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  1. H

    dpms sass 308 vs armalite sass 308

    DPMS doesn't even have that going for it anymore. In 2012 Armalite came out with the AR10A which is the same as their original AR10 except that it accepts 3rd party magazines instead of Armalite's proprietary magazines.
  2. H

    Let's see some sass rifle/builds!!! Post'em up factory or home build anything goes!

    How do you like the CAA stock? My AR10 is supposed to be here this week and the first order of business will be to replace the furniture but I am still debating between this CAA, the Magpul PRS and the Magpul UBR. Also, what carry handle is that? It looks really good. I like it.
  3. H

    Let's see some sass rifle/builds!!! Post'em up factory or home build anything goes!

    How do you like the CAA stock. My AR 10 is arriving this week and changing the furniture is the first order of business. I'm debating still between the CAA, Magpul PRS and Magpul UBR stocks. Also, what carry handle is that? I like it a lot.