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  1. Lite

    Hello from South Dakota

    Hello from Sturgis in West River in the foothills of the Northern Black Hills.
  2. Lite

    Magnum caliber truing distances

    I would not change a thing either what that data! Your post made me smile because like you, my 300 Norma Magnum has been very consistent out to 1 mile for me, and I trued the Kestrel at 1,200 meters only because that was the longest truning bar I had available to me. I have not done the math...
  3. Lite

    Terrapin X case

    @USMC22 I did pick one of these up (link below) and it does fit the LRF perfectly but no room for Kestrel. If you only care about holding the Terrapin then it might be for you. However now...
  4. Lite

    Safety Warning for Berger 77 grain OTM: Pressure Testing Update

    Go to there website and at the bottom they have a Contact Us link.
  5. Lite

    Safety Warning for Berger 77 grain OTM: Pressure Testing Update

    Glad they will replace the ammo. It is concerning that they have had a couple reports. Normally that would trigger a recall in most industries. I have lot #: P002745-3. I don't know how Berger uses the -1 or -3. I think I'll hold off on shooting this for a bit. Thanks for the report!
  6. Lite

    Preferred vendors

    Found the link to the virtual classes: Enjoy
  7. Lite

    Preferred vendors

    Not a direct answer but here is a tip you might find useful. Most of the time when you attend a free on-line Kestrel training class, or compete a survey, you get a personal one time 10% off code. I just used one to pick up some extra kit directly from Nielsen-Kellerman for providing...
  8. Lite

    LRA Bipods gone for good?

    Today I ordered some parts directly from the LRA website and noticed the credit card was billed to Telos Soltuions Inc. According to the about page on the website: In 2018, David sold Long Range Accuracy to Larry Cole and Clif Wilson. Both come from precision manufacturing and engineering...
  9. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Thanks! Auto Store was turned on! I've reset the interval to 1 hour and turned it off in Memory Options as suggested. Appreciate the insight. BTW I'm using the new Kestrel LiNK app on iPhone and it does use the term "Device Sync Rate" which I have set to 2 sec as recommended. The legacy...
  10. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    After factory reset, here are the default values. Hum...
  11. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Yesterday at Coleman's Creek my TerrapinX would not reconnect. I checked today and my Device Sync Rate was 2 seconds. But my Data Logging Rate was 1 hour! Adjusted now (see photo below) and will re-test today. BTW @Kestrel Ballistics, what should Device Sync Rate be and what does it do? Lite
  12. Lite

    Profile sorting in AB kestrel/fury

    I've looked into that but it appears that the last profile to be modified is first on the list, or something like that. Shoot @Kestrel Ballistics a message here or e-mail them. They are good about answering our questions here. I also recommend you attend there free training classes. I think...
  13. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Today I was getting reconnect times of 4.8 seconds up to 20 seconds after the LRF went to sleep. This is encouraging. Not sure why sometimes it reconnects so quickly and other times it takes longer. I'm speculating there may be a setting in the Kestrel that changes how frequently it looks...
  14. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Updated Kestrel firmware and needed to do soft resets on both devices but now the Terrapin X is reconnecting to the Kestrel after going to sleep. It's not quick, takes 60 seconds to reconnect, but it is reconnecting. Hoping there is a setting that will get that reconnect time down like it used...
  15. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Good catch. Terrapin X. I edited my post. Glad yours is working now. Did you upgrade Kestrel firmware too? I did not. I might try that next.
  16. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Philip, I upgraded firmware on the Terrapin X and followed the directions. The LRF and Kestrel connected. Also connected the HUD. Measured multiple targets and all worked. Waited 3 minutes for Terrapin X to go to sleep, and when I wake it up, it won't reconnect to the Kestrel. I can't...
  17. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    Awesome. I'll try it out shortly.
  18. Lite

    338 Caliber Restriction.

    When I was considering a gun/cartridge for ELR, I too wanted to stay 30 caliber or under for a different reason. I landed on 300 Norma Magnum. Assuming by 338 you mean 338 Lapua, the 300 Norma Magnum, 338 Norma Magnum and 338 Lapua Magnum all share the same bolt face. That makes...
  19. Lite

    What's your preferred method of bore sighting your scope?

    Exactly! All my shooting buddies run MRAD reticles, and we have spotting scopes with MRAD reticles, we follow the same approach with one exception. The spotter simply calls out the correction and the shooter just dials it in. Amazing how many times we zero in 3 shots using this method...
  20. Lite

    Kestrel connection problem with Terrapin X

    When we get the new firmware that hopefully fixes the Bluetooth connectivity, I'll pay more attention and see if this happens to me.