• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

    Thank you to everyone who particpated!

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  1. G

    Rifle Scopes 2nd hand swaro lrf

    I have 3 days to bid on a 2nd hand Swarovski lrf unit that is 2 years old and I believe has had commercial hunting guide use in the alpine areas of New Zealand.Do these things have any known flaws after heavy usage or any thing I should be aware of before buying 2nd hand ?Some advice would be...
  2. LibertyOptics

    Rifle Scopes Quick 'n Dirty review of the Zeiss PRF LRF

    Hiders, Had one of the new Zeiss 8x26 PRF's out this weekend, had a chance to work with it and show to a few visitors. My impressions: A nice-sized, handy unit. Fits in the palm of (my) hand. Only two buttons make it simple to operate. Came in the box programmed for meters; switching to...
  3. JL

    Avimo LD900 / Simrad LP-7 LRF, need help

    Can anyone help me out? Perhaps some Brit in hide? Battery is lost, and I cant make new one since I dont know polarity. Few pics, below, Its british made. 1982 I think, max measuring range 9995meters. http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/4696/p1010532.jpg...
  4. G

    Rifle Scopes newcon 2000 yard LRF

    I am after a laser range finder that can hit the 1k mark without a problem-Swaro looks to be best for he average man followed by Lieca at 1/2 the price .I have found this Newcon unit and no nothing of them and see little written about them --they look great and read upto 2000 yards and are less...
  5. C

    Rifle Scopes Leupold RX III LRF

    OK guys, Im having issues with my LRF...I have a RX III from loopy, and have had some issues getting it out past 600m. I have had 598 on a water tower near my folks house, 3-500 off the deck at the condo i live in and out to 400 or so on "crazy ivans" 500 on maidens, and not alot of luck on less...