
  1. Pink_Mist

    LEG LOCKS DIY Information Request. .

    I have the resources to manufacture Leg Locks for the Harris Bipod. I need to know a few dimensions. I need to know the length of the pin end. I know its .125" dia, also length from the shoulder to the end of the pin. I know the threads are 1/4- 20 and has 12 threads = .60, plus another .40 of...
  2. C

    Multi-Purpose Bipod + Where to buy it?

    Hi all, I am planning on using an SPS Tactical AAC-SD in .308 as a basis for a long range rig that I plan to use both at the range and possibly for hunting. I am pretty set on a Harris, but I don't know which kind would work best with these applications taken into consideration. Any...
  3. H

    Gunsmithing Rubber forearm pads on Harris bi-pod fell off

    Not sure what are of the site to post this in.... The rubber pads on my bipod that sits b/t the bipod and the forearm fell off due to cleaning solvents. What does Harris use to keep the pad on the metal? Is it some type of glue? What will get them to stick to the metal?
  4. Dsparil

    Harris Bipod with cant pod-loc(in stock?)

    who has these in stock where I can adjust my cant to where I want it?
  5. J

    M1A Guys- which Harris Bipod adapter do I want ?

    Gentlemen, I saw a guy at the range today shooting a synthetic stocked standard M1A with a Harris Bipod mounted ahead of the sling plate[ making use of the 'drainage' hole in the bottom of the stock]. I asked him who made it, he replied Harris and I subsequently found two Harris bipod adapters...