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Covid death survey


Once a deplorable, always a deplorable!
Full Member
  • Nov 6, 2013
    Covid death survey

    Ok , I'm really curious to try to get some kind of no nonsense , no bullshit idea of just how bad this so called " pandemic " really is . Yes there are people who have died but I hear so much made up krap from people about how many they know that have gotten sick and how many have died from this virus . 9 times out of 10 when you start digging deeper and pressing them it usually ends up with " Well my brothers , uncles , aunt , cousin 3 times removed died "and they can't even give you a name .
    I had one person who went on and on about all the people she knew that got sick and when I pressed her " OK, but how many of them died"?
    All I got was crickets !

    Now I personnally only know of 1 person who has passed from it . It was just recently and it was someone I know from shooting matches with . May he RIP . It sucks because he will truly be missed .

    Now with that said he is the only person I know of in a year and a half that has died from the virus . You would think if this was truly a pandemic there would be body's everywhere.

    So I am asking everybody to share if they know of anyone who has passed from covid , and I mean ACTUALLY PASSED from the virus, not tested positive after a heart attack or bleed out from a gunshot wound .
    They need to be someone you actually know know there name. Someone that you wouldn't get to see or talk too ever again .
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    I have 100’s of customers, prob more, i know 0 that have died. A couple with cancer who caught it and beat it in a week. Those were confirmed cases(tested positive). One with stage 1 cancer and one stage 3. 60’s or older. Lots of my customers are older.

    now if i ask my liberal customers, they have had several family members who have died. They always have the “young and old alike”. I call bullshit
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    I know many who had the wuhan clap, none died. Some of those people had other health conditions that would make them high risk. One family member died of cancer and had the china bug on the death cert until we threatened the hospital with legal action to correct it.
    I know 4 people who died of COVID. They all had underlying health conditions, but per their relatives they did die from COVID, not the preexisting health issues.
    - My barbers husband last year. (During a haircut, I asked her if she actually knew anybody that died from it! She said, yes my husband…no I don’t know his name.)
    - Two were a friends mother and grandmother who were anti vac and not in the best of health. (Yes I knew them)
    - the wife of a friend. (Yes I knew her.)
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    My uncle died with covid. Also had heart disease, diabetes and some other health issues. Of course he died because of covid and not from refusing to take care of himself.
    I had two coworkers pass from this. The first one when the virus was brand new. The second was a guy who refused to go to the hospital until it was too late. Both were in their 50’s and not very healthy to start with. I work for a pretty large company, so we are talking 2 out of 150 people or so. My wife had it and compared it to a bad cold. I never quarantined from her, and we didn’t know she had it (she has bad allergies in the spring) and we were doing all the husband and wives thing and I never got it. Sort of odd for it being the most contagious thing ever.
    My anecdotes:

    I work with several people, across the country (I work remote, but speak to them regularly on the phone) and 3 of them got it; they are all mid to upper 50s, and they all recovered but it did kick their ass for about a week. One of them takes care of her 80+ year old mother, lives with her, and her mother also got it. Oddly, her 80+ year old mother did not feel very ill from COVID, and also recovered. The other 2 are obese, one of them morbidly so, a big, tall guy, but still about 350+ pounds, with a hip replacement surgery on the horizon, and the other has battled cancer several times and is currently in remission, so I would consider those 2 "high risk" with health factors, yet they recovered.

    My wife also works remote and she knows 3 people that got it, ages 30-40, and they all recovered, yet one of them says one of their parents died of COVID. So overall, we "know" a total of 8, one death.
    0 Mac(y)
    ETA: My BIL that got the china flu, he managed to get thru it without any issues and when he went to the hosp. to get checked (temp., feeling crappy), they sent him home and to get some type of OTC meds.. He also had a stint(?) placed close to his heart about four months earlier. He's still alive and doing okay. Sooo, there's that.
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    For all the people that I/we actually know around us, in our 'circle' and in our locale, there is only ONE whom has caught 'the Vid' and was treated for it, and is now back at work.

    She is our Doctor's receptionist, and she was off for 2 weeks last fall, because of it. She is the ONLY one we personally know, that dealt with it.
    Personally know 2 who have died, one in very good health, 55 years old.
    The other had some health issues but never dreamed it would take him.

    A friend of mine, very good friend has lost 4 friends unknown to me to COVID in the last 2 weeks.

    I thought it was BS too until July 24th when I first had symptoms. Stayed at work in NM until I couldn’t stand it any longer, came home to Texas on the 3rd of this month.
    COVID w/ pneumonia and spent a total of 13 days all together. 2 days in ER home 2 days and then back for 11.
    My great aunt, who had a host of other pre-existing conditions (diabetes, smoker, overweight, etc.) died from complications with covid. There's a local teacher who died, can't speak for pre-existing conditions on her.

    I know a guy at work that got hospitalized and recovered. I know probably 50-100 others that got it (tested or donated blood later) and either didn't know or had way mild conditions. Maybe 5 people I know that had to stay home for a few days.

