Search results

  1. green338 2.0

    Mega Arms MKM

    I like how the MKM upper is available at 14" IMO, MKM uppers are better than going for an aftermarket handrail. Nevertheless, I still rather have the old monolithic upper receivers. The monolithic uppers I have just seem stronger. Back to the topic, you could find an MKM upper for $5XX. Your...
  2. green338 2.0

    Adjustable Gas Block Options

    Get a PRI adjustable and be done with it :cool:
  3. green338 2.0

    my GAP (honda civic of rifles) group grows

    I know these are just your GAP rifles, but I was going to say, maybe add a Tac Ops to the collection, but it doesn't look like OD Green is your thing...:cool:
  4. green338 2.0

    my GAP (honda civic of rifles) group grows

    No GAP barrel for your DTA?
  5. green338 2.0

    Isssues with Superior Tactical Solutions

    I couldn't even imagine myself in this situation... Goodluck
  6. green338 2.0

    Harris Tactical .308 BCG

    I wish he would have posted something about this on the website...
  7. green338 2.0

    Official (DTA) SRS, HTI, Covert, Hunter Thread

    Thanks! I really don't see any advantage going with the 26", but I felt that it might put a little more weight upfront...Either way, I have been closely following DTA's for the past year and am finally thinking about pulling the trigger on a setup.
  8. green338 2.0

    Official (DTA) SRS, HTI, Covert, Hunter Thread

    Does the 26" barrel balance the SRS more than the 22"?
  9. green338 2.0

    Harris Tactical .308 BCG

    I just canceled my order after 2 months on waiting for one...
  10. green338 2.0

    Sidearms & Scatterguns What's It Worth? Can't find much info on this Springfield 1911

    It shouldn't be too's not a Custom Shop build, so I would say around or under $1k Also, it does not have front checkering. What's the marking on the night sights to give you an indication of their age? Does it have a magwell?
  11. green338 2.0

    any lucky new MEGA MATEN MKM owners out there? pic request!

    I am not sure what experiences you have with either, but I have around 20k rounds with both Armalite and DPMS style bcg's, without a problem. In my opinion, the Armalite is "better," than the DPMS. Whatever the case might be with bcg's, there's only a few companies that produce them and they get...
  12. green338 2.0

    any lucky new MEGA MATEN MKM owners out there? pic request!

    What's wrong with Armalite and DPMS BCG's? They're both of quality. If I had to choose, it would be the JP Enterprises BCG, though.
  13. green338 2.0

    I'm "that guy"with the worst luck with gunsmiths!!!

    How is releasing his name any different than any other review-website (ie Yelp, Resellerrating, Customers do this all the time when you buy a product that you're happy or not happy about.
  14. green338 2.0

    any lucky new MEGA MATEN MKM owners out there? pic request!

    Was it you who posted an ad on AR15? I was about to contact you regarding the trade, but the ad disappeared...Did you get the extended rifle version?
  15. green338 2.0

    Sidearms & Scatterguns Life after my Kimber full size 1911?

    I bought a Les Baer Premier w/ 1.5 package, overall nice work. However, I had a few FTF the first couple hundred rounds, plus it was too tight...I preferred to shoot the TRP I had compared to the Les Baer. I picked up a Springfield Pro recently, and although it was tight, it wasn't as tight as...
  16. green338 2.0

    Movie Theater Kick Ass 2

    I can't wait to get a better angle of that F40:cool:
  17. green338 2.0

    $6,000 and a favor, give me some recommendations on what to get.

    For the most part, your FFL needs to be/become a dealer to get discounted pricing.
  18. green338 2.0

    GA Precision Crusader

    Here's a new Crusader for those looking for one without the wait. I am not affiliated with the seller, just passing down a link as a helpful source for those looking for one.
  19. green338 2.0

    Sidearms & Scatterguns Looking for a custom 1911

    Wilson Combat, Ed Brown, Les Baer, and Guncrafter Industries. Wilson will probably be the most difficult to obtain, depending on what your looking for. Guncrafter has the shortest wait time. It all depends on how soon you want it.
  20. green338 2.0

    Rebarrel AR10

    Send it to Mark, at Short Action Customs, he's building me one in 6.5 CM :) Plus, he has done a bunch of small work for me; fast turn around, great price, and excellent work!