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  1. quietmike

    The 9th circus says felon has right to guns

    Impulse control is what separates citizens from felons. If I'm behind a blue hair in a Buick going 10 under in the fast lane, part of me wants to pit her into the ditch. The logical part of me says going to prison for several years means it's not worth it. In nearly every community in the US...
  2. quietmike

    The 9th circus says felon has right to guns

    If a person can't be trusted with their full rights in society, why are they being released into society? Reward the behavior you want, punish what you don't. The government does exactly the opposite. Elon Musk, you are too successful so we're going to apply punitive taxation to you. Filthy...
  3. quietmike

    What exactly is Trump on trial for?

    @Haney once again you post your laughing emoji, instead of actually trying to refute my posts. Is not knowing who your father is really that damaging?
  4. quietmike


    No one "pays into" social security. Per SS's own website, current payments are used to fund current recipients.
  5. quietmike

    What exactly is Trump on trial for?

    Trump is on trial for exposing the man behind the curtain. Dems love saying they're the party of the minority and the downtrodden. They've run every inner city slum, which are disproportionately populated by minorities, yet haven't fixed a single one after trillions of dollars spent and decades...
  6. quietmike

    Why wouldn't IQ's fall based upon the leadership over the last 60+ years?

    What educational metric has improved since 1980? When wasthe last time you've seen a student held back a grade?
  7. quietmike

    Why wouldn't IQ's fall based upon the leadership over the last 60+ years?

    Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in 1831, at the end of that same year, all but three former slave states passed laws that made it illegal to teach slaves how to read or write. Several states made it illegal to teach free blacks. If you send them to school and give them diplomas even though a...
  8. quietmike


    Build back better is actually a big buncha bull.
  9. quietmike

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Rice and dry beans are both cheaper and more nutritious than processed food. We just have a few generations who see personal responsibility and consequences the same way a vampire sees a crucifix and holy water.
  10. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    If you believe in an ideology so strongly, why can't you intelligently defend it?
  11. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Too stupid to realize all those instances are folks who turned over individual freedom to a central government?
  12. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    It's funny, I can make you as mad as Father's Day.
  13. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    @Haney why can't you answer direct questions with simple direct answers? Is it too triggering for you?
  14. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Because you're a fucking retard with no idea who your father is and can never substantiate your positions.
  15. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    @Haney why do you find this amusing?
  16. quietmike


    Being stoned prevents you from thinking clearly.
  17. quietmike

    Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

    Dad had a H model Farmall when I was young. Instead of the saw, we had a hammermill we would feed in corn stalks after the harvest. Cows went wild for it. Still remember that sound almost 50 years later.
  18. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  19. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Pedopotato said Robert Byrd (a former kkk member) was his mentor.