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  1. Becky@USO

    Rifle Scopes Unertl USMC sniper USO mst100

    Hey Guys, Thanks for the interest in our MST-100 however I am sorry to inform you that we do not currently have any plans to produce another run in the future. Becky@USO [email protected]
  2. Becky@USO

    Rifle Scopes US OPTICS MST-100 with different font .... any ideas why?

    Please email me an image of the font in question. I will be happy to look into this. [email protected]
  3. Becky@USO

    Rifle Scopes USO ER25 - EREK Knob Questions

    If your still having issues setting up the EREK knob give me a call and I can put you in touch with a technician that can walk you through it. Becky @ U.S. Optics (714) 582-1956 Ext 203