• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

    Thank you to everyone who particpated!

    See the winner

long range

  1. R

    long range .22 lr

    What's the longest you all practice with your .22's? My friend and I were ringing steel at 485 this weekend. couldn't quite figure out the 600 yard gong yet. We'll give it another try next time we're at the range.
  2. B

    Rifle Scopes Millett vs Nikko Sterling

    Millett 6-25X56mm LRS-1 Long Range Rifle Scope w/ Illuminated Reticle $455 http://www.opticsplanet.com/millett-6-25x56mm-lrs-1-1-mil-click-illuminated-multi-coated-matte-long-range-riflesc.html vs. Nikko Stirling Targetmaster Rifle Scope 30mm Tube 10-50x 60mm Side Focus Illuminated...
  3. B

    Rifle Scopes Millett vs Nikko Sterling

    Millett 6-25X56mm LRS-1 Long Range Rifle Scope w/ Illuminated Reticle $455 Nikko Stirling Targetmaster Rifle Scope 30mm Tube 10-50x 60mm Side Focus Illuminated Mil-Dot Reticle $400 Nikko has higher magnification but millet has .1mil adj. This is more a question of brand quality rather then...
  4. Hoser

    Sniper Matches In Colorado ***with Pics***

    The Great Prairie Dog Steel Shoot 10 Steel Prairie Dog Targets ranging from 175-610 yards shot under time constraints. Rimfire targets range from 50 yards to 175-ish yards. $10 per rifle entry fee. Third Saturday of every month, year round. Each competitor will shoot all 10 targets in four...