
  1. Mag 300

    7 WSM on Dillon 550 Xtra large powder die needed

    Do you need an extra large powder die to reload the 7 WSM on a 550? Thanks I will call them tomarrow just wondering Bill
  2. Mag 300

    best powder accuracy out of dillon for rifle?

    I have tried a few measures and even the accutek micrometer measures for the dillon. whats is the best accuracy for reloading with the dillon 550 and still having an efficient method. Currently I have removed the powder measure and adapted a funnel to weigh each load on a acculab 123 within .1...
  3. sniper7mm

    Dillon XL650 ?

    I have a question for those with one of these. I want to build a stand alone bench just for this away from my single stage press. I ordered the strong mount option. What would a good height be to build the bench? I will do most of my loading from a standard height office chair. I figured someone...
  4. dar1246

    Dillon 650 Press help

    I bought this press about a year ago. Tried it for awhile. Went back to single stage/ The powder didn't seem to drop the right charge all the time. Would it be better to set up a Uniflow RCBS powder or something to get more consistant powder charges. Any suggestions??
  5. Dsparil

    RL550B Dillon press for .308 and 175 gr sierra mk

    http://www.midwayusa.com/Eproductpage.Exe/showproduct?saleitemid=335572 are these the same projectiles that are in the Federal Gold Medal Match 175s? also is an RL550B progressive press suitable for loading .308 match ammo? Or is something with more hands-on precision better?
  6. kombayotch

    Gracey/Giraud/Jones blades on Dillon RT-1200

    I've been pondering ways to get my sizing, trimming, de-burring and chamfering done all in one step. I looked at the Giraud blades, but there is no way to get them to fit in the Dillon die and I want to do as little modification as possible. I'm pretty sure I can make this work with Gracey...
  7. L

    Dillon powder measure

    Other than polishing the powder measure what other enhancements to the Dillon powder measure do you do. Are there other ways to throw the powder in the Dillon.
  8. rdinak

    Does anyone load match grade ammo on a Dillon 1050

    Many years ago I owned a Dillon 1050. Now I want another one. The idea of a built in primer pocket swager for .223 is attractive. The dream of producing match grade .308 at a decent rate is even more appealing. I already know what this jewel can do in .45. Question is anyone here turning out...