Democrat Shit Holes


Range Physic
Full Member
Jul 15, 2007
Miserable CA

It’s a little widget where you can move the needle on the date scale and see the median income in Detroit vs the national average.

In 1950 people in Detroit were doing way better than the national average. Today Detroit residents are doing catastrophically worse.

It’s like that everywhere on the planet. Democrats move in, dollars move out.

It’s a little widget where you can move the needle on the date scale and see the median income in Detroit vs the national average.

In 1950 people in Detroit were doing way better than the national average. Today Detroit residents are doing catastrophically worse.

It’s like that everywhere on the planet. Democrats move in, dollars move out.
My friend, Lee, and I could use our share of 4-letter words but we never called each other a dem.

One time, I called a guy a Ford-driving, Clinton-supporting democrat.

Lee said, "You talked to your Mom with that mouth? Oh, my virgin ears.

It’s a little widget where you can move the needle on the date scale and see the median income in Detroit vs the national average.

In 1950 people in Detroit were doing way better than the national average. Today Detroit residents are doing catastrophically worse.

It’s like that everywhere on the planet. Democrats move in, dollars move INTO THEIR (or their donor's) POCKETS.
Fixed it
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It is by design. You can look shocked but that would be pointless. Democrats are socialists and socialists are communists and communism is EVIL. The intention of the lie is to reward the sick, lame and lazy for not working and to destroy their education system and create generation after generation of stupid fucking idiots. These idiots will live off welfare, they are never too tired to fuck the fat skanks in the ghetto because they never go to work.

These fat skanks pop out foodstamp babies like rats and then to straight back to fucking like rats, the rat babies never go to school so the shitty schools do not matter in the least. Smarter commies get job riding herd on the dummies they are breeding en mass and they have the better jobs.

Over the course of decades the infected commie society descends into poverty, chaos and despair. But they are fucking idiots, raised by fucking idiots and educated to the level of fucking idiot. They only know to vote, "D" for Dumb on the promise of more and better welfare. Detroit is a fine example of idiots doing the same idiotic thing over and over and expecting different results.
yeah, up until you couldn't pay people $4.50/hr to build cars?
I have friends who live in the Detroit suburbs. All 4 of them recently retired from Ford. They were making roughly $50 or better per hour PLUS magnanimous benefits and concessions. All 4 retired within the last post-Covid years, with the last one at the end of 2023. All 4 have very healthy pensions.

It ain’t the area or the employers. It IS the people and the politics.
Yeah I am a gray man in one of these shitholes too LOL. At the Delancey Street subway station today, a black dude wearing a one piece set of skintight swims with a huge hole cut out exposing his buttcrack. Above the hole are spelled out with glittery words "THIS WAY IN", with a glittery arrow pointed down at his exposed ass...


I don't think even the most fantastical revelations that can be "delivered" to me by shit like DMT, Datura, or shrooms can justify or make me understand just how one can be proud of engaging in a degenerate lifestyle...
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Not to be a jerk but is there an example of a Democrat run city/state that is a Utopia. Not trying to be snarky of course, just was curious if any examples existed where the political party in question fixed all of their citizens' problems?

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