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  1. memilanuk

    Losing case length when expanding

    FTFY ;)
  2. memilanuk

    Losing case length when expanding

    You're making it bigger... the material to make that happen has to come from somewhere. Usually the necks get thinner... but it's not uncommon for them to get shorter too.
  3. memilanuk

    What did you do in the reloading room today?

    If I could go back to swing shift, I might never retire ;) As it is... the one good thing about a rotating 5 shift schedule is the seven straight days off every rotation.
  4. memilanuk

    What did you do in the reloading room today?

    Did a little puttering around the shop today after I got up from night shift... Swapped the aftermarket 3d printed case feeder over from my original Lee APP to the spank new Lee APP "Deluxe" 🤣. Case feeder works, but the new setup still needs a little tuning to get everything dialed in. Not in...
  5. memilanuk


    Hell I'm still rockin' the Mk I...
  6. memilanuk

    Fired brass fits in chamber - still bump?

    This is beginning to remind me of the old arfcom threads, where guys would take whatever Aimpoint red-dot clone, mount on their gun, stick it in the freezer overnight, then literally hammer-toss it across the parking lot - onto asphalt - to see if it 'held zero'. Just stupid, for stupid's sake.
  7. memilanuk

    Fired brass fits in chamber - still bump?

    Apparently that's the way some people roll. The whole mud-fest thing, brass being bounced off stage barriers, stepped on, etc. all happens *after* it's left the freakin' gun, so... take it home, clean it, size it, move on 🤷‍♂️
  8. memilanuk

    Fired brass fits in chamber - still bump?

    Pretty sure I've shot more tactical matches over the years than you have F-class. I've had shit blowing into actions, triggers, barrels in F-class matches - and we kept going. I've also shot tac matches where everything was rainbows and sunshine. You look at the forecast, you prep...
  9. memilanuk

    Fired brass fits in chamber - still bump?

    He also has a comical misunderstanding of the level of cleanliness that F-class guns exist in - at least mine, here on the dry/dusty side of the Cascades. Then again, I'm that a-hole who when everyone else is saying "Cancel the match!", I say "This should be interesting - let's keep going and...
  10. memilanuk

    Fired brass fits in chamber - still bump?

    I recently did something where I took 25 pieces of brass, out of a lot of 400, and have been running them through repeatedly just to see how they held up before I committed to prepping the rest. Normally... I'd fire them once, take a case headspace measurement, using a headspace comparator of...
  11. memilanuk

    1:12 twist.308 win bullet recommendations

    Interesting. The US FTR team seemed to do okay with the 185 Juggernaut in a 12 twist for the 2013 FCWC in Raton 🤷‍♂️ To be fair, I know I - and others - had some misgivings, and would have preferred an 11 tw. Mid Tompkins was insistent (head wind coach at the time), the captain (Darrell Buell)...
  12. memilanuk

    ChronoPlotter: A new open source tool for graphing chronograph data

    Go on the github page; there's a issue already filed for the Garmin support. Upvote it to give it more traction so the developer, and/or add a new one for the Bullet Seeker.
  13. memilanuk

    .308 Winchester

    They do. There was the 'original 155gn Sierra MatchKing 'Palma', aka model # 2155, for a very long time. Decent enough bullet, but had the BC of a whiffle-ball and the general tug-boat shape (short-n-stubby) like the S168MK. Didn't have the f'd up boat-tail angle of the 168, though. IIRC...
  14. memilanuk

    N 133 with 75-80 grain bullets in 223 and 223 Ackley

    You could *try* N133, Vihtavouri does have some load data online (, but it's faster burning and give up a fair bit of speed to the alternatives.
  15. memilanuk

    N 133 with 75-80 grain bullets in 223 and 223 Ackley

    N140. Maybe N150, in a long barreled bolt gun. IIRC 135 is a little faster/hotter than H4895 (in general), 140 kinda splits the difference between 4895 & Varget, and N150 is just a fuzz slower than Varget. That's based off experience in 223 and 308, not what some burn rate chart says.
  16. memilanuk

    N 133 with 75-80 grain bullets in 223 and 223 Ackley

    Seems a bit fast for those bullet weights. More appropriate for 50-55 gn.
  17. memilanuk

    Garmin Shot View question/help

    Export it as a CSV file to some form of shared/cloud storage, and access it whenever/however you want. Probably won't be able to re-import it into the Shot View app, but that's a bit beyond the purpose of that app anyway.
  18. memilanuk

    Great feedback from “the hide” members

    Ya know... it'd almost be worth it to get @DocRDS and a few others on Bryan's Patreon channel, just to *really* stir things up 🤔🤣