
  1. mp45acp


    anyone have experience using one? thoughts on them? I am considering a try with the 5x20, but I am seeking feedback on those who have used one. thanks.
  2. armada

    Rifle Scopes Horus Vision Scopes

    Does anyone here own a Horus rifle scope? I was curious since all I ever hear about here is USO, S & B, Laupold, Nightforce and so on. I know all these are great scopes and own a few myself, but I stumble upon Horus at the range a few weeks back. I didn't have a chance to have a look through the...
  3. S

    Rifle Scopes Horus Vision Falcon???

    How does the Falcon compare to a NSX 5.5-22x56 as far as clarity and repeatablity? Nightforce is awesome just wish they had the H37 reticle.
  4. rogers0311

    Rifle Scopes Horus Scopes

    Anyone have any experience with the Horus Scopes? How does the glass stack up to Leupold or Nightforce? Are they built for field use? I am looking for something variable power and non illuminated. The raptor and hawk models from Horus are what I am inquiring about. Thanks for any help.
  5. B

    Rifle Scopes Horus Vision Users

    for all that have used the Horus Vision is it good or bad and do you have to have the pda sofware to use it.