I have 3 days to bid on a 2nd hand Swarovski lrf unit that is 2 years old and I believe has had commercial hunting guide use in the alpine areas of New Zealand.Do these things have any known flaws after heavy usage or any thing I should be aware of before buying 2nd hand ?Some advice would be...
Had one of the new Zeiss 8x26 PRF's out this weekend, had a chance to work with it and show to a few visitors. My impressions:
A nice-sized, handy unit. Fits in the palm of (my) hand. Only two buttons make it simple to operate. Came in the box programmed for meters; switching to...
Can anyone help me out? Perhaps some Brit in hide?
Battery is lost, and I cant make new one since I dont know polarity.
Few pics, below, Its british made. 1982 I think, max measuring range 9995meters.
I am after a laser range finder that can hit the 1k mark without a problem-Swaro looks to be best for he average man followed by Lieca at 1/2 the price .I have found this Newcon unit and no nothing of them and see little written about them --they look great and read upto 2000 yards and are less...
OK guys, Im having issues with my LRF...I have a RX III from loopy, and have had some issues getting it out past 600m. I have had 598 on a water tower near my folks house, 3-500 off the deck at the condo i live in and out to 400 or so on "crazy ivans" 500 on maidens, and not alot of luck on less...