• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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  1. E

    Fieldcraft new camo on skins

    Just finished up these skins, colors are...coyote tan, patriot brown, highland green, O.D. green and desert verde.
  2. T

    Camo stencils

    Anyone know of a good website or method for "free" camo stencils? The rifle already has a duracoat base coating of sniper green. I am wanting to apply black mission specific spray paint. Im leaning towards tiger stripe or traditional camo pattern over the green base. All thoughts or ideas would...
  3. SavageStag

    My first attempt at camo

    I don't have the balls to paint my Nightforce, so I painted my Marlin 17 instead. Do you think it does a good job breaking up the outline? For anyone thinking about painting your rifle, I say go for it. It took quite a bit of work, but was very rewarding in the end.
  4. P

    Fieldcraft First and second attempt at GAP camo.

    Look alright to you guys? I know I don't really need to post twice on the board, but it may help out some guys that paint their own rigs who don't normally look in the rimfire section. http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1164010#Post1164010
  5. B

    Fieldcraft Urban Camo and Concealment

    Like many of you I have attended "traditional" sniper and field training. As you would expect, my gear and techniques have been driven by that training...which is typically based around military sniper applications. I am now working in LE position and am finding I need to adopt to my new...
  6. sfikes2

    Photos Punisher camo

    This is what happens when work is slow, and you get bored......
  7. Ghillie Zen

    Fieldcraft mirage camo

    Has anyone seen this pattern or have any experience with it in the field? Looks similar to a digitized camo used by the Italians. It is called "Mirage" camo and is produced by Bulldog Equipment.
  8. Tony.

    Gunsmithing How to remove camo film dipped crap?

    I am thinking about getting one of those new Remington R-25 (DPMS) .308 gas guns. I guess the Remington lawyers think they look less evil if they are dipped in that camo film crap. I plan on Duracoating the rifle. I will replace the stock, grip and handguards, so I am not worried about them...
  9. J

    Fieldcraft My attempt at GAP camo

    Yes, It's a Choate, yes I know they suck. This was my first attempt at painting a stock a Gap type camo. See, choate stocks aren't totally useless. I'll call it a training tool for future stock painting projects. I used the Rust-Oleum ultra flat paints and should have stopped there. I used...
  10. O

    Camo job for varmints at the desert oasis

    My first attempt using Rusto. "stone paint" with a stencil from the craft store and rusto matte olive green. I don't know how rugged the stone paint will be as it has a lot of texture (probably inappropriate for a 338 LM !) The rifle is a classic 722 222 Rem with a 26" Shilen bbl and Canjar SST...
  11. hangunnr

    Gunsmithing Camo pattern stencils...

    Does anyone make stencils for the do it yourself painters? Specifically GAP type pattern. hangunnr
  12. T

    Custom Camo... Krylon style

    this past weekend i painted my stick 3 times. this shit is too fun! and addictive. well i'm out of krylon and the old lady said no more so this will be the last time for a while (untill i can scrape enough cash together to get it gunkoted) I don't have the balls to paint my scope so i will...
  13. S

    Question about GAP camo.

    I placed my order about 6 weeks ago for a new rifle from GAP. The camo pattern on the stock is the GAP camo. I did not ask for any specfic precentages of colors in the pattern. What can I expect as far as color precents on the stock? Oh, the stock is the McMillian M40A1. Thanks. scout1
  14. D

    Desert Camo - Duracoat colors

    Hey guys, anybody got a good idea of which Duracoat colors would best represent the Desert Camo pic attached? I am trying to figure out which three colors to go with from Duracoat. Attached is a pic of the desert camo I am referring to. I was thinking #116 Multi Beige for the base, #11 Desert...
  15. G

    Fieldcraft What camo for central IL?

    I'm considering painting the skins of one of my AICS based rifles. I'm either going to do something in white or something that will mix with Central IL vegetation. What kind of camo jobs have guys done for Midwest plains, grasses, and corn fields?
  16. C

    Fieldcraft Army Digital Camo (ACU)

    Need some info I have been testing it and it appears to work great in Urban/Desert/Rocky and some woodland. Who made it? What is it made to blend with? Please don't say everything. What is the theory behind it? Why those colors? If anyone knows the actual facts and not just personal opinion...
  17. O

    Remington 700 300 Weatherby with Euro camo

    Well nobody else bought it so I did. ANNB & 100% factory correct. A rather rare bird I presume, and since the action is worth $400, the whole rifle for $500 was a decent deal!
  18. C

    Fieldcraft What is our favorate digital camo (pics inside)

    I have been testing ACU and MARPAT woodland They both work good in different situations ACU works good in shadows or gray areas but looks like a rock in the light in Urban it very hard to see at 150 meters and in desert works good enough. Marpat woodland works good when laying down in woodland...
  19. Highground

    Gunsmithing Hydro-Dipped Camo Results(Pics)

    I decided to have my AICS stock skins Hydro-Dipped in camo as an alternative to trying to get a decent paint finish. I originally was planning on a Multicam pattern, because I thought the irregularity in the pattern would turnout getter then digital. I found a local place that did this and...
  20. S

    Lets see some Muliticam and GAP camo Rifles !

    Dont have one but, this is the camo pattern I am looking at on my current build. Whatya got? Ken