
  1. Surgeon_Shooter

    Magnum research .22 jaming! Help.

    Hey guys I've got a magnum research .22 and I've ran about 1000 rounds through it. The damn thing jams about every 5 shots and I don't know why.I know a good bit about guns but this is nerve racking. It " stove pipes" about every 5 shots with all ammo I've came across! Any body got any ideas??
  2. S

    Green Mountain 10/22 MAGNUM BARREL - Closeout

    Green Mountain's web site has the 17 inch blue and stainless Ruger 10-22 MAGNUM barrels on a close out special for $74 blued and $84 stainless. Anyone used/have one of these on the 10/22 Mag Ruger?? I'm sure the 20" is the big seller - does the 3" make that big a difference (I'm sure it will be...
  3. GhostFace

    RE: Magnum Primers

    I went to the funshop today and all he had was magnum primers and said he had a hard time getting anything including powder. I bought all the LR primers and they are magnum. How much should I back my charge down? I am using an AR-10 and settled on 41.6 grns of 4895 in a Hornady case.
  4. J

    magnum question

    Me and my buddy got into lr shooting last year and we both bought .308s, his is a m40a3 clone built by gap and I shoot a sps tactical. we both want to get into some magnum rifles. he is set on .338 rum,but I want to stick with .30 cal because I will be using it for deer and paper. which is the...
  5. S

    CHEYTAC 408 Magnum

    Just saw the current(April 2009) issue of "Special Weapons for Military & Police" and they have an article on the CHEYTAC 408 states 3000 yard capability. Does anyone know did they come out with a new round?
  6. DarinR

    Rifle Scopes Rings for AW Super Magnum and NF 5.5x22x56?

    It appears that the only AI factory option for an Arctic Warfare Super Magnum with Picatinney Rail is to buy the 45 moa base for the 34mm tube scope and buy the 34mm to 30 mm reducing rings if you want to use a 30mm tube scope. Has anyone tried the NF 20 MOA Unimount? Does it have enough...
  7. I

    reloading 338 Lapua Magnum Questions-trg 42

    hey gents, just got the new toy [trg 42-1/10 twist] and i am gearing up to reload and could use some advice, i am going to "bite the bullet" and use lapua brass and plan to shoot smk's 250 or 300 and lapua scenars when i can find them: 1. what is the best reloading die set up/brand to use and...
  8. C

    Gunsmithing Difference in Remington LA and Magnum LA

    For all you guys out there who do a lot of smithing, tell us all the differences exactly between a standard LA and a Magnum LA. We all know that the boltface is different, but how much difference is there in magazine box length, bolt length, ejection port length, action outside diameter, center...
  9. T


    i don't know if i should ask this here or in the hunting forum, but since it is a rimfire, here goes. i've been tinkering with 22 magnum, to use it as a varmint, turkey, coyote shooter from 50 - 150 yards or so. i've narrowed it down to two ammo types - 40 gr. fmj for turkey (penetration) and 30...
  10. ideagent

    338 Norma Magnum

    I am very interested in this cartridge but can't find anything on it while doing a google search. Does anyone have any info like dimensions, load data, who sells brass, dies?