Great feedback from “the hide” members

You whiny liberals are so predictable. I didn’t know yall pervaded this forum but it’s obvious you’re a bunch of radical libs bent on cancelling anything that doesn’t comport with your liberal beliefs. The decrepit culture of this forum is obvious
You whiny liberals are so predictable. I didn’t know yall pervaded this forum but it’s obvious you’re a bunch of radical libs bent on cancelling anything that doesn’t comport with your liberal beliefs. The decrepit culture of this forum is obvious
If I don’t vote for Biden, I get a bunch of insulting memes from the hide. Go ahead and post em you libs
Oh, okay liberal. Thanks for the encouragement to cancel myself.
@Sniper King 2020 youre the one that joined this place. Something tells me you're the lib. If you don't want to be with all the "libs" here there is a very easy way.


Click this on one of your own posts. Say "I want to be permanent banned so I am not tempted to come back to this place."

Then click this button.

Congrats! Youre free to go live in your own bubble safe from the internet telling you how wrong you are.

Now go away retard.
His point of contention was Garmin used STDEV.P while other chronographs use STDEV.S. He tried telling everyone that STDEV.P is the correct format. Even tried flexing his credentials to do so, until an actual statistician said no, you're shooting samples of a population, and almost never shoot a full population. Cry ensued.
What credentials?
It's honestly pretty sad/unfortunate at this point. I see why he has comments disabled on YouTube. Doesn't seem to handle being questioned well.

If he continues to do videos, it would probably be a wise decision to post them on hide and then not open the thread again. Let people decide if they like/agree or just move on. When you engage your audience in a forum, it's expected that you will be challenged and will need to articulate your opinion.
I have yet to meet a non liberal/crazy psychologist. Every single one was a mental midget.
Almost as if the profession draws them in.

What job can I do that does not require a lot of medical training or license, does not involve a shovel? In fact, so I can sit on my keister and get paid lots of money to listen to people whine about stupid stuff?
Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell me your name so I can assess your stats competence. If you’re the real deal, email me your CV.
Bryan, can I call you Stever? Good cause I don't care.

You seem to be caught in a credentials loop. Wow you got your PhD from Nebraska (Where the "N" stands to "N"owledge) in Pschotherapy and seem to think you a BFD (tm). Here's the beauty of math. Math doesn't give a shit what your CV is. We all follow the rules and you decided you wanted to rules lawyer and bully a bunch of guys on the inertertoobs because you made a mistake. You think you are smarter than everyone else--hey you are a big fancy doctor with a PhD!

Here's what's telling: When you may a mistake, you don't examine the argument--you are just another little poo flinger like the rest of us. You see, while I am one of the overeducated elite, I didn't start as one so I remember an old man's wisdom "They put your pants on just like you do: One Leg at a time"

That's why I love math and science--there is no name calling--its data and theory and equations--no name calling. I remember once in a seminar one of the professors lost his shit and was told "Why don't you just leave [the meeting]" and the rest of us grad students were like
DAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNNN Did you hear that shit!

You made a video: You made a mistake, you got called on it. Rather than be a true intellectual you went DEFCON0 and decided to tear everyone a new asshole. But you forget the first rule of arguing with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.... and your ass got PWNED as the kids say.

But I will say, as a fewllow intelluctual, you gave me a small bit of joy. You see, my brain just doesn't work like everyone else. At work I'm a closet Conservative, here I'm a filhty hippy and I just see the whole world different. But for a brief moment, you allowed me to be just another howler monkey on the Hide. And that my friend is the greatest gift I could get, because I so desprately want to fit in (You should analyze that or something). However the sad thing is you arguments are worse than the standard idiot here (every offense intended). We try and find the spicest meme, worst insults, biggest burns we can find, and you my friend Steve, are very very basic as the kids say.

You want my CV?

Ex ungue Leonum

or more appropriate to the pit

"Pedicabo ego uos et irrumabo [Bryan] pathice et cinaede [Steve]."

Almost as if the profession draws them in.

What job can I do that does not require a lot of medical training or license, does not involve a shovel? In fact, so I can sit on my keister and get paid lots of money to listen to people whine about stupid stuff?
They always believe they have the greatest empathy.
In practice mostly false.

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Also, another thing I wanted to point out in this thread. Un problema, which is Spanish for "un problema" for the OP.

He asked to see the CV of Doc. It doesn't matter what degrees Doc has or where he studied. A debate about a thing is a debate about a thing, regardless of where you learned about the thing.

