CA dealing directly with Mexican President


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Dec 12, 2012
By Sharon Bernstein
3 hours ago

By Sharon Bernstein

"""SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto thanked California on Thursday for improving the lives of immigrants from his country, including legalizing drivers' licenses for undocumented migrants and making it easier for them to work and start businesses.

Pena Nieto, on his first trip to the United States since becoming president in 2012, addressed a joint session of the California legislature, detailing economic and electoral reforms enacted back home and emphasizing his country's social and economic ties to the state.

"I want to thank you for what you have done for migrants, especially the ones from Mexico," Pena Nieto said. "It's no coincidence that my first visit to the United States is in California."

Pena Nieto's visit was the latest in a series of exchanges with Mexico that included a trip to that country last month by California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, and a visit to Sacramento by Mexico's foreign minister, Jose Antonio Meade.

The visits, part of an ongoing effort to further economic ties between California and Mexico, are taking place against a backdrop of growing tensions from the flow of thousands of undocumented children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras into the United States from Mexico.""""""
This sure seems strange, as a Gov of a state would be meeting with a president of another country. Mexican's and Mexico sure do like the way their citizens that enter the US illegally are treated in Kommiefornia! Another celebration of lawlessness, or as they do in Ca, if they don't like the law-screw it!
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Paw, were you married to California at one time? The way you hate her, you would think she had a threesome with a homeless dude and your brother, gave you herpies, then divorced you and took the kids and house.

You sure do dislike that state.
He likes to find articles that he believes shows CA in a bad light. OMG, we are in direct talks with Mexico about immigrants. Yes we have immigrants and they do the majority of the work that natives (that would be us Californians) don't want to do or refuse to do for little money. Now before you get your panties all wadded up lets see what is going on in good ole Tennessee and try to figure out why immigrants are the leading labor force there and even though natives (that's you PP) have increased in number, only a little over half of them are working and are letting immigrants take all the jobs. See PP, your state has its own serious issues so give CA a break and worry about your own state.

All of Tennessee's Employment Growth since 2000 Has Gone to Immigrants

Published on Monday, 04 August 2014 05:37 Written by Karen Zeigler, Steven A. Camarota

Yet Natives Accounted for Two-Thirds of Population Growth

The Gang of Eight Senate immigration bill (S.744) passed last June would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country and legalized millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States. Both Tennessee senators — Lamar Alexander (R) and Bob Corker (R) — voted for it.

To put into context the possible effects of this legislation on Tennessee, the Center for Immigration Studies has analyzed recent government data on employment. The analysis shows that, since 2000, all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in Tennessee has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is the case even though the native-born accounted for 60 percent of the growth in the state’s total working-age population.

•The total number of working-age (16 to 65) immigrants (legal and illegal) holding a job in Tennessee increased by 94,000 from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2014, while the number of working-age natives with a job declined by 47,000 over the same period.
•The fact that all of the long-term net gain in employment among the working-age population went to immigrants is striking because natives accounted for 60 percent of the increase in the total size of the state's working-age population.
•In the first quarter of this year, only 66 percent of working-age natives in the state held a job. As recently as 2000, 72 percent of working-age natives in Tennessee were working.
•Because the native-born population in Tennessee grew significantly, but the percentage working fell, there were nearly 300,000 more working-age natives not working in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000.
•The supply of potential workers in Tennessee remains very large: In the first quarter of 2014, 1.3 million working-age natives were not working (unemployed or entirely out of the labor market), as were 90,000 working-age immigrants.
•While the share of working-age natives holding a job has improved in Tennessee somewhat since the jobs recovery began in 2010, the share working showed no improvement in the last year.1
•Relative to other states, Tennessee ranked 30th in the nation in terms of the share of working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014.
•In terms of the labor-force participation rate (share working or looking for work) among working-age natives, the state ranked 35th in the nation.
•Two key conclusions from the state's employment situation: •The long-term decline in the employment for natives in Tennessee and the enormous number of working-age natives not working clearly indicates that there is no general labor shortage in the state. So it is very difficult to justify the large increases in foreign workers (skilled and unskilled) allowed into the country through a bill like S.744 that many of the state's politicians support.
•Tennessee's working-age immigrant population grew 176 percent from 2000 to 2014, one of the highest of any state in the nation. Yet the number of natives working in 2014 was actually lower than in 2000. This undermines the argument that immigration increases job opportunities for natives.
Ahhh comon, Mexico is just taking back what once belonged to it, one voter at a time. I'll have to change my name to El Sako Muchaco Grande!

