1. L

    Lapua 243 neck thickness

    Can someone tell me the neck thickness of the Lapua 243 brass? Thank you
  2. BgBmBoo

    AAHHH..going nuts...HELP PLEASE .243 load

    Ok...I am going nuts hear trying o find a load that shoots well in my short barrel (16 1/2") .243. It has a 1:10 twist barrel. And since I can not find much in the way of powder variety, I am using RL-15 right now. I have Hornady 75gr HP, 75 gr. Vmax, and 87gr Vmax bullets. So far my best...
  3. wnroscoe

    Newest .243 Win Build

    Krieger 1-8" HV 27" .243 Win Match Trued Rem 700 Surface Ground Tubb Lug Pillar Bedded in a ADJ. HTG Woodland Remington Trigger Badger M5 20MOA Rail Tac Ops Bolt Knob Flat Black Gun Kote
  4. N

    243 win

    im getting ready to load 243 for the first time.im going to use 105 amax and was told to try h1000.has anyone else used this mix and have an opinion on magnum primers
  5. N

    243 AI with ACIS mags

    will a 243 AI feed out of the acis mags? Thanks
  6. D

    Reloader 17 with 105 grains bullet in 243 win

    Has anyone tried this powder in the 105 grains bullets (Scenars and AMAX)? Got the article from 6 mmBR, but they only go up to 100 grains bullets. Any help is appreciated.
  7. BgBmBoo

    Using Ram Shot TAC for .243?

    Just wondering if anyone here has tried using TAC for their .243? I see no data for it but if you can use it for .308 why not .243? Take care,Stan
  8. dar1246

    Gunsmithing 243 barrel shot out

    The 243 my son shoots the throat is shot out. I have seated the bullets out to 2.970 to get them to group again. That is about as far out I can seat the bullets with the case trim length. How many more rounds do you think until that is done?
  9. L

    243 loads

    Does anyone have any good hand loads I can try in my savage 243? My uncle gave me some that he made up for his rem 243, but they just dont shoot good out of mine.
  10. BgBmBoo

    What to do for a short barrel .243?

    Well I have gotten all the goodies...powder,primers,bullets,brass,etc., lined up for my .243. Here is the deal...it has a 16 1/2" barrel. With factory ammo it REALLY likes Hornady 75gr HP. Will shoot sub 1/2" groups at 100yrds with it. I have some 75gr HP Hornady, 75gr Vmax,and 87gr Vmax...
  11. T

    243 ackley

    I currently have an FN SPR action at my smith and he is building me a 243ai 3 groove 8 twist 28" barrel to shoot the 105 class bullets. I am looking for peoples pet loads with velocities. I have not picked a specific bullet that I want I just know I want at least 100gr and yes I know to start...
  12. S

    .243 @ 1000 yards?

    What kind of accuracy have you got with your .243 out to 1000 yards? What loads were you using?
  13. T

    243 bushing size.

    I am currently building a 243ai and am ordering dies but don't know which set of neck bushing to buy for the redding neck bushing dies. I will be using 243 lapua brass with either 105 amax or 107 sierra's.
  14. 264win

    243 wssm info ?

    anyone have any pet long range loads ? will a 1-8 stabilize the 115 dtac ? this will be my first super short mag and will be paper and steel not hunting , so any help would be great , thanks adam
  15. A

    Rem. 700 .243 bolt

    I have a Rem. 700 in .308 Win. that needs a new bolt. It was given to me by a friend who tried to weld a new handle on, and it will not cycle. My father has a .243 that he has let rust beyond repair (barrel wise)and gave to me to do as I please. I plan on keeping the .243 receiver for a...
  16. R

    243 win + 105 AMAX + Varget

    My Hornady manual does not give a listing for Varget. While Sierra has a listing for a 107 grain pill and the hodgen site lists 31 to 33 grains as low and high loadings for an AMAX I was hoping for any input from members running this combo. Primers are WLR, brass for now is winchester but I...
  17. T

    243 ackley in aics mags?

    I am currently about to do a 243 ackley build and am wondering if the 243 ackley loaded with heavy bullets 100grs and up will fit in the aics mags? thanks scott
  18. R

    Bullets for Stock Rem 700 Varmit in .243?

    I have a Rem 700 SPS Varmit (1 x 9 1/8 twist) in .243 on order. I'm gathering up the bullets for load development. Right now I have 105 Amax and 105 Berger. I will be using Rel 17, CCIBR and Lapua cases. Will be picking up Rem or Win cases for lost brass matches. I will use it for...
  19. KST

    243 win. and VV n-165 load

    Hi everyone 1st post. I'm looking for some loads for a 243 win. using 115 DTAC or 107MK and vv n-165. Thanks
  20. R

    Hunting & Fishing .243 wssm?

    Anybody hunt with a .243 wssm? Got a chance to get a Winchester coyote for a pretty good deal, but haven't ever shot one. Ballistics look pretty good. Just wanted some opinions from somebody that actually has one.