
  1. Alaskashooter

    How good is good?

    What size groups are considered bad, ok, good, and great? 100 yards center to center, I'm hoping to get thr 6.5 creed owners to chime in here. The reason I ask is I recently loaned my 6.5 to my mother (bad idea) for a bench match and she shot a .154" group, now friends and family are telling...
  2. C

    Gunsmithing Who sells Bartlein 6.5 barrels that will export to New Zealand.

    Hi Guys. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Almost 2000 rounds through my 260 Tikka T3 Sporter and anticipate needing to rebarrel soon. Looking at buying a couple Bartlein 6.5 5R 1-8.5 28 and 30" barrel blanks. Any suggestions as to who has stock that will export to New...
  3. W

    Pre 64 Model 70 build

    Hey folks, First posting here. Thinking about building a rifle on a winchester model 70 pre 64. This would be a long action ( 30-06 length) Primary purpose would be positional shooting competition ( psr style) with hunting white tail being a secondary. Questions are a) will a 6.5 creedmoor...
  4. C

    300 to 600 yard performance

    Currently I have a .260 and 300WSM set up for longer range target and hunting applications. I have a decent stockpile of 6.5 bullets and powders and the majority of parts needed for a 6.5 CM bolt gun build. The majority of threads I have gone thru have stated that 24in is the minimum most...