    My general take on it, in this part of the world (maybe the big cities were different) we never really fully shut down and if no one had said anything we maybe would've had a rough flu season. I tend to think that everyone who dies that tests positive for covid gets labelled a "covid death" which is utterly useless from a statistics standpoint because you have no clue how significant covid was in that death... and the average age of covid deaths is neck and neck with life expectancy.

    I think it's real, it killed people, probably worse than the seasonal flu, but not worth killing the economy and for damn sure not worth talking about or changing your lifestyle in 2021. It's irrational fear at this point to continue relating it to the spanish flu and other "real" pandemics. I want to say in the surrounding counties there's something like 6 total covid patients right now. Hundreds of thousands of people for population.
    I personally know of zero.

    My wife, who works as a CNA at the hospital (covid unit) said about 5% of the patients admitted into the covid unit have died. A majority of them didn't listen to the doctors or nurses (against medical advice), or were morbidly obese, diabetic, smokers, etc. One patient left the hospital against medical advice and died the next day of suffocation. When he left the hospital his blood oxygen was 60% and it had dropped to that level immediately after taking off his oxygen tube.
    I know one...a woman in her late 40s, died last weekend after a week on a vent.

    Know another, a man in his early 50s, who is on a vent right now and things don't look very good.
    73 year old neighbor died from it. Was diagnosed, and released from the hospital. Went home and failed to come back if it got worse...

    Multiple people in my family had it, including my 56 year old brother who is essentially trying to kill himself early with bad health habits...and he lived.
    My buddy’s girlfriend died but she had diabetes and did not take care of herself. My neighbor who is 150 pounds overweight had it and was back in action after 10 days. Both the wife and I had it. I was sick for 5 days and she lost her taste and smell for a month. It seems like a light flu.
    The variable is the same for all viruses. You get it and survive or die with variables in between. Just like the Flu vaccines it helps or it’s useless depending on your genetic makeup. I took the flu vaccine every year just because of my constant exposure. Virus vaccines are mostly experimental no matter what. Do your research. My research is real time exposure, 35 years in emergency medicine and exposures over that timeframe and until today. I took the JJ one shot because I’m 60+ and didn’t want an experimental mRNA vaccine. I am pro vaccines to the extreme but this does give me pause. Be vigilant and realize where the dollars go, the government doesn’t give a shit about you and never will. So much wrong about the whole situation you must do your own research.
    I know 4 two were old in nursing homes and victims of Cuomo deliberate action. The other two, my neighbor for the last 40 years, his wife and daughter both died from it. They were super people, owned a dairy farm. Worked hard every day of their life.

    China needs to pay. Not Hunter.
    my wife's brother is the only one i personally know that had to go to hospital (early on, lives in NY) but it didn't kill him.
    of the ~3k people at work, nobody died that i am aware of at this time.
    personally zero.

    One friend claims her dad had it when he passed but also mentioned he had been dealing with pneumonia when he caught it, he was 72 year old retired doctor. So it wasn't solely Covid.

    Know multiple people who have caught it and said it was like a flu. Some of them had been vaccinated.
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    One friend had their father die of it. (back when there was essentially no treatment but give you some oxygen and hope for the best and they refused to give them stuff like HCQ because the politicians banned it).

    Someone else I talk to a lot had 2 different acquaintances die of it. (1 unvaccinated, 1 vaccinated)
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    I know 1 personally. I have heard of other local people that I know of but have no relationship with. Just like you said I can't even come up with a name.

    My elderly uncle got it. He beat it. His heart finally gave up from old age a few months later. Pretty much everyone figured it was a death sentence for him but he recovered fine.
    Personally only know one. My great uncle, had covid and ended up with pneumonia and passed. He out lived all of his brothers by at min ten yrs, he was 95 when he passed coming up on 96th birthday.
    One young fellow I work with, whom is in good shape, caught it and so did his pregnant wife, whom also takes care of herself. She has a slight cough and sniffles, he had the worst of all the symptoms and they both survived.
    1. My friends dad. Had plenty of exciting issues and surprised they didn't take home first.
    2. My buddies brother. Not young, not old. He didn't mention any contributing issues.
    3. Know plenty of people who've had it and recovered.

    This is NOT a pandemic. Many have dies yes, but the mortality rate isn't like half the people you know are dropping......yet we push an untested vaccine.
    Literally one person, boss's FIL but he was elderly and not in good health either

    Do not know a single other person, even several removed that's perished.

    Not to say it doesn't happen, or that when it does it's not a tragedy and it's not real or unpleasant when it touches a family or friend.

    Just haven't seen anything on the scale they're describing and in public safety, I would have.
    Covid death survey

    Ok , I'm really curious to try to get some kind of no nonsense , no bullshit idea of just how bad this so called " pandemic " really is . Yes there are people who have died but I hear so much made up krap from people about how many they know that have gotten sick and how many have died from this virus . 9 times out of 10 when you start digging deeper and pressing them it usually ends up with " Well my brothers , uncles , aunt , cousin 3 times removed died "and they can't even give you a name .
    I had one person who went on and on about all the people she knew that got sick and when I pressed her " OK, but how many of them died"?
    All I got was crickets !

