1. bfoosh006

    FYI,Wideners has OFB, LC '06 .308 and '07-'08 5.56

    .308 $179/k or $90/500 5.56 $79/k
  2. jhuggans

    Photos New CQB Rifle - SIG 556 ER w/ 551 handguards

    Can't wait to try it out!
  3. M

    will 22lr kit "lead up" 5.56 barrel/foul gas tube?

    got a 22lr kit for ar, just wondering if its hard on an ar to run this then switch back to 5.56/.223? if its gonna be a pain to clean up after usin the rimfire ill just keep it for a ruck emergency kit....but it would be neat for cheaper training use if its not horrible on the rifling and gas...
  4. Phylodog

    "Commercial" vs "Military" LC 5.56 Brass

    I'm preparing to load for my .223AI and have a question about LC brass. I probably 5000 pieces of once fired LC marked brass (fired through AR15 rifles) which was packed in Federal American Eagle 55gr ammo. It has the Nato cross in the headstamp as well as "LC" and the 2 digit year. It was...
  5. KPK

    Suppressors Question and reviews on YHM Phantom 5.56 and 7.62

    I'm looking into getting a suppressor for my ar and like the price and look of the yhm. Does anyone have any expreience with them? Will the 7.62 suppress the 5.56 very well? Would be nice to get ont that would work with a few of my other calibers. What are your thoughts? Thanks, Kyle
  6. Switchblade

    5.56 based upgrades?

    I have been looking at upgrades in caliber for the AR. There are obvious choices in 6.5 Grendel, 6.8SPC, 6mmAR, 458SOCOM, and 450 Bushmaster. Are there any upgrades that use the base 5.56 case or is it a moot point? Reason I am looking is I have a bunch of 5.56 P-Mags and any 6mm based upgrade...
  7. Dsparil

    Sig 556 Traditional lower being made

    http://sigforum.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/630601935/m/4301005041/p/13 get in on this if you want a traditional lower with folding stock. the more people who get in on it, the cheaper it'll be. and this sucker will take ar mags.
  8. Dsparil

    Range Report Q3131A POI versus any other 5.56 military ammo

    is there a point of impact shift on Q3131A versus say m193 out to 400 yards? or would it be relatively the same as in center mass hits to that distance?
  9. FRO516BMX

    Range Report Match 5.56

    I just picked up a DPMS Panther SDM. 20" 1x8 twist. Any recommendations on match ammo? Bullet weight? I don't reload at this time and I've only dealt with match .308 so far so anyone with some insight would be greatly appreciated. Shooting to a max of 300 yards right now. Thanks.