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  1. quietmike

    The Clown spoken like a true Idiot

    Nine justices were fine when they allowed unmarried women to get paid to raise illegitimate children in fatherless homes. As soon as they said it's wrong to kill babies to avoid one very predictable consequence of randomly sleeping around, it's broken and needs to be reformed? Like spoiled...
  2. quietmike


    SS is a scam just like sending money to an exiled Nigerian prince.
  3. quietmike

    Biden throwing in the towel

    A gang rape is democracy in action.
  4. quietmike

    Secret Service Director Confronted By Blackburn, GOP Senators Over Trump Shooting

    Questioning the narrative is barking chihuahuas? Tell me you believe the Warren report w/o actually saying it.
  5. quietmike


    Static lines and C5 Galaxies.
  6. quietmike


    Pedo joe and the ho.
  7. quietmike

    List the adjectives used to describe it…..

    Typical for folks who support an ideolgy that celebrates killing babies to avoid one very predictable consequence of randomly sleeping around.
  8. quietmike

    The antichrist is just a conspiracy theo......wait, what?

    Good thing she's too old to reproduce.
  9. quietmike

    Biden poll

    Everything the left offers is based on avoiding personal responsibility and/or getting free stuff. If i took out an ad in the local newspaper saying I'd pay $500/week for someone to mow my lawn, my phone would blow up with people wanting that job. When government advertisers they'll pay...
  10. quietmike

    State of Tennessee tells 77 year old Navy vet he's not a citizen cancels his drivers license.

    McCain was a shitstain of a person. Tennessee got it right.
  11. quietmike

    Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

    The black codes and Jim Crow essentially said if you aren't just like us, we don't want to see or hear you, you're excluded. Take that same idea and rename it cancel culture, and tell me what changed. When you say whites should admit their privilege and understand that it's unreasonable to...
  12. quietmike

    Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

    That was before the government started paying unmarried women to raise illegitimate kids in fatherless homes.
  13. quietmike


    I'm sure the FBI will jump right on that.
  14. quietmike


    The "secret" to being a good Christian and a successful person are identical. Being willing to trade today's pleasures for a better tomorrow.
  15. quietmike


  16. quietmike


    If the zenith of your life skill is you can drop potatoes into hot oil and hand them to someone in a car through a hole in the wall, you have no one to blame but yourself, as opportunities to improve yourself abound.
  17. quietmike

    Trump/Biden debate memes

  18. quietmike

    Democrat Shit Holes

    Elvis released his song "In the Ghetto" in 1969. What part of that song isn't equally applicable 50 years later?
  19. quietmike

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1