
  1. S

    Rifle Scopes Optic Choice

    Ok guys I have a quick question. I work at a hunting shop and the vast majority of my shooting has been hunting related; but recently I have gotten into the whole black rifle and tactical shooting scene. I currently have an AR with a 20" LaRue Tactical Stealth upper, and I am trying to figure...
  2. S

    Rifle Scopes I need a new optic for my AR

    I need a new scope for my AR, I have been looking at both Nightforce and Leupold VX-7 in a 2.5x10. I will use it for hunting and some informal target shooting. I want the best low light performance I can get and am looking for opinions.
  3. Tactical30

    Gunsmithing nightforce optic question

    Does anyone know what size butler creek scope covers I need for a Nightforce 3.5-15x50 NXS Scope? First time purchasing a Nightforce I always went with Leupold Mark 4`s for my rifles but Nightforce scopes are by far the best I have used so far, very well built and looks like you could drop it...
  4. M

    Rifle Scopes Optic centering question

    I dont know if this has been asked but it probably has been but Why dont the optic Manufacturers place small graduation marks around the top of the scope tube or radis showing center and maybe 2 marks left of center and right of center and the scope ring manufacturer place a small white line...
  5. Opiy

    Rifle Scopes If only one optic which one would you get?

    I was curious which optic choice out of Aimpoint, EOTech, and Trijicon. Which did you pick and why would you have it over the others? I was leaning more toward Aimpoint. I was going to make this a poll but I couldn't figure out how.
  6. Firemarshall27

    Rifle Scopes NV optics for mounting ahead of your Daytime optic

    What all NV Optics are avaible to the public to mount ahead of your day optic? Something tike a PSV22,14,17 ect. Just want to know what is out there and what works at a somewhat reasonable price.
  7. L

    Rifle Scopes Optic cleaning

    I saw the video of how to clean a scope by US Optics. They use compressed air and acetone. Recently I saw a shooter use compressed air on his S&B scope and it destroyed his scope. How would acetone not damage the coating on the lens? How do the hide members clean their rifle scopes? Lance
  8. SEPUL

    Rifle Scopes OPTIC for AR 10 SASS

    looking for a optic for my AR10 SASS i was thinking nightforce not sure on power a lot of guys tell me 3.5-15x50 i was thinking 5.5-22x50 as my vision is not so good thanks for the help
  9. F

    Rifle Scopes Optic Advice for AR10 much needed!

    Hi Guys, I am a blaster from way back but have just been bitten by the accuracy bug. I have an AR10 that is set up fairly weel in terms of the rifle itself, but I have a Super Sniper 10X on it. I like the optic very much but I want to upgrade to something that is a bit more appropriate. I...
  10. Dsparil

    Rifle Scopes Burris Fastfire /Docter Optic red dot, etc

    how well do these sights work?
  11. P

    Rifle Scopes Help on picking top line optic.

    Okay, I've had my Leupold 3-10 Mk4 M3 for a while. Ready to upgrade. Don't think I want super high power just 15-17 max. Thinking either USO, S&B or Nightforce. Don't need illum reticle but FFP would be nice. I don't want 1/4 moa turrents (too fine) but would prefer 1/2 mil but could settle...
  12. G

    Rifle Scopes CQB Optic?

    So, what would it be?
  13. M

    Rifle Scopes Long Range Optic needed for 20inch AR-15

    Hi Guys: I have a Krieger barreled AR-15 coming in shortly and wanted to get suggestions on a long range optic. I currently have the Nightforce 1-4 NXS with an FC2 reticle that I have been using on my 16 inch RR LAR-8. I like the turrents on the NF, they are very positive, it's a great optic...
  14. C

    Rifle Scopes Dream Optic

    Alright, here we go. Looking for what you think would be the top notch dream optic for you. Money is no worry for you and the only rule is that it has to be realistic(something that could actually be put togeather). There is no left and right lat limits as to options. So, let's here your...
  15. gugubica

    Rifle Scopes What I want my $800 optic to have...

    OK, so here is my list. These are the features that I want to see on an optics in the $800 range that I would run out and buy lots of. Everyone take my list and make any changes that you would like. 1. Accurate mechanically. It has to work exactly as it should. 2. I want the marks on the...
  16. E

    Rifle Scopes Doctor Optic Red Dot

    Does anyone make a Doctor Optic Red Dot mount that attaches directly to a rifle scope? What I have is a GG&G GS-1 scope base on my AR-15. I would like to have the option to take up close quick shots with the D/O red dot by mounting it between the rear scope ring and the elevation turret in a...
  17. Highground

    Rifle Scopes ACOG Fiber Optic Tube

    I've been meaning to ask for awhile.......My ACOG's fiber optic tube has little air bubbles and small "cracks" or striations that run accross the top surface of the tube. Is this normal?
  18. J

    Rifle Scopes Optic for Afghan

    Got answer figured was true.
  19. VTi

    Rifle Scopes Optic Magnification vs. Mirage ???

    Hi guys. Today we were shooting steel targets at 900yds and the mirage just terrible. The conditions must have been perfect to make the mirage especially shitty. We still did fine, but it brings up the question... How do you all deal with heavy mirage regarding scope magnification? I've...
  20. riley5001

    Rifle Scopes Night vision optic (info needed)

    Looking to buy a day night set up. can anyone recommend a good one, and price. also will need the rings that have the picatinny which hangs out front of optic to attach night scope. please help, new to the latest greatest night vision stuff