• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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  1. tag_heuer

    Rifle Scopes Eotech G33 Sight relief question

    I just added the Eotech G33 to my patrol rifle. My problem and question has to do with the sight relief. It is currently positioned near the rear of my rifle a few notches short of the cocking handle. I have to run a BUIS as well. When I look through the G33 I have to adjust the stock to get...
  2. Opticsspecialist

    availability update, something for everyone, eotech, aimpoint, S&B, vortex, and Nightforce

    hey guys, I just wanted to give you guys an availability update, we have a little something for everyone and we're running some great promotions. Give me or Chris a call if you see anything that interest you or to inquire about other promotions. for anyone running an ar10 or any rifle that...
  3. Firemarshall27

    Rifle Scopes Eotech 556 Anyone shoot one?

    Thinking of getting one wanted to see how the guys that have them like them or dont like them?
  4. M

    Rifle Scopes Eotech 552 battery leak help!!!!

    I took my AR-15 out today for some 4th of july fun and I noticed my sight did not turn on. Upon further investigation I noticed a battery had corroded and leaked inside the sight!!! I cleaned it out the best I could and replaced the batteries but the sight still does not turn on. Am I...
  5. H

    Eotech 552 xr 308

    I recently purchased a 552 xr308 for my m1a. The reticle is set up with different dots for different ranges, out to 1.2 clicks. Now, normally I zero a holo sight by measuring the distance between the center of the optic to the center of the barrel. I mark to different points on the target, one...
  6. P

    Rifle Scopes How many Piccatinny slots for 3x Eotech Magnifier

    How many slots at the back of the rail does the new eotech 3x magnifier require ? Is just one enough ? Trying to work out eye releif etc. It has two inches eye releif and the unit is 4.4" long. I am trying to detrmine if on the firearm I am considering using one on will mount it back far...
  7. Mustafa

    Rifle Scopes Eotech Cover

    What choices are there for covers for an Eotech with a 4x maginifier? I've seen the scopecoat and GG&G covers, but none of them work with the 4x. Mostly I'm worried about the lens on the 4x anyhow. Anyone know of any good products? Will a Butler Creek cap work for it? Thanks all!
  8. 500grains

    Rifle Scopes eotech 4x magnifier

    Does anyone know why Eotech dropped the 4x magnifier after just a year or so? Some of the resellers have them but the 4x is not on eotech's website any more.
  9. E

    Rifle Scopes EOTech vs. Holosight,

    Is there any optical difference between the Holosite and the EOTech besides the external protection and the Night vision button that lets it go down ten level in brightness? They're essentially the same in function right?
  10. Smokin

    Rifle Scopes ACOG OR EOTECH for CQB?

    I have an EOtech right now on my AR platform. Personally, I prefer the EOTECH over the Aimpoint setups. Though I dont NEED magnification as this rifle isnt for precision work, it would be nice to have so long as it doesnt come at a sacrifice in CQB situations. I havent had a lot of experience...
  11. G

    Rifle Scopes EOTech

    If someone here has used an EOTech holosight, I would be interested in knowing what you think about it for precision shooting up to 200 yards and for durability.