
  1. Adam B

    Gunsmithing 40X 22 repeater conversion

    I just finished building a 40X 22LR and it is a single shot, is there anyone that does a conversion to make them into a repeater? I know CDI is working on it but I am looking to get it done yesterday. TIA
  2. Opiy

    Dillon caliber conversion kit 9mm work on .357?

    I know the 9mm caliber conversion will work with 40S&W but I wonder if it will work with 38spl and .357mag. They are a little bigger than the 40. The 40S&W is .424 and .357mag is .440 width so I expect no but thought I would ask and see if anyone has tried it. But I bet the 40S&W caliber...
  3. mike1128

    AR-15 gas conversion system?

    Anyone know a good conversion system that has a selective gas option for less and more, and also comes with a seperate carrier? I have a 16 inch Bushmaster I want to put it on. Thanks for any help
  4. B

    22Lr optics choice for spikes conversion

    I am looking for some advice here. ive done some research and have some ideas. I have a 16in spikes 22lr conversion that i plan on using out to 200yds in some matches and i need a scope for it. im looking for something with turrets and 8-10x max zoom. i was going to run a 1-4 but i coulnt...
  5. S

    Gunsmithing AICS mag conversion. I need help!!

    I am having a 22br barreled action placed into my AICS 1.5 stock. I have heard there are things that can be done to the magazines so i can feed the 22br from the mag. I was hoping someone knows who can do this mod for me. Anyone?? Lee
  6. R

    CMMG 22Lr conversion for AR-15 Report

    Last month I picked up a CMMG 22 conversion for my AR. Here's some lessons learned after the first 5000 rounds: 1: Make sure you use high velocity, jacketed ammo (Fed bulk works the best) 2: Ammo that doesn't create enough pressure to completely reset the trigger may double on you since the...
  7. 1shot2kill

    conversion to 338 lapua

    can a remy or savage long action be swapped over to a 338 lapua or does that take a special length action
  8. bhoges

    Suppressors Whats a good 22 conversion for my 1911 Kimber Gold

    Whose got the most reliable one out there? Ive seen the Kimber and Tac Solutions kits. I want one that wont jam. Im I better off just buying a 22 pistol? Thanks
  9. S

    Gunsmithing Right to Left handed stock conversion

    What should I expect when reconfiguring a HS stock; making it left handed. I was planning on painting it anyways…, Thus making the right bolt patch a simple fix. but what will I find when I relieve the left bolt cutout? Will I get into the inner foam?(is there any?). I would assume I could...
  10. OUVarmintHunter

    Suppressors .40 --> .357 Sig conversion barrels

    Anyone had and experience with these? Thinking about getting a conversion barrel to turn a .40 Browning High Power into a .357 Sig Browning High Power. Thanks in advance.
  11. Valken

    Rifle Scopes Moa to Mil conversion

    Ok guys I need some enlightment. I want to convert Moa to mil. I know to convert Moa to Mils you divide the Moa by 3.438. My question is If a mil subtends 3.6 inches at 100 yds why the 3.438 number instead of dividing by 3.6?
  12. garrett

    AR-22 CMMG Conversion

    Just picked up a CMMG conversion for my ar-15 last week just for fun so my buds and I can run around the property chasing moles etc... Just wanted to say I was pretty impressed with the function of it, didnt really expect it to run all that well for some reason but i took it to the range last...
  13. P

    Gunsmithing Savage 10 Pred Hutr .243 conversion to .260

    I am a new member and I want to get into mid to long range shooting and hunting without spending the mega bucks. Savage makes a model 10 Predator Hunter in .243. My question is can I change out the barrel or even get it re cut in .260 Remington. I hear a lot of great things about the BC for this...
  14. B

    XP 100 conversion

    I have a friend looking for info on converting a Rem Xp-100 pistol into a rifle. I am trying to find out what calibers this action supports. It looks alot like a Rem700 SA, but I don't think it is.
  15. H

    Gunsmithing AR-15 WSSM conversion mag question w/ SOLUTION!!!

    I'm building a 243 WSSM and the factory AR-15 (NOT AR-10 ) mags are modified in the following way... The Mag catch hole is raised by .080 in. (lowers the lips by this amount because the bolt & carrier is different/larger diameter). All the other mods done to the mags I can easily do in my...
  16. 96C

    Rifle Scopes Leupold MK4 - MOA to MILs factory conversion.

    Hi guys, i have a leupold MK4 4.5-14x50mm illum TMR with 1/4 MOA adjustments on the M1 turrets. i bought this scope when i had an idea about what i wanted but not 100% about winding on targets. rang leupold tech support last night, spoke to a bloke and he said it wouldn't be a problem to...
  17. C

    JAG Magazine Conversion Kit

    A few of you have posted questions about the JAG Magazine conversion kit, so BOLO and I decided to start a thread and answer some of your questions. The JAG Magazine conversion kit allows the use of Ruger Mini 14 magazines in a Remington 700 in .223.The kit consists of a mag guide,mag catch...