Why wouldn't IQ's fall based upon the leadership over the last 60+ years?


Hunter/trapper of Remora's
Full Member
Jul 9, 2002
Lick skillet Alabama
I know ever time I have to endure leftest anything, I feel like I need a shower to flush their B/S, outside. Then I need to rethink how true America was, during my growing up & learning years.

The beauty of statistics is that insights are in the eye of the beholder, for example, one could say that statistically speaking people who go out for a jog every day are predisposed to skin cancer, ergo jogging is bad for your health.
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The beauty of statistics is that insights are in the eye of the beholder, for example, one could say that statistically speaking people who go out for a jog every day are predisposed to skin cancer, ergo jogging is bad for your health.
While I agree with that, the amount of people who are nothing more than one trick pony's has been increasing for many, many years.
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All those southern states flush with illegals. 30M-40M will affect these scores I would presume.
Government welfare, food and shelter guaranteed. Who needs to know how to read and write any longer?
Wonder what an IQ test based only upon life skills, ie being able to provide your own food, shelter, safety, providing own power, fixing/building shit, what the national average would be? In the area of dumb'ing down a nation, the gov's score, would be off the charts.
The highest IQ people vote Democrat. Let that sink in.

Sir, that would by very definition be contrary to the reasoning basis that the Intelligence Quotient bases its score off of. 😄

* I get the joke of your post.

I had two grandparents that were a professor of anthropology, and a child psychologist. Yet they couldn't change a lawnmower spark plug, and got completely F-ed to tears by every salesman that they ever encountered. As my dad (their S-I-L) often said, they were nothing but "educated idiots". Yes, they were both staunch Dems too.


Our current dilemma though is an overabundance of educated idiots within our education system itself. They have substituted ideologies for standards because anything and everything can be racist. Obviously you get subsidies by the crooked governments for fighting the systemic problems that really only exist due to a lack of initiative and effort.

So now we cheer median scores, blame society for low ones, and denounce those who scored high because of their 'privilege'. There is a decreasing reward for doing well, and you can literally receive a diploma for participating these days. It is what the government needs in order to tighten its controlling grip on all of us...people who were learned that everything in history was racist, communism is successful, and men can get periods too.

Look at the scores of Baltimore public schools lately, they made the news. Even in rural areas it exists too though. I have a 19 year old receptionist (in training) who receives a 20% discount on her veterinary meds as a perk for working here. The other day I walked in on her computing an entire sheet of paper's worth of numbers, trying to figure out how much she was going to have to pay with her discount. I simply told her to invoice it at full, and multiply that number by .8, and she stared at me like I was speaking a foreign language to her. 😄.

Common core math.

The problem manifests itself throughout society. Democrats over complicated life to the point where it becomes necessary to be repressed by counsel in almost every transaction.

Laws and regulations went from one liners or one paragraph sections 20 years ago to volumes of excruciating detail of today.

I think this is designed to dumb down society under the guise of inclusion. Back in the day people were expected to figure things out, sink or swim, and were taught the skills to do that in grades 1-12. Some people couldn’t figure it out tho.
Not bragging--I have 2 doctorates but am less capable than my father (high school grad) who was less skilled than his father-in-law (elementary school grad from the old country). My smartest friend is a high school grad who can build a house from the ground up and diagnose/replace every part on his vehicles. My education was necessary for the safe practice of my profession (not just credentialing) but left no time for everyday skills. I have never assumed that credentials meant intelligence or anything beyond their specific field.
I have mentioned it before and I will mention it again. Robert Heinlein spoke of his grandfather growing up on a farm near Butler, Missouri. And he went to a one-room school. At the 8th grade level, he had to leave school and take care of the family farm, which is a business, because his father had passed away. When he left, he memorized the multiplication tables. He knew basic trig so that he could set guy wires to hold things up, when needed. Fluent in English and having read the KJV Bible, Shakespeare, many of the current authors when they could get those books. Read, write, and speak German. Latin. Could read some Greek and Hebrew. He could single variable calculus in his head (it helps if you know the short-cut.)

Any one of those would be a challenge for a college graduate today, especially anyone outside of STEM. But I fear STEM is falling to DEI, a la "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand.

Heinlein gave a speech in the early 80's noting the falling standards. At the time, Cal Tech (California Technical Institute) admitted only the top 15 percent of high school graduates. 50 percent of the incoming freshmen had to take Remedical English, lovingly called "Bonehead" English before continuing with other studies.

If technology and teaching tools have improved, as they have, and we are spending more per student than we ever did, why are we struggling to meet Hayseed School for Mudbunnies from the 19th century?

Culture. Mudbunnies school had a culture of learning and finding value in that for both personal enrichment and better performance in the world.

Then, another culture came along. The culture of tribal chieftains where cultivation is not important. Learning and improving language and math is not important. Being important is the goal.

In order people of other cultures to compete in our society and in our schools requires lowering the standards. The other culture specifically defies the learning and the standards.