Thank God I loves me some Tequila!
Man I really miss the Jumping Beans and Switchblades I used to buy and bring back with me when I was a kid going down there . Now as an adult I just bring back good tequila distilled down there ; )
Shit dude! Who needs tequila when Portland has all that awesome beer! :)
Ya Your right I guess there are a lot of Illegal Mexicans that work in the Hops harvesting around here for the benifit of all the kickass local Micro Brewers here . But I really I like drinking the little family owned distilled tequila that you can only get down there, Americans do benefit from Mexicans when it comes to drinking fine alcohol .

so if I drink more NW micro brew and chase it with fine Anejo . I guess another 5 or 10 million illegals wont hurt so bad ???
He likes to find articles that he believes shows CA in a bad light. OMG, we are in direct talks with Mexico about immigrants. Yes we have immigrants and they do the majority of the work that natives (that would be us Californians) don't want to do or refuse to do for little money. Now before you get your panties all wadded up lets see what is going on in good ole Tennessee and try to figure out why immigrants are the leading labor force there and even though natives (that's you PP) have increased in number, only a little over half of them are working and are letting immigrants take all the jobs. See PP, your state has its own serious issues so give CA a break and worry about your own state.

All of Tennessee's Employment Growth since 2000 Has Gone to Immigrants

Published on Monday, 04 August 2014 05:37 Written by Karen Zeigler, Steven A. Camarota

Yet Natives Accounted for Two-Thirds of Population Growth

The Gang of Eight Senate immigration bill (S.744) passed last June would have roughly doubled the number of new foreign workers allowed into the country and legalized millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States. Both Tennessee senators — Lamar Alexander (R) and Bob Corker (R) — voted for it.

To put into context the possible effects of this legislation on Tennessee, the Center for Immigration Studies has analyzed recent government data on employment. The analysis shows that, since 2000, all of the net increase in the number of working-age (16 to 65) people holding a job in Tennessee has gone to immigrants (legal and illegal). This is the case even though the native-born accounted for 60 percent of the growth in the state’s total working-age population.

•The total number of working-age (16 to 65) immigrants (legal and illegal) holding a job in Tennessee increased by 94,000 from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2014, while the number of working-age natives with a job declined by 47,000 over the same period.
•The fact that all of the long-term net gain in employment among the working-age population went to immigrants is striking because natives accounted for 60 percent of the increase in the total size of the state's working-age population.
•In the first quarter of this year, only 66 percent of working-age natives in the state held a job. As recently as 2000, 72 percent of working-age natives in Tennessee were working.
•Because the native-born population in Tennessee grew significantly, but the percentage working fell, there were nearly 300,000 more working-age natives not working in the first quarter of 2014 than in 2000.
•The supply of potential workers in Tennessee remains very large: In the first quarter of 2014, 1.3 million working-age natives were not working (unemployed or entirely out of the labor market), as were 90,000 working-age immigrants.
•While the share of working-age natives holding a job has improved in Tennessee somewhat since the jobs recovery began in 2010, the share working showed no improvement in the last year.1
•Relative to other states, Tennessee ranked 30th in the nation in terms of the share of working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of 2014.
•In terms of the labor-force participation rate (share working or looking for work) among working-age natives, the state ranked 35th in the nation.
•Two key conclusions from the state's employment situation: •The long-term decline in the employment for natives in Tennessee and the enormous number of working-age natives not working clearly indicates that there is no general labor shortage in the state. So it is very difficult to justify the large increases in foreign workers (skilled and unskilled) allowed into the country through a bill like S.744 that many of the state's politicians support.
•Tennessee's working-age immigrant population grew 176 percent from 2000 to 2014, one of the highest of any state in the nation. Yet the number of natives working in 2014 was actually lower than in 2000. This undermines the argument that immigration increases job opportunities for natives.
Nothing like picking just that part you want, and leaving the inconvenient facts out! If you actually Read that article, to include the source data and footnotes, you would have seen that these figures are a combination of LEGAL and Illegal aliens! All Americans are/were (family tree, at one time) Legal aliens.
I believe the executive branch of our Gov should be dealing with foreign powers, not individual Governors, while we have an X-Marine in a Mexican Prison (can't even get a "trial") the Gov of California, is kissing the Mexican presidents ass! Those jumping up to defend this type of shit, do nothing but expose themselves for what they are! It comes as no surprise the liberal/commie's are the norm in CA, even the gun owners!
When I read the headline for this thread I thought the whole state of california could now buy weed from the mexican president and not have to deal with a middleman.
Shit dude! Who needs tequila when Portland has all that awesome beer! :)
Why limit yourself!? The same care that goes into craft beers is the same that goes into properly distilled tequilla. I'll take a great sipping tequila over a scotch any night.

