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  1. L

    Savage 110 to Accuracy International build

    looking to do a build off of a savage 110 onto an Accuracy International stock. I have seen the remington 700 converts but wondering if the savage 110 series will convert over as well. Anyone help me out?
  2. T

    Gunsmithing New Accuracy International Web Site

    <span style="font-weight: bold">We are pleased to announce a new website for Accuracy International.</span> We have considered feedback from our customers in the development of the site. We are providing technical information, photographs, company background and information on how to purchase...
  3. T

    New Accuracy International Web Site

    <span style="font-weight: bold">We are pleased to announce a new website for Accuracy International.</span> We have considered feedback from our customers in the development of the site. We are providing technical information, photographs, company background and information on how to purchase...
  4. A

    threaded barrel accuracy

    I had my ar10T barrel threaded and I have shot it without installing a flashider yet, does anyone think that the accuracy would be effected by not installing a FH? It doesn't shoot nearly as well after the threads, the crown looks great, same loads. I can't seem to pin down the accuracy problem...
  5. G

    Accuracy node Vs. Barrel Harmonics

    Please school me on this. When working up a new load, how do you tell between the two. which is better to have? If this has been covered before, please post a link for me. I did try using the search. Thanks for your patience.
  6. normbal

    Suppressors Accuracy with and without suppressor

    This topic has come up several times in this forum, and I finally got around to shooting with and without my suppressor. Winds were messed up this day, but I tried shooting in calm periods. Hopefully you can read my chicken-scratches on the targets. Rifle routinely shoots better than I can...
  7. 03psd

    22-250 Accuracy Load

    M700 VFS 1:14 26" Anyone have any luck with Hornady 52gr BTHP Match, Barnes 50gr VLC or SMK 52gr HPBT? Any issues with this skinned match ammo coming apart at 3600+ fps? I would appreciate seeing your best accuracy loads for this cartridge.
  8. M

    Range Report .308 180 Grain SMK accuracy?

    Hello everyone: I just purchased 3 boxes of the Fiocchi 180 grain SMK load for my 16 inch 1 in 10 twist LAR-8. Unfotunately I can't get to the range for a while Does anyone have experience with this load? How accurate is this load out to 100 and 200 yards? I hear that a 1 in 10 twist tends...
  9. P

    AR-15 - Looking for Top Accuracy

    A previous post here about a month ago was very helpful on proper setup of an AR-15 for long range shooting. My objective is the same, but distance is 100, 200, and rarely, out to 600 yards (that gun range is a 4 hour round trip). I will be using a Krieger heavy barrel, 22" long, but unsure on...
  10. C

    Bohica Arms uppers accuracy out theeeeere

    Anyone here have any Bohica Arms uppers in any caliber. Would like to get an idea about the quality and accuracy out of them. Not at a hundred yards either. I mean 700 yards and beyond. Any takers?????
  11. E

    Suppressors Accuracy of 9MM VS. .40 S&W

    I know the 9MM VS. .40 S&W has been beat to death but is one cartridge more inhearantly accurate than the other? I am looking to buy my first semi-auto handgun and accuracy is more important than Kinetic energy to me. I am not necessarly recoil sensitive so that should not be a big factor...
  12. T

    Left handed Accuracy International

    Does anyone know if you can make an Accuracy International AE left handed? I am guessing you could with a left handed Remington 700 action and some modifications to the AI stock but don't know for sure.
  13. mac37

    Gunsmithing Accuracy International AE bi-pod mount

    Is there anyway to add the AI spigot Bi-Pod mount to an AE rifle that just has a the plastic plug? Thanks for any help.
  14. N

    Nemesis Arms Windrunner .308 Accuracy Video

    Below is the Video link to the Nemesis Arms Windrunner Model 06 .308's Accuracy. The rifle used in the test has a 16 inch barrel w/muzzle brake. The shots were taken between 175 and 200 yards. www.nemesisarms.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieT_SJpR11g
  15. P

    Solving a common accuracy problem on Remington 700

    I have a 700 PSS and the problem I had was I would load up rounds to be 2.80" long to fit the magazine so i can plick with the remmi at the range and have a repeater. Or I would load up rounds to be 2.90" for dead on accuracy, but since the round was too long to fit the magazine, i would have a...
  16. Mag 300

    best powder accuracy out of dillon for rifle?

    I have tried a few measures and even the accutek micrometer measures for the dillon. whats is the best accuracy for reloading with the dillon 550 and still having an efficient method. Currently I have removed the powder measure and adapted a funnel to weigh each load on a acculab 123 within .1...
  17. H

    Accuracy with a SOCOM 16??

    I have a Springfield Armory SOCOM 16 that I'm thinking of having a local smith do some work on. Probably bed the stock, rework the trigger to about 3 pounds, and mount a ST-10 on. Just curious if anyone has done anything like this to a SOCOM 16 before and if so what kind of accuracy did you get...
  18. Scott Seigmund

    Accuracy International Announcements

    <span style="font-style: italic">March 27, 2009</span> <span style="font-size: 17pt"><span style="color: #CC0000">Accuracy International of North America, Inc.</span></span> Accuracy International of North America, Inc is announcing the expansion of it’s operations in the United States with...
  19. mdesign

    Range Report Article on rifle fit and long range accuracy

    Article on importance of rifle fit. From time to time I see threads asking questions on how to get LR groups better. The linked article talks about the importance of rifle fit and its effects on groups. It may raise as many questions as it answers but it is food for thought.
  20. jhedg

    Range Report Speed vs Accuracy

    Just wanted to know thoughts on it. My delema is I have a 300wm that I shoot 210vld's at 2700fps and it will shoot a little over 1" @ 300yds, and at 100yds it shoots better then I could get you all to belive, you probably would toss the B/S flag anyway I have reloaded a lot of diffrent stuff...