Add to that the millions of coming across the border from similar cultures and values.

What can you say to a culture that says you can perform music and not be a musician?

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Also, I read a book about IQ and what it actually means. It is to find the median in a group of people. Oversimplified, 100 is average IQ.

Pretend 3 guys take a test. One scores high, one scores low. Third guy scores between the high and low. That third guy is the IQ 100 guy.

The last time I took an IQ test a few years ago, I scored 121. So, not a genius but I can pour water out of a boot if the instructions to do that are on the outside and bottom of the sole.

So, sometimes, it mimicks the grading curve they use in schools. As more and more people are tested, the median has to lower.

I can be a stupid guy. And my IQ has not helped or hindered me.

They say that the highest scores are in ashkenazi jews. The reason I read the book and looked it up was to see if the guys who made up this test were jewish and just needed something more than being the Chosen People to lord it over others.
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I know ever time I have to endure leftest anything, I feel like I need a shower to flush their B/S, outside. Then I need to rethink how true America was, during my growing up & learning years.

Crappy american schools combined with lots of immigration from lower IQ countries.
The problem with the premise of "IQ" is that it is all "rough average guesstimation" all of which depends on the 'feelings' of the interpreter of said tests.

It has been my experience that the fancy phd-people that sit behind the desks and 'test people' are simply there to tell individuals what they are paid to tell them. When a number of different individuals go to the same facility and have the same 'test' and are all told that they each are 'in the top 1% of the population.... something is WRONG.

Very wrong.

Then they make it fancy by saying things like "if there were 100 people in a room, and you are one of them....."
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The problem with the premise of "IQ" is that it is all "rough average guesstimation" all of which depends on the 'feelings' of the interpreter of said tests.

It has been my experience that the fancy phd-people that sit behind the desks and 'test people' are simply there to tell individuals what they are paid to tell them. When a number of different individuals go to the same facility and have the same 'test' and are all told that they each are 'in the top 1% of the population.... something is WRONG.

Very wrong.

Then they make it fancy by saying things like "if there were 100 people in a room, and you are one of them....."
It is my contention that a high IQ doesn't mean you are smart. It's just that you see patterns, both visual and verbal, really well.

Even Mongoloids can be good at that.
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Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in 1831, at the end of that same year, all but three former slave states passed laws that made it illegal to teach slaves how to read or write. Several states made it illegal to teach free blacks.
If you send them to school and give them diplomas even though a shocking amount can't read or do math at a 12th grade level, what has changed?
The only difference is modern democrats have much better publicists.
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Intelligence and IQ have nothing to do with education. It wouldnt have anything to do with leadership because ones mental intelligence has nothing to do with that either. Nor does technology, it has no bearing on how a person is wired. People are not understanding and getting confused with another definition of "intelligence". Information gathered by say one of the alphabet companies.

Intelligence - how the person uses information, logic and application of reason, the ability to learn skills and obtain knowledge and process it.
Education - the content, knowledge or information that one can use and apply.
Neither are really related.

The lowering of the IQ, just a guess off the top of my head... inbreeding, legalizing weed, substance abuse, big pharma, the American diet, all these people on prescription drugs and other drugs breeding. Idiots breed more because they are more impulsive and poor planners. And free healthcare prolongs their lives, idiots used to not live so long, now they live longer because of modern day medicine and healthcare. So naturally there will be more idiots and why you see the average dropping.

The highest IQ people vote Democrat. Let that sink in.
A statement like that I would assume is created to sway the low IQ people to follow suit. IF there is any merit to it, its likely because more intelligent people (higher IQ) are more busy (they have good jobs, hobbies, families) and dont saturate themselves with the news which we all know is bought and paid for propaganda. So they skim the headlines and are just misinformed and unaware, the way most the country was about politics pre-internet. Today, statistics and the outcome of all surveys, polls, are greatly influenced and determined by who funds them. Also there is a flood of things going on, purposely flooded, distractions, mass information, more than than most want to take in.
The lowering of the IQ, just a guess off the top of my head... inbreeding, legalizing weed, substance abuse, big pharma, the American diet, all these people on prescription drugs and other drugs breeding. Idiots breed more because they are more impulsive and poor planners. And free healthcare prolongs their lives, idiots used to not live so long, now they live longer because of modern day medicine and healthcare. So naturally there will be more idiots and why you see the average dropping.
All that is directly or indirectly related to leadership. When LBJ started the war on poverty, the goal was to increase same in segments of the population, to afford a locked in voting block.
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Regardless of what the definition of IQ is or its meaning really is, dems took over education decades ago for the purpose of dumbing down the electorate.

They did a phenomenal job. Each generation has been dumber than the previous for about 40 years.
Regardless of what the definition of IQ is or its meaning really is, dems took over education decades ago for the purpose of dumbing down the electorate.

They did a phenomenal job. Each generation has been dumber than the previous for about 40 years.
Someone can have all the education there is, know all of everything there is... and still gave a low IQ. Its not related.