Sent from 80ms in the future
Much peace
When I read the headline for this thread I thought the whole state of california could now buy weed from the mexican president and not have to deal with a middleman.
You can bet the mex pres IS getting his cut for every pound of weed/heroin/etc. that is mfg(grown) in mexico, guarded by Mexican police/military and smuggled into the US (huge amount of this tonnage is coming into CA). It won't be long until some serious ISIS owned weapons find their way into our country (most likely via the CA "trade route") and will be used to kill Americans, and damage our economy.
You can bet the mex pres IS getting his cut for every pound of weed/heroin/etc. that is mfg(grown) in mexico, guarded by Mexican police/military and smuggled into the US (huge amount of this tonnage is coming into CA). It won't be long until some serious ISIS owned weapons find their way into our country (most likely via the CA "trade route") and will be used to kill Americans, and damage our economy.

Hey Paw! Jokes aside I hear you. And fuck those cartels. My vote is you go ferret those ass monkeys out. I still have love for my state as jacked up as it is.
I would not be opposed to a free fire zone on the border, but I'm afraid I'd be arrested by CA authorities on a number of charges before I got there, as my weapons would not meet CA standards. You vote, great, I can't vote in CA, if I could, you can bet I'd not miss an election (not just the presidential every four years, as some from your state do-in fact some are not even aware of the national election cycyle!). Let's face facts, if millions of people can wonder across our border, unimpeded, millions of pounds of drugs seem to sail across, again unimpeded, then to reject the Strong possibility of shoulder fired AA's coming in, or other hard to get weapons coming across is insane. I personally place the probability of something like this happening within the next year at 75% or better. I'm glad you like your state as it is, jacked up or not-I'm glad you are in CA, and hope you always are able to stay there.
I would not be opposed to a free fire zone on the border, but I'm afraid I'd be arrested by CA authorities on a number of charges before I got there, as my weapons would not meet CA standards. You vote, great, I can't vote in CA, if I could, you can bet I'd not miss an election (not just the presidential every four years, as some from your state do-in fact some are not even aware of the national election cycyle!). Let's face facts, if millions of people can wonder across our border, unimpeded, millions of pounds of drugs seem to sail across, again unimpeded, then to reject the Strong possibility of shoulder fired AA's coming in, or other hard to get weapons coming across is insane. I personally place the probability of something like this happening within the next year at 75% or better. I'm glad you like your state as it is, jacked up or not-I'm glad you are in CA, and hope you always are able to stay there.

