
  1. A

    Federal 205 primers ok for AR 15?

    Just wondering if the Fed 205 primers are ok for AR15's? I will be using them for match loads and plinking loads out of 3 AR's. I thought I remembered reading they were too soft and could cause slam fires. Any thoughts on this? THanks, Alan
  2. Highground

    Range Report .308 Federal 168gr Gold Medal or 150gr NBT?

    I have a local source for Federal .308 ammo. They have 150gr. TRU Nosler Ballistic Tip in stock. I can get 168.gr Gold Medal Sierra MK for the same price, however they recently sold out and have some on order(so Ireserved a case). For a Rem 700 5R Milspec, should I hold my breath and wait for...
  3. U

    Federal GMM 300 WM brass?? Value

    I have 2 boxes of new, blue and white box. Aboout 12 years old. How much is it worth?
  4. PLeighton

    Federal GMM 719 Status?

    I've been looking for Federal Gold Medal Match 719 or it's bulk equivalent Federal Auto-Match AM22 for a while and haven't seen any in about three months. Does anyone have any news on what's up? I know that ammo is pretty tough to find all around right now, but 22LR??? (Give me a break... ) To...
  5. J

    Federal Blue Box hunting ammo

    Are a lot better than that Privi Partisan stuff I recently tried. I shoot my first sub MOA group with my .308 sps-v the other day with federal hunting rounds (150g soft point) after wondering why I couldn't hit a 6" plate at 300 yards with the Privi Partisan 168 Match stuff. I can honestly say...
  6. Jrb572

    Federal gm 210m and charge masters in stock

    Grafs in St. Charles Mo. has 5 1000 count 210 m primers and I saw a 1-2 chargemasters there. I got my thousand for 39 dollars Inc tax. 636-946-7468. Hope somebody needs them hope it helps someone out
  7. hangunnr

    Deciphering Federal date codes

    Picked up a screamer of a deal on some Federal 300 Win Mag brass and was wondering just how long this stuff has been kicking around. Could one assume that these numbers mean Oct/82? hangunnr
  8. R

    Does Federal .308 brass suck??

    I won't even bother loading .223 with Federal brass anymore because I, and a lot of other shooters I know have had issues with loose primer pockets. I THOUGHT I'd read that wasn't a problem with their .308 brass, but, I was priming some Federal .308 brass that I'm 99% sure was only once-fired...
  9. F

    federal lr primers

    How big a difference is there between the regular & match primers? I bought 5000 of the regular for next to nothing about 1yr ago. ($50 at a yard sale) couldn't pass it up & match primers were non existant then & probably arent much better now. I just got my rifle done & I am itching to get...
  10. A

    Federal primers 210 vs. 210M

    Has anyone noticed a diference in performance between Fed 210 vs. 210M?
  11. LSUbeatUby40

    Federal Champion 1000ct 210 primers for $100.00 !!

    http://gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=124002179 Is this guy on crack?
  12. 308sako

    Federal "NT" .45 ACP brass?

  13. N

    Federal American Eagle Lake City 50 BMG ammo......

    just wanted to get an opinion on the reloadabilty (word?) of this ammo..I have seen the french ammo that is much cheaper but there is more work involved to reload? I have never reloaded but am planning to get equipment to reload and want to be able to reload this, any help will be appreciated...
  14. sr15match

    Federal Gold 711B and 719 questions

    OK. I am trying to help out my son and need a little assistance. As I am not home to have hands on help I am doing it via phone and email. He is shooting a Marlin 880SQ @ 50 yards on paper from a rest and 100 yard steel off hand but hasn't had a lot of time to try different ammo options. I...
  15. Darkphage

    Federal Primer Observ. and Comps. a Field Study

    Hi, Some observations I made this week. With my TRG 42 .338 I normally load Federal GM215M primers, their match variety. They have come into extremely short supply as of late, after trying to find them for over a month, I finally e-mailed Federal. The rep. from Federal told me NOT to...
  16. dar1246

    Federal GM210 Primers

    Any know where there is some GM210 large rifle primers.
  17. Darkphage

    Federal GM215M Primers???

    I can't for the life of me find any Federal Gold Medal 215Match primers! Does anyone have a source that isn't sold out yet? Help appreciated, Dark