
  1. Black-X

    I need some chronograph recommendations please!

    I'm thinking either the Shooting Chrony F1 or maybe a CED M2. $200 is my limit so the M2 is right there at the limit. Anybody have a link to the place with the best price on one of the M2's by any chance? Any other recommendations? Gotta get this puppy ordered up this week. Thanks! -X
  2. K

    Chronograph Recommendations?

    I am looking to purchase a chronograph to enhance my reloading. Any good experiences and or recommendations? Is it really worth it to get all of the "extras" or will a basic unit suffice? Thanks again...
  3. flagg888

    New Chronograph

    My wife bought me for my birthday a Pact XP chrono. I set it up and even read the entire direction packet. I've been in the back yard the last hour or so shooting a pellet rifle through and I can't get it to give a reading. Of course I call Pact and they are closed at 1230 on fridays, so I...
  4. JRose

    Coated bullets and the chronograph...

    Does anyone else have trouble when trying to chrono coated bullets? It seems like the chrono doesn't like to read the coated bullets (BN), but never misses a lick with uncoated. I might get 1 out of a 5 shot string that will read...
  5. B


    I'm looking for a easy to use chronograph for under $100. Any recommendation would be nice. Thanks
  6. M

    Range Report Just got a Pact Pro XP chronograph.

    Well I hope I have good luck with it. Not only does it measure velocity but it also had a bullet library built into it with b.c. of several manufactures of bullets. Then it also has a corrected B.C. built into it were it also takes in humidity, altitude then gives you a corrected B.C. of that...
  7. newguru

    Is the CED M2 Chronograph the best choice now?

    Obviously, if Oehler's were available new, I would have that at the top of the list. Being that they don't manufacture them anymore, is the CED M2 Chronograph the best of what's currently being made? I'm not interested in getting raped for $600 or whatever they are currently going for used on...