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  1. green338 2.0

    Official First Look at the Accuracy International, AX308MC

    Yep, I'll probably lose 3-4 rounds, but totally worth it ;)
  2. green338 2.0

    Official First Look at the Accuracy International, AX308MC

    Mines on hold up, you see, I live in CA, and am subject to the 10 day cooling off period....:( But thanks though, you should probably put something on your signature space--some form of advertisement. I really didn't know you sold them.
  3. green338 2.0

    Official First Look at the Accuracy International, AX308MC

    I called both EuroOptic and Mile High regarding this transit case, and both don't have ETA either...what to do now?
  4. green338 2.0

    LRP-07™ RSASS Upper For Sale, at JP Website.

    Maybe the only one in Tan? From my understanding, b/c nothing came about the Remington/JP contract, they're selling the Demo units that were associated
  5. green338 2.0

    Official First Look at the Accuracy International, AX308MC

    I've seen around 8-10 Pale Brown AXMC's, and 1 Black AXMC, but no OD Green.... No love for the OD Green?
  6. green338 2.0

    LRP-07™ RSASS Upper For Sale, at JP Website.

    Remington/JP upper for sale. Demo unit, it has between 5-10K rounds, the only one made available to civilians. JP Rifles Remington Defense If anyone is interested :o
  7. green338 2.0

    Gunsmithing Phantom Finishing Pics and Reviews

    Anybody know if they are still in business? Their website is down
  8. green338 2.0

    Gladius Update, 1000 yards Report

    where can i get that tripod
  9. green338 2.0

    Official First Look at the Accuracy International, AX308MC

    Thank you for the update, I really appreciate it.
  10. green338 2.0

    Official First Look at the Accuracy International, AX308MC

    Question Will the AXMC be released in a Tan/Black color theme, just like the OD/Black version? Or will I need to be first:rolleyes:
  11. green338 2.0

    Long Range Semi-Auto Decision (GAP-10 or JP-LRP)

    I would get the TOBR. You can basically take the rifle apart in seconds, and still achieve GAP10/JP LRP accuracy. Once/if they start offering different caliber choices, it'll be the next DTA/AXMC. BTW, JP Rifles makes all the parts on the rifles, while GA Precision/Larue sources everything...
  12. green338 2.0

    Rifle Scopes GA PRECISION GAP-10 SPUHR Scope Mount Question

    If you really like the Spuhr mounts, no worries. They offer 1.34" in height. You can sell your BO mount, and put that towards the Spuhr, I would :rolleyes:
  13. green338 2.0

    Rifle Scopes Razor HD Gen II 4.5-27x56

    Do you want pictures of the scope itself or mounted on a rifle?
  14. green338 2.0

    Rifle Scopes NF Beast vs Razor HD Gen II?

    Snipershide, among other forums to me is like community centers (e.g church's). People don't just go to church and talk about religion 100% of the time. We ask for help/guidance on everyday events. What's wrong with us validating his feelings?
  15. green338 2.0

    Rifle Scopes 2014's Best Scope ShootOut

    I started with an IOR scope that was mounted to my first rifle, that I bought on Calguns. Everything was brand new, and not a scratch/scuff on the Milspec 5R and the IOR. I spent a week on Youtube, and was fuckin excited to hit up the range, thinking I was going to be laser. Well, after 3 range...
  16. green338 2.0

    Surgeon Build or TRG-42?

    How about a TRG M10, & be done with it :rolleyes:
  17. green338 2.0

    EDUCATION can we talk about it.

    I understand your argument. Both my partner and I have over $160K in student loan debt. I have an MS degree in Criminology and my partner has an MA in Psychology. It's very competitive here in the SF Bay Area. There's countless students coming in from all over the world, to work here. Today, we...
  18. green338 2.0

    EDUCATION can we talk about it.

    My experiences as well. Other than community college, graduate level courses are the only small size courses you'll ever get (other than advanced religion or Art classes) :)