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  1. skinney_7

    Suppressors 9mm subsonic

    was wondering what you guys who shoot suppressors use for 9mm subsonic bullets, i will be using it for 9mm SBR's and some suppressed 9mm pistols. i was looking at the 147gr XTP, and the 124gr XTP, thanks for any helpful input.
  2. joe90

    Suppressors Why 9mm?

    So I was wondering why the military has been using 9mm sidearms? Is there something that the 9mm has over other bigger calibers? Thanks Joe
  3. T

    Suppressors Browning Hi Power 9mm

    I need an edumacation on these. My dad has one from the early 90's. I know nothing about them. Are certain ones sought after? Reliable? Valuable? I am going to do a little research on Google, but I figured I'd post here 1st. Thanks in advance Eddie
  4. S

    9mm carbine loads

    Just got a 9mm AR upper and was hunting around looking for a good load. I would like to hear what you guys are using...please include muzzle velocities if you have them. Thanks, Craig
  5. Maciej

    Suppressors General Opinions of the H&K USPc 9mm?

    Just curious what the general consensus is on the H&K USPc? Any things that bug you guys about it?
  6. D

    9mm WSF?

    Anyone try WSF with with 122-124gr jacketed or lead bullets for 9mm?
  7. Opiy

    Dillon caliber conversion kit 9mm work on .357?

    I know the 9mm caliber conversion will work with 40S&W but I wonder if it will work with 38spl and .357mag. They are a little bigger than the 40. The 40S&W is .424 and .357mag is .440 width so I expect no but thought I would ask and see if anyone has tried it. But I bet the 40S&W caliber...
  8. J

    Suppressors 9mm ammo in stock at Grafs for $11.99

    Not the cheapest I've ever seen, but it beats local prices by a few bucks a box and shipping is only $4.50 no matter how much you buy. http://www.grafs.com/product/228587
  9. H

    Remington Bullets 9mm FMJ at Midway

    Hi All, Looks like they just got some in, I just ordered a bunch: Remington Bullets 9mm (355 Diameter) 115 Grain Full Metal Jacket http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/?productNumber=1601144112 Good luck.
  10. jrhtx

    Source for good hard cast plated 9mm & 45 bullets?

    Anyone have a recommendation and source for good plated hard cast bullets? 9mm (124 gr) and 45 (200 or 230 gr) for practice? Thanks James
  11. E

    Suppressors Accuracy of 9MM VS. .40 S&W

    I know the 9MM VS. .40 S&W has been beat to death but is one cartridge more inhearantly accurate than the other? I am looking to buy my first semi-auto handgun and accuracy is more important than Kinetic energy to me. I am not necessarly recoil sensitive so that should not be a big factor...
  12. ROLEXrifleman

    Suppressors 9mm SBR ?

    1) with a 9" barrel will I need to down load the ammo si it doesnt get super sonic? 2) What loads are people using with a can? 3) Bolt ramping, absolutly goota have it or just cheap insurance? I'm going to be running a 9" TROS barrel
  13. C

    Suppressors Sig Blackwater tactical 2009 9mm

    Does anyone know of one for sale anywhere new or used . I have been trying to locate one for some time but have come up a day late every time
  14. G

    powder for 9mm subgun loads??

    What powder are you using for 9mm subgun loads??
  15. rdinak

    Is it possible to load 9mm with magnum primers?

    I need to load a few thousand 9mm rounds. Problem is, all I have are magnum primers for small pistol. If I use milder loads will it be safe to use the magnum primers? I have both Federal and Winchester Magnum small pistol primers. How much pressure increase might I expect to see using the magnum...
  16. B

    suggestions for 9MM carbine load?

    I'm having a SBR (11.5") 9MM put together over the next several months,and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for powder?It's going to have a 1-15" twist,so I was planning on using 115's out of it. I've never botherd reloading 9MM because it was so cheap and plentiful,until now...
  17. S

    Suppressors Sig 226 9mm can?

    Looks like I am getting into a Sig 226 Tactical. Looking for suggestions on what can to run on it. Any opinions welcome.
  18. 300WSM

    Suppressors HK P30 9mm accuracy?

    anyone shot this model yet? Wondering how it does as far as accuracy. Any pictures? thanks.
  19. T

    Suppressors Springfield XDM 9mm

    Anyone own or have first hand information on Springfield's XDM 9mm? I looked at one this past weekend. Other than them having a very nice feel I know nothing about there performance.