    Now I personnally only know of 1 person who has passed from it . It was just recently and it was someone I know from shooting matches with . May he RIP . It sucks because he will truly be missed .

    Now with that said he is the only person I know of in a year and a half that has died from the virus . You would think if this was truly a pandemic there would be body's everywhere.

    So I am asking everybody to share if they know of anyone who has passed from covid , and I mean ACTUALLY PASSED from the virus, not tested positive after a heart attack or bleed out from a gunshot wound .
    They need to be someone you actually know know there name. Someone that you wouldn't get to see or talk too ever again .

    quite a few. It’s a legit deal for some.
    wife has worked in the ICU COVID units since this whole thing kicked off last year. There’s a lotta folks not Making it. Her ICU’s full, and she’s losing patients on the daily. Both vaccinated and non vaccinated. Young and old. Seems lile
    Lost the people that are getting hit hard are write elderly of have a high BMI. Obese
    I personally know 12 people who have died from it since March of last year.

    Most had existing conditions.

    My father was an anti-vaxer, and he is on oxygen full time and has COPD and is in his 80's. My brother in law works for the VA and got it and almost died (alcoholic). He gave it to my sister (a fattie who almost died, and they had a grandchild almost die). All three were on ventinlators in the hospital.

    So my father than finally got vaxed and then contacted the virus and got over it.

    My coworkers have lost a lot of people in their families. All of the ones that have died either died before the vaccination or were not vaxxed.

    I have existing conditions and got the phizer vaccine as soon as it was available to me. I have shaken it off at least 3 times that I know about.

    The vaccine will help you not die, it will not keep you from getting it or spreading the disease. That is what my doctor told me in March when I got the vaccine, and has proven to be true since March.

    I don't know of anyone that has died from the vaccine, I know 12 people that have died from Covid. Not a single one had the vaccine or died before the vaccine came to light.

    Similar to Covid, I have been vaccinated for the flu virus my entire life (military and now working for the government). In years where I got it late, or forgot to get it I have gotten the flu and normally gotten pneumonia afterward. Years where I did my part and got the vaccine I got over the flu quickly or have not been sick at all.

    If you don't believe in vaccines there is nothing I can do for you to convince you. I hope you don't lose family members, friends or other loved ones. Your children are part of the reason that measles and other child hood diseases are coming back.

    If you are on the fence I would urge you to consider it.
    My oldest is quarantined positive as we speak (13) and doing well, 2nd born (13) recovered, sick one day, myself and the youngest test negative 2 times even tho we had the same symptoms... the wife well... it takes more than Covid to take out Satan’s daughter. But a Local cop (20’s) just died from the vaccine, blood clots. Not saying that it’s 100% vaccine but....
    Well the folks in her ICU are most definetly dying of covid. Can’t oxygenate.
    It’s a real deal, and that’s about the only thing agree with. Eveything else that’s going on is horse shit

    I know a handful of folks that didn’t make it.
    I am 41 and my O2 was in the 80s when I was admitted. It was a struggle and I was relatively healthy. Someone with underlying issues would certainly struggle.
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    Just had the covid 19 with pneumonia. I also have asthma. It was honestly the worse thing I've ever been threw. 103 plus fevers 2 or 3 times a day body aches out of this world couldn't taste or smell. I ended up dropping oxygen so low ended up in hospital and was on oxygen full time. I just got off of oxygen yesterday. Lost 30 pounds and still can't really do anything very weak and lungs still recovering. My mom is in hospital now something but got a blood clot and been on 13 liters of oxygen to maintain at 90 o2. I didn't believe covid til now and made me a believer in it. Oh I'm 33 pretty healthy live in Colorado and work in mountains running up hills all day. Haven't worked for over 1 month and prolly going to be another month to get back to try and work
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    Just had the covid 19 with pneumonia. I also have asthma. It was honestly the worse thing I've ever been threw. 103 plus fevers 2 or 3 times a day body aches out of this world couldn't taste or smell. I ended up dropping oxygen so low ended up in hospital and was on oxygen full time. I just got off of oxygen yesterday. Lost 30 pounds and still can't really do anything very weak and lungs still recovering. My mom is in hospital now something but got a blood clot and been on 13 liters of oxygen to maintain at 90 o2. I didn't believe covid til now and made me a believer in it. Oh I'm 33 pretty healthy live in Colorado and work in mountains running up hills all day. Haven't worked for over 1 month and prolly going to be another month to get back to try and work

    That’s rough man. Glad your good tho.

    what blood type are you? I’ve heard O blood type don’t get hit hard. Me and my wife both got Covid a year ago or so and it wasn’t bad at all. We’re both O blood type. I’ve heard A gets hit pretty hard.