Watch what you are saying,
Prior to our latest decree, they set up groups to monitor what you have to say, so say as little as possible out loud, especially in writing.
This is a red flag situation and the red flags they are currently worried about are (is) you, yes you reading this, you're the bad guy in this Fable
So with that being said, you've been warned, they are paying attention so act accordingly
Political Prisoners are a real thing in America today, don't be the next one by simply saying something stupid on the internet and getting in trouble for it ...
That is all, NOW listen to my latest damn podcast you heathen and get the Jab or else ...
Napoleon has left the building.
Prior to our latest decree, they set up groups to monitor what you have to say, so say as little as possible out loud, especially in writing.
This is a red flag situation and the red flags they are currently worried about are (is) you, yes you reading this, you're the bad guy in this Fable
So with that being said, you've been warned, they are paying attention so act accordingly
Political Prisoners are a real thing in America today, don't be the next one by simply saying something stupid on the internet and getting in trouble for it ...
That is all, NOW listen to my latest damn podcast you heathen and get the Jab or else ...
Napoleon has left the building.