You are spot on a free fire zone at the line. Hunting and shooting Mexicans would be a good use of ammo. Nothing better than a live usless varmet
I along with 50,000 other G.I.s spent a year in South Korea (great place, great tour) we, the USA and our allies the ROKs used thousands of strands of barbed wire, 100,000 of land mines, as static measures, along with our troop emplacements to keep the North Korean commies (with their red china commie friends) from crossing the border. Other than occasional tunnels, and a few incursions (less than 6 man teams) South Korea, stays quite secure. I haven't been to Korea for a long time, however; I believe most if not more of those measures are still in place. We, the USA, know how to secure a border, we've had lots of practice, during the Cold War years in West Germany, and still on guard in Korea, as examples. Once we secure the border, then we can go about the chore of deporting. I'd start with all those caught committing crimes, once they served their full sentence. Our crime rate would drop-a lot. We will never be secure in our own country, until we secure our borders-it can't get any simpler than that. Is that all we have to do, Hell no! But without a secure border, almost everything else is just noise. As I believe we [the USA] will be hit by terrorists using 'sophisticated' military equipment, smuggled into the US via the Mexican border, I just hope those that die, and suffer the most are in those states that "welcomed" the lack of border enforcement, and not those that could see the writing on the wall.
There everywhere even here in NC, Or should I say especially in NC! That would be the only way I'd move to Ca. if there was a free fire zone, but I don't think NC's cans, 100rd mags, would go over to well, and I don't think I'd shoot an AR if I had to run 5rd mags, and push a bullet button to drop a mag.
It's our own faults to a big extent. I know people from 20yrs ago in High School who are living in a HUD home, drawing welfare, and paying $1 for their methadone. They don't wanna work unless they can be rich. I know I'd sure like to go to another Country and get free healthcare, dental, and not pay taxes, and still drive a friggin car. I was just T Boned by a Illegal not long ago, and guess who has to pay? $100 deductible for "non insured drivers". I say we just take the Country over, just like we should have done in Afgan. Not blow it up, and fix it back better than it was before. Their gonna kill each other till the end of time. And I'm afraid we're just headed for a worse America than we've already become.
I along with 50,000 other G.I.s spent a year in South Korea (great place, great tour) we, the USA and our allies the ROKs used thousands of strands of barbed wire, 100,000 of land mines, as static measures, along with our troop emplacements to keep the North Korean commies (with their red china commie friends) from crossing the border. Other than occasional tunnels, and a few incursions (less than 6 man teams) South Korea, stays quite secure. I haven't been to Korea for a long time, however; I believe most if not more of those measures are still in place. We, the USA, know how to secure a border, we've had lots of practice, during the Cold War years in West Germany, and still on guard in Korea, as examples. Once we secure the border, then we can go about the chore of deporting. I'd start with all those caught committing crimes, once they served their full sentence. Our crime rate would drop-a lot. We will never be secure in our own country, until we secure our borders-it can't get any simpler than that. Is that all we have to do, Hell no! But without a secure border, almost everything else is just noise. As I believe we [the USA] will be hit by terrorists using 'sophisticated' military equipment, smuggled into the US via the Mexican border, I just hope those that die, and suffer the most are in those states that "welcomed" the lack of border enforcement, and not those that could see the writing on the wall.

First of all, We have to stop buying the drugs those guys are selling. We have a drug problem in the U.S. we love our fucking drugs. People don't realize or don't want to admit that when they pop an E, or snort that next line they are supporting terrorism. Personally I can't blame the uneducated masses of Mexicans who want a better life for their families and loved ones for trying to come here. It's a hell of a lot better than living in the horror filled streets of Mexico where thugs armed to the teeth roam un impeded. Since 2006 over sixty thousand people were murdered in Mexico by cartel related violence. The Army there kills as many people as the cartels.

Lastly, the other problem is our fucking politicians and their lack or realization that we are fucking ourselves by not protecting our borders. I do really like CA but it's changed in the past twenty years and will change even more in the next ten if we don't get our act together. Your comment about you hope we get to stay here, well me too. But if it ever gets too bad yeah I'm moving. I did have to take my family out of San Jose to another part of the Bay Area as the crime in our community was off the charts. This was in part due to illegal immigrants who were selling drugs in our neiborhood and stealing cars or breaking into homes.

Am I for shooting Mexicans, the broad answer is NO! Am I for lighting up known drug runners and Cyote (human traffickers) fuck yeah! Make it an official sport. You bring drugs into China, Singapore, or a bunch of other countries you get a fucking bullet. We need the same exact policy.
Paw, were you married to California at one time? The way you hate her, you would think she had a threesome with a homeless dude and your brother, gave you herpies, then divorced you and took the kids and house.

You sure do dislike that state.

is California not getting gang banged every country south of the border right now and taking it like n old dirty whore. o wait whores get paid and California runs in deficit. so California takes our money and pays to gang banged by all those countries seems kin to stealing
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