Anyone have any experience with these stock at all? Just debating what stock to get for my build. If you have any pictures or opinions about them it would be great.
What action screws are you guys using with your Manners MCS? (700 SPS) Received my T4A stock from Manners with no action screws... I couldn't get my old action screws to work. Possibly they need to be trimmed? or maybe they require a whole different set up all together? I do know it's a 1/4x28...
A little over a year ago I decided to get into “Tactical Long Range Rifles” (actually I was forced to from reading all the SH threads!) and found a great deal on a Surgeon/Bartlein barreled action so I decided to purchase it. I didn’t want to go through all the rigmarole of bedding a stock and...
Need some Hide Advice on a build I’m starting:
Purpose: Practical Rifle in .308 – will be used for hunting, range work (nothing serious) and to have a .308 as an all purpose rifle. Realistically, most shooting will be under 200yds. Like to be accurate to 300-400 if needed. Would likely take...
Looking forward to trying this bad boy out...
GAP Built, Bravo 6 Delta:
Bartlein Gain Twist Barrel
Defiance Deviant Action
Manner Carbon Fiber Composite Stock
Accuracy International AW Mags
I will post more pictures as they are on my phone
Definitely looking at getting a build going some time around November, and I am the type to plan things well in advance. Now, the best of my memory says that I enjoy shooting the AI platform, but it has been a while, and I want to verify that THAT is the choice I wanna go with. Also interested...
I am about to order a t4 stock from manners as I've finally sold my HTG. Can these be fitted with grind-to-fit limbsaver pads or is the stock a little too big?
Just got it in and torqued up. Manner's T4A, GAP Bolt Stop & Pillar bedded with skim coat. I installed the Huber varmint weight two-stage trigger. Rem 700 SPS-V in .308. Off to the range this afternoon.
Guys: I've been following the Quad trainer threads etc with interest. I have a Finnfire varmint which I'm considering giving similar treatment. Is the Sako quad inlet sufficiently similar to alter to the Finnfire footprint or do either of the big Ms inet specifically for the Finnfire action? Any...
I purchaced a new Manners T2A stock that was inleted for a Remy SA and Surgeon Bottom Metal.
Question, is it necessary/suggested to use the pillars that come with the bottom metal or just bolt and go?
In response to all the requests that we have gotten to do a stock for the Tikka T3 we have came out with a special version of the mcs-t4 stock. The inlet is designed to be a bolt in and go. It will work with both the Tactical and hunting versions of the T3. This stock will use your factory...
I just received my barreled action today (TAC30 w/ medium Palma Bartlein) and dropped it into my Manners T3.
For some reason, the barrel is hitting the stock along the entire left side. The channel is deep enough as there is clearance beneath the barrel. Only the left side is making contact...
I am really wanting to buy a manners t-3. I think it will be the perfect stock for my next build. I am wanting a rifle to hunt coyotes and hogs with. I will also use the rifle for a tactical comp if i ever find one close enough to home. We dont have crap around here, and it sucks!!!! Anyway the...
For those that have owned/used both? Can you give me a rundown on what you like and more importantly why? And what you don't like as well. An honest assessment.
I keep hearing more and more stuff about Manners, and am really interested in his stuff, but so far I've had a heck of a time making...
Called them today and they said it will ship at the latest, begining of next week. So exiteted. Now I need to get my butt in gear and get the action acurized, barrel fitted, and chamberd. So much to do. It going to be a .308 on a 700 action with a rock 7# barrel and the manners t4a stock. Its my...
Tom and I have prototyped an M1A stock based on the T4-A. We are looking for feedback and checking interest to see if we want to put it into production.
Please post comments or questions here.