for four weeks Jan-Feb. Wicked cough, couldn't get out of bed, muscle aches, migraines, fever, overall fatigue was the worst, some loss of taste but it was periodic. I used high dose D, Quercetin w/Zinc, C, NAD. Recently started up again (I don't make antibodies to anything but myself so I'm not supposed to get any jabs), after recent contact in confined space with someone who was coughing up a storm a week before my symptoms again. Actually had found some ivermectin prescribed in 2010 related to that same immunodeficiency that also puts me at risk for strongyloides, so taking that now for 2 days. Super-fatigued, really want to just stay in bed, cough keeping me up (sio do full moons tho), but still taking care of mom that was suppose to die last January.
Anyone else taste semen when you're wife comes home from work? Ole lady is telling me that out of whack taste is a symptom.
Tired for a few days, sinus congestion, aches and pains. Not as bad as a bout of the regular flu I experienced several decades back. Wife had it pretty bad. Spent six days in the hospital. Ninety-one year-old FIL (heart condition and diabetes) passed away. Eighty-six year-old mother tested positve in February and again in June...never had a symptom.
Had it twice. First time I had a cough, slight headache. Slight fever only at night for 3 days. Lost taste and smell for a month. I was able to remain active with no problems. Second time I had it was a total shock, I was running 2 to 3 miles a day. No loss of smell or taste, not cough, no headache, nothing. Just another positive case that the state could use to inflate its numbers.
The PCR tests have been recalled as not fit for purpose, but we are still using them until December. The PCR test was never meant to be used this way. So a lot of people who think they had it with no symptoms, could also have had nothing but a false positive, of which the return rate is very high.

I watched the real pandemic run through our schools in Colorado before we entered "two weeks to flatten the curve" it was over already at that point, and we have never reached the levels of sick people we had Nov-Dec 2019. Not even close. If I were a betting man, I would bet heard immunity was reached before we entered two weeks to flatten the curve.

My father in law and his brother both had it early. I want to say Oct 2019. Dr. said. "Its a viral lung infection we have been seeing a lot of." He gave them both tami flu and said most people do ok, but if they weren't getting better in week to make an appointment. They had coughs that hung on for months.

I caught a flu, when I was working in a care/teaching facility, that nocked my dick in the dirt like no other. I also had a cough that hung on for months after that one. I was sick for about 10 days, lost a bunch of weight. That was more like 2013 though. Pretty safe bet it was actually the flu, but my father in law got tested and it was not the flu. Unidentified viral lung infection.

My 99 year old grandam survived testing positive in the nursing home. My 92 year old grandma stopped eating for two weeks. Returned multiple negative tests during those two weeks. Died, the nursing home received test results back, from a test the day before she died. Positive. Her death certificate says she died of COIVD. No mention of her course of death following the normal progression of dementia. All we got was an apology and an explantation, "We have to list it this way." You know, just doing their job.
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Fatigue and chills for two days. Slept it off. Felt fine, but I couldn't workout for two weeks due to issues with lung capacity. When I tried to use my drag I couldn't move over 30 yards, whereas previously I was moving it much farther. Now I'm back like it never happened.
Low grade fever, congestion and exhaustion....the forcing myself to move around was the worst part. My doc gave me basic cold stuff and told me to not stop moving.

So I worked out at my house as often as I could and about 5 days later I felt pretty good. Lung capacity took a while to get back, but like most lung infections, you gotta work to be 100%.
The PCR tests have been recalled as not fit for purpose, but we are still using them until December. The PCR test was never meant to be used this way. So a lot of people who think they had it with no symptoms, could also have had nothing but a false positive, of which the return rate is very high.

I watched the real pandemic run through our schools in Colorado before we entered "two weeks to flatten the curve" it was over already at that point, and we have never reached the levels of sick people we had Nov-Dec 2018. Not even close. If I were a betting man, I would bet heard immunity was reached before we entered two weeks to flatten the curve.

My father in law and his brother both had it early. I want to say Oct 2018. Dr. said. "Its a viral lung infection we have been seeing a lot of." He gave them both tami flu and said most people do ok, but if they weren't getting better in week to make an appointment. They had coughs that hung on for months.

I caught a flu, when I was working in a care/teaching facility, that nocked my dick in the dirt like no other. I also had a cough that hung on for months after that one. I was sick for about 10 days, lost a bunch of weight. That was more like 2013 though. Pretty safe bet it was actually the flu, but my father in law got tested and it was not the flu. Unidentified viral lung infection.

My 99 year old grandam survived testing positive in the nursing home. My 92 year old grandma stopped eating for two weeks. Returned multiple negative tests during those two weeks. Died, the nursing home received test results back, from a test the day before she died. Positive. Her death certificate says she died of COIVD. No mention of her course of death following the normal progression of dementia. All we got was an apology and an explantation, "We have to list it this way." You know, just doing their job.

I think you mean 2019.
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Recently started up again (I don't make antibodies to anything but myself so I'm not supposed to get any jabs), after recent contact in confined space with someone who was coughing up a storm a week before my symptoms again. Actually had found some ivermectin prescribed in 2010 related to that same immunodeficiency that also puts me at risk for strongyloides, so taking that now for 2 days. Super-fatigued, really want to just stay in bed, cough keeping me up (sio do full moons tho), but still taking care of mom that was suppose to die last January.

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you make a quick recovery.
From my Dad:
Started like a bad cold, sinus pain, extreme tired and body ache (he had put in a hard day around the house and is uh 70). I knew it was bad when he canceled a day with my wife and daughter who had flown nearby and were going to meet him for pie (my dad never misses grandkids or pie!).

24 hours later he was back working in the yard.

Best Friend had no symptoms--he and his wife lost their sense of smell/taste is all.

*****Conspiracy Level Example*****

Late October 2019 (Just Pre-Covid--thanks China for your nice open society!) My wife came down with pneumonia--started off like body aches and fatigue--we thought she had a kindey or bladder stone. Ended up on a Ventilator and about a week in the hospital ICU. She had been working late on her masters so we just accounted her being 'run down' -- normally very healthy, no complications, she runs several times a week. Normally healthy 50 year olds (fshe's going to kill me) don't get pneumonia and end up in the hospital.

Note that this was just pre-Covid breakout, but damn it was suspicious
*****End Conspiracy Level Example*****