Profile sorting in AB kestrel/fury


Full Member
Feb 12, 2017
Central Iowa
Is there a way to sort or arrange your gun profiles in the kestrel link or fury apps??

Having multiple profiles for same rifles for suppressed or not, different bullets, and different rifles, it just seems to put the profiles in no particular order and I'd kind of like to organize them if I could. Ive even tried to erase and add profiles in the order I want them and they will just seem to be put wherever when you add them.
I've looked into that but it appears that the last profile to be modified is first on the list, or something like that. Shoot @Kestrel Ballistics a message here or e-mail them. They are good about answering our questions here. I also recommend you attend there free training classes. I think I attended 3 or 4 last year and picked up something new in every class.

PS: I have no experience with the fury apps, only Kestrel and their iOS apps.
I can't say that the last one added or modified gets put to the top as I just added a profile going alphabetical and it put it 2nd from the bottom between a different rifle profile set. No rhyme or reason that I can figure out.

Yes I'd like to attend one of their classes but never seem to get it done.