I knew a guy who went to trade school for electricians. He was okay on tests, crap as a real electrician.

Another guy studied electrical trade while in prison. He was actually worth having on the crew. Being able to do the job is key regardless of how or where you learned it.

Same with lies, more lies, and damned statistics. Win the debate on points, not personality.

Now, as an aside, I find I get the most complete distribution curve by a large number of samples. In fact, the number of samples I have used is 80085.

Did I forget the comma?

Damn it.
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We really need to stop referring to him by his latest pseudonym and reference to him by his real online persona Bryan Zolnikov. That way when people search they find out that Bryan Zolnikov is not the “expert” that he claims to be and is just a tweaked shrink playing at shooting.

Right now, with his fragile 12 year old level ego and his comments turned off on his garbage content, those who don’t know any better will be misled. That’s unfortunate, but is the only purpose of his videos, making money off of unsuspecting people.
Unfortunately when someone references their years doing something or their education immediately as the reason they are correct, they almost assuredly aren't capable of articulating why.

I'm in no way bashing a higher education or many years of experience. But that should be a secondary point to be made, not the first and/or only. Articulate why you believe you are correct, and reference where you learned what you are articulating.

It's quite possible you have been doing something wrong for 20 years. We all have moments like that.
Bryan, can I call you Stever? Good cause I don't care.

You seem to be caught in a credentials loop. Wow you got your PhD from Nebraska (Where the "N" stands to "N"owledge) in Pschotherapy and seem to think you a BFD (tm). Here's the beauty of math. Math doesn't give a shit what your CV is. We all follow the rules and you decided you wanted to rules lawyer and bully a bunch of guys on the inertertoobs because you made a mistake. You think you are smarter than everyone else--hey you are a big fancy doctor with a PhD!

Here's what's telling: When you may a mistake, you don't examine the argument--you are just another little poo flinger like the rest of us. You see, while I am one of the overeducated elite, I didn't start as one so I remember an old man's wisdom "They put your pants on just like you do: One Leg at a time"

That's why I love math and science--there is no name calling--its data and theory and equations--no name calling. I remember once in a seminar one of the professors lost his shit and was told "Why don't you just leave [the meeting]" and the rest of us grad students were like
DAAAAAMMMMMNNNNNNN Did you hear that shit!

You made a video: You made a mistake, you got called on it. Rather than be a true intellectual you went DEFCON0 and decided to tear everyone a new asshole. But you forget the first rule of arguing with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.... and your ass got PWNED as the kids say.

But I will say, as a fewllow intelluctual, you gave me a small bit of joy. You see, my brain just doesn't work like everyone else. At work I'm a closet Conservative, here I'm a filhty hippy and I just see the whole world different. But for a brief moment, you allowed me to be just another howler monkey on the Hide. And that my friend is the greatest gift I could get, because I so desprately want to fit in (You should analyze that or something). However the sad thing is you arguments are worse than the standard idiot here (every offense intended). We try and find the spicest meme, worst insults, biggest burns we can find, and you my friend Steve, are very very basic as the kids say.

You want my CV?

Ex ungue Leonum

or more appropriate to the pit

"Pedicabo ego uos et irrumabo [Bryan] pathice et cinaede [Steve]."

I wonder how that makes him feel?
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It's called an argument from authority, an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam. It is an argument in which the opinion of an influential or credentialed figure is used as evidence to support an argument. It's a typical, invalid, false logical proof that is relied upon by 99% of leftists to justify ideas or policies that make them feel good about themselves, but that are false on their face, don't work, or have the opposite effect when actually put into practice. The validity of the argument simply rests on the authority of the person making that argument, and as I said, it is the go-to logical fallacy argument of the left.

So, it is ironic that your worst insult is that we are "Liberals", and by that I am assuming you mean "leftists", and not classical liberals?

What does your area of expertise say about people who believe their arguments are beyond reproach, rely on their academic credentials as proofs, and resort to logical fallacies in order to "win"? I've always said that when you reach the 800 or 900 level courses all the truth that was in the 100 level courses somehow magically disappears and is no longer relevant to the thesis. Proof that you can stay in school too long and it starts to make you dumber.

One of the many benefits of being an unlettered hillbilly is that we never make such brazen mistakes in logic.
Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Tell me your name so I can assess your stats competence. If you’re the real deal, email me your CV.
Why do you want to see his CV when he already dick slapped you with his knowledge? Are we right or wrong based on our titles or is someone right because they are right and all you have is to try to